» Poetry » Whispering Souls, Paul Curtis [acx book reading .TXT] 📗

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Slenderly petite in stature
Adorned in shades of pastel nature
Hair the hue of copper red
Held with ribbon atop her head

Beneath her crimson fringe she views
Through shining eyes of brightest blue
With smiling confidence she speaks
Though with a blush upon her cheeks

Her lips soft pink and parted slightly
Aglow with luster and smiling brightly
She moves with elegance and grace
On dainty feet from place to place

Ivory hands of delicate softness
Fine fingers move with subtle deftness
No ring adorns her left hand finger
No marriage for this sweet joy bringer

Her eyes light up this radiant beauty
Her mouth turns up at corner cutely
Her countenance becomes breathtaking
It stops my heart but not from breaking

So who’s this angel you enquire?
Who’s this paragon of sweet desire?
So who’s this angel you ask again?
Why the angels name is simply Jane

An angel true from heaven above
Sent to touch my life with love
This capturer of hearts divine
I hope one day to make her mine


Who is this vision in the summer’s light?
Adorned in cotton dress of white
Shrouded in the scents of summer days
The vision backlit by the summer rays
The sunlight makes her naked in my eyes
A vision of beauty under summer skies


For sale
One broken heart
Good buy
One careless owner
For sale
My happy dreams
Good bye

No sale
Our golden memories
Good buy
My love on sale
For sale
Love I once treasured
Good bye

No sale
Loves fond Remembrance
Don’t sigh
Too late for sorry
For sale
One broken heart
Good bye


I never knew
When I wished for you
That the wish I wished
Would soon come true

I never knew
When I dreamed of you
In the dreams I dreamed
You would love me too


I meet her gaze I help her stand
I hold my breath and kiss her hand
I see her blush her cheeks red now
I smell her hair and kiss her brow
It brings me joy to hear her speak
I take her hand and kiss her cheek
I feel her skin neath my finger tips
I hold her face and kiss her lips
Our loves true passions now begin
I caress her form and kiss her skin
Our passions flow like summer rain
Our loves fulfilled as we kiss again
In the afterglow in fond embrace
We speak of love and I kiss her face

Time on my hands, so much time on my hands
Remorse and sorrow fill my days
Since she returned the golden band

Time to reflect, so much time to reflect
On the bitter words spoken
Causing tears I now regret

Long lonely hours, Such long lonely hours
Spent alone with my thoughts
About a sweet love turned sour

Long empty days, such long empty days
Seeing people and places
We had seen in happier ways

Long lonely nights, such long lonely nights
Sadly waking cold and alone
In the dawns unfriendly light

Time on my hands, so much time on my hands
Spending the hours of my solitude
Trying hard to understand

The most wonderful girl
To ever draw the breath of life
How honored I would be
If she agreed to be my wife
We will navigate together
Through adversity and strife
To be parted from her love
Would cut me like a knife
I will take my place beside her
And we will make ourselves a life
The most wonderful woman
To draw the breath of life
How honored I was that she
Agreed to be my wife
We did navigate together
Through adversity and strife
To be parted from her love
Would cut me like a knife
I took my place beside her
And we have made ourselves a life


There’s something about a cellist
That really turns me on
A female cellist obviously
In a low cut evening dress
Of emerald green velvet
The great polished instrument
Between her long black stockined legs
Her long brunette hair
Dancing across her naked shoulders
Brushing her alabaster skin
In frantic rhythm to her playing
Sat in the lavish surroundings
Of a grand hotel lobby
A pale willowy figure called Deidre
Purposefully thrashing out a piece by Elgar
Or music to slash your wrists by
To a disinterested audience
Ok its not cellists that turns me on
But there’s something about Deidre
That definitely does
When she’s playing the cello


She fills my thoughts before I sleep
And she’s there again when I awake

I have given my heart without regret
I gave it to her for my hearts sake

We have found an all-embracing love
If I lost her now my heart would break


If I knew then what I know now
I would not have hesitated for a second
I would have asked out Anne
Lovely self conscious Anne
Who never saw the beauty in herself
The brunette hair that framed her face
Her fabulous legs which she often kept covered
Her intoxicating laugh
The little scar on her cheek
That went red when she was tipsy
Anne who never saw what we all saw when we looked at her
Who always thought herself ordinary
Nothing could have been further from the truth
If only I’d asked her
But I dithered and I was too late
And I lost her to another
So instead I ended up dating her younger sister
Just to stay close, which was torture
And if I knew then what I know now
That night after the dance
When I sat alone with her in the lounge
With Marion asleep in her bed
I would have crossed the room
And rummaged in that awful baggy caftan
That she always wore wrestling her out of it
And I would have spent every precious minute
Caressing her naked flesh
Playing her body like an instrument
While my girlfriend slept above
If only I’d known then what I know now of life


Color lives where once was only monochrome
A symphony resounding instead of monotone
Tranquility resides where once the tempest raged
A life both rich and warm like a fine wine aged
A light illuminating what was darkly shrouded
Blue skies prevail when once they were clouded
A world with no more madness as I return to sanity
A life with no more uncertainty only simple clarity
Abiding warmth replacing the chill winters cold
Dormant senses come alive when your hand I hold
Happiness has banished anguish pain and sorrow
Happiness with you yesterday today and tomorrow


I loved Sally a lot though just platonic
You might even say we were symbiotic
Friendship stemming from times historic
Always together like something comic
Our thoughts and desires were esoteric
Finding partners was the normal topic
We both needed a relationship romantic
The search was fast becoming frantic

She started feeling like an old neurotic
Personally I was bordering on psychotic
So we planned a holiday to places tropic
On the stylish concord flying supersonic
It was our first time travelling avionic
To North America first via transatlantic
Then past the Indies to the south pacific
To a tropical desert island once volcanic

Our search for love is now quite chronic
If we find no one will we begin to panic
Could we search the area topographic
Should we view the island panoramic
Or should we relax and not be pathetic
Going on the beach doing things athletic
Going in the sea doing things aquatic
Enjoying ourselves lets not be pedantic

Alone in each others company harmonic
The evening birdsong sounds symphonic
The sultry air heavy with scents exotic
Fresh ice cubes cracking in gin and tonic
Her smiling countenance at once hypnotic
Deep passions stir with thoughts erotic
Knowing smiles exchanged but not sardonic
Confusion turmoil and thoughts chaotic

I want her now like a strong narcotic
We can resist no more this desire titanic
Our joint surrender is almost telepathic
We then make love to be more specific
Fulfillment reaching heights ecstatic
Loves consummated passions quite prolific
To give more details would not be politic
As my feelings for her now are honorific
Her inner beauty exposed and optimistic
Our hearts filled with a love gigantic
Our minds awash with thoughts poetic
Our future sealed and that’s fantastic
Finding hearts desire so close is ironic
How was it possible we were so myopic
We had to cross the globe how idiotic
Our soul mates found that’s terrific


My partner and lover
My significant other
My best friend and gal
My confidante and pal
She’s the love of my life
Happily she’s my wife


Beneath the clock I’m waiting expectantly
Awaiting my blind date a little nervously
He’s late but I don’t mind, at least not yet
He’ll have a good reason no doubt, I bet
He’s here at last and only an hour late
A good-looking man it was worth the wait
A kiss on the cheek and a smile how terrific
Oh but his breath could stop the traffic
But nobody’s perfect and he has a kind face
And he’s booked a table at an exclusive place
The restaurant looks fine, very expensive
Let’s hope appearances are not deceptive
The food is poor, and the service shambolic
His conversation is dull and monosyllabic
He drinks too excess and slobbers his food
His table manners are nothing short of rude
His drinking is driving me around the bend
I really can’t wait for the evening to end
The bill arrives and I’m asked to pay half
My immediate reply “you’re having a laugh”
He leaps to his feet and explodes with fury
Then falls backwards into the shrubbery
I throw him a look of contempt and disdain
Embarrassed I leave saying “never again”
How could I have known it would go so amiss?
I just can’t believe I shaved my legs for this


“Bob, go to the Hilton” I was told “and meet Sam Barraclough”
A lunchtime meeting at the Hilton sometimes life was tough
I was expecting a Yorkshire man with whippet on a lead you see
With a copy of the pigeon fanciers weekly laying on his knee
A dour Yorkshire man wearing cloth cap and dressed in tweed
So was not prepared for who it was to greet me I must concede
The whippet wealding Yorkshire man had turned out to be
A very pretty young woman who was called Samantha you see
She was actually a stunningly beautiful petite young blonde
The type of delicious creature it was impossible not to be fond
She introduced herself with a broad smile and a hearty hello
I stuttered out my own introduction by way of a quid pro quo
She offered her hand to me in greeting and I accepted it gladly
Her hand was soft and smooth like silk and gripped mine firmly
In my large paw her little hand was almost like that of a child

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