» Poetry » People Say, Christina Jones [superbooks4u txt] 📗

Book online «People Say, Christina Jones [superbooks4u txt] 📗». Author Christina Jones

People Say

People say time heals all , but does it realy.Time to me seams to make things worse. Time seams to stand still as i look back and remember all that went bad and all the little things i made better. Love comes and it goes as much as we want to say don't search for it it will come to u...does it ever really come to you. When you think love has come to you and you say this is forever, is forever really enuff? Life is like a roller coaster you have your ups and u have your downs. To me the downs come more then the ups do but I always know at the end of the day ill go back to that wonderful world full of dreams .


Publication Date: 10-25-2011

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