» Poetry » kocham cię..., hazem al jaber [leveled readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «kocham cię..., hazem al jaber [leveled readers .TXT] 📗». Author hazem al jaber

kocham cię...

how much i wished to say it...
how much i wished to make you feel it...
wish i could write it on your hearts` wall...
draw and carve it there...
to be forever with you...

wish that my feelings are an inks...
and its sky are a paper on your moon...

how much wished that my love to you is a flower...
to wake you up on its sweet aroma...

how much wished that my love to be as a story...
to make you wanderer in it`s dream...

sweet honey...
because i love you so and very much...
my heart uttering with your letters` name...
saying ,love you...
my eyes drawing you and says...
i love you...
my hands touching and enjoying yours saying...
i love you...
my lips has nothing else to say...
only just...
love you...
kocham cię...
love you...


By hazem02

© 2008 hazem02 (All rights reserved)

please feel free to read and to leave me your comments through my link which i gave..

lots of love...

hazem al...


Publication Date: 03-01-2010

All Rights Reserved

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