» Poetry » For Him, Kalai Selvi Arivalagan [best memoirs of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «For Him, Kalai Selvi Arivalagan [best memoirs of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Kalai Selvi Arivalagan

Dedicated to you!

For him

My heart is heavy without your smiles
I feel I have moved away miles.
Unknowingly I started the game
And now I am left alone to blame.
Different road have I taken
Where I live alone forsaken
Weary of tiredness and loneliness
My days move with an ugliness
For you are not here to cheer up
And let my dreams brighten
Struggling something to scribble down
Once again I think of your bright smile
It can lead ways of dark tunnels
And let me end the channel race,
Searching every way for you to come
Let me send my rhythm of love.

Thoughts for summer

Simmering thoughts on a summer day
Let my dreams go astray
Volumes of unspoken words
Reminds me of gazing herds
Blink of your powerful eyes
Will let me slowly into your gaze.
Tendrils sway in the morning breeze
And let my mind twist with a squeeze
Once again I am into a maze
Swinging forever an unknown trapeze.
Yet time has not come to reveal
What I need to do to be zeal.


Here I hibernate
with your memories at heart.
Perfumed spring flowers bloom
To drive away my gloom
Hot sun rays of early morning
Reaches me with a warning
Don’t let your heart wean
Away from memories so green.
Time and again I think of you
That let my days painted hue.
When the time brings in
An eye to eye contact to win
My hibernation will reach an end
And let my mind devoid of a bend.

A heart that feels your pain....

Have a heart to feel the pain
that tells again and again
Ever love expecting any gain
Night and day bloom ahead
Bringing dreams into head
Little effort needed to thread
hopes and dreams to tread

Addicted to you.....

Wherever bright smiles appear
little hearts desire
more and more love
tiny love wings lifted in air
spread the perfume every way
love drifted pollen adore flowers
painting petals with varied colors
if you look at me once more
it can send my heart to beat
faster and faster to win
our unique race of love


Excited I doodle and doodle
forgetting the maze I am in.
Crippled and twisted
memories make me feel the pain.
Far beneath the fading twilight
I stand alone with stained cheeks
smelling salty and crushed.

Love ashore

Shallow waters of the shore
silently whispers words of love
Ripples of love laugh
moves along with the waves
sliding through sands of time
Soothing evening breeze
allows me to be there once again
in your mighty arms of love.


Publication Date: 04-28-2012

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A secret admirer!!

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