» Poetry » Probing for Me, Belinda Slider-Baker [ebook reader 8 inch .txt] 📗

Book online «Probing for Me, Belinda Slider-Baker [ebook reader 8 inch .txt] 📗». Author Belinda Slider-Baker

Probing for Me

Little girl in me
Where have you gone?
Please find your way back
To right this awful wrong

To right this awful wrong
So lost without a find
Embedded in the core of our soul
Obscured deep in our mind

Obscured deep in our mind
Are thoughts from the past
Haunting me over and over
Memories that seem to last

Memories that seem to last
No good ones--- all bad
All during our adolescence
Leaving us feeling mortified and sad

Leaving us feeling mortified and sad
I now don’t know what to do
Masked it so deeply
Now I’m searching for you

Now I’m searching for you
To take me back 20 years
To face these probing demons
Encumber these irrepressible tears

Encumber these irrepressible tears
Set my mind and body free
Please, oh please, help
Little girl in me


Publication Date: 02-25-2012

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