» Poetry » De anima, Tessa Ellington [best books to read in your 20s txt] 📗

Book online «De anima, Tessa Ellington [best books to read in your 20s txt] 📗». Author Tessa Ellington

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Let the flame of my hear burn away.
Die, become cold and numb.
Like the countless others,
the ones who become broken.
Stopped trying to fight for themselves,
but instead gave in.
Gave in to the fear,
to the pain.
To the complete loneliness that suffocates,
makes it hard to breathe.
Let the flame burn out,
Let me become a mindless puppet,
just like you.


tumbling into the unknown.
I scream and cry out
demanding to understand what it is that I did wrong.
Only to hear the soft, mocking echo of laughter.
Fall to a world that I had once watched from above.
Had once tried to protect and help.
Now I am forever banished to the cursed land of man.
Cursing God,
I fall heavily onto the earth,
all the precious air knocked out of my lungs.
Stars dance in front of my eyes as I try to stand.
To try to find some way of getting back to the place I had once called home.
My home in the clouds.

I look behind me,
afraid to see what I knew would be.
I cry out in heartache and fury at what I see.
My once pure white wings were now blacker than Satan's soul.
Forever to mark me as what I now am.
A fallen angel.
Fallen without committing a sin.
Fallen without reason other than vengeance.

With another yell of rage,
I promise God and anyone who can hear me that I will have revenge.


Drip, drip, drip.
The slow, rhythmic thump from the rain that falls.
Slowly at first,
but picks up speed little by little.
You stare numbly out the window,
watch the rain fall like your tears.
Wishing that you were out there,
in the rain,
so no one knew that the water on your face was tears you once again cried.
For someone that you had lost.
Your hands grip your sides,
shivering against the cold inside of you,
inside of your heart.
One by one,
the tears come.
Leaving tracks on your pale, blank face.
You hear a knock on your door,
someone calls your name.
You make an excuse,
and stay in front of the window.
Letting the tears fall,
just like the rain.
Drip, drip, drip

Lost Souls

Invisible to most,
a nightmare for others.
They are forbidden from this world,
but some find a way through.
To escape the cursed world of the damned.
A place full of fire and pain.
Their tortured screams fill the night air,
sending a bone-deep fear into the hearts of man.

The souls that managed to escape,
seek revenge against those who had dishonored them.
Brought disgrace to their name,
their life.

They drift,
hiding from the cursed world that they had escaped from.
Trying to ignore the calling of others that scream out in pain,
and fear.
Forgotten by most,
a tormentor for others.

Chorus of Death

Guns flash,
bullets fly,
all around me I hear the cry.
The rising cry of thousands of men
losing their lives,
and for what reason?
For what meaningless cause did they waste their precious lives for?
I dodge and shoot blindly,
trying desperately to get away alive.
To escape this hell I blindly walked into.
More and more men fell around me,
adding their voices to the rising chorus of death.
Then, just as I believe I may be one of the lucky ones to live,
I am hit.
I fall, gasping for breath against the searing white pain in my chest.
And as my vision slowly fades to black,
I add my cry to the chorus.

Masks of Man

I sit here cold,
Watching others pass by, not glancing my way.
I stare on with blank eyes, seeing nothing,
and yet seeing everything.
Every heartache,
every pain.
Their auras glow with a mix of colours.
A rainbow of mixed emotions.
Red for anger and hate,
blue for pain and loneliness,
green for jealousy and envy,
pink for love.
I see all, and I am alone.
Alone to the heartache of being rejected,
called a freak.
Frowned upon by everyone I see,
whispered about behind my back.
I used to belong.
I used to have a family,
before my curse had been awakened.
Then, just like all the others,
they turned away from me.
Afraid that I would see the secrets that they desperately tried to hide.
Afraid that I would betray them.
So I sit here,
Watching your so-called friends smile at your face, and plot to stab you in the back.
Watching and seeing through every mask man tries to wear,
and I ask,
which one are you wearing?


Burning, agonizing, lacing pain.
It courses through your veins,
tearing you,
destroying you.
Slowly driving you insane.
You hear a tiny voice in your head.
Whispering to you,
telling you that you deserve what you are getting.
Telling you that your worthless.
You try to force the voice away,
but the pain makes you weak;
and you start to believe the voice.
You cry out in pain and anger,
and you try to find anyway to escape the pain.
Your hand lands on a knife, and in a wild thought of freedom,
you plunge it deep into your chest.
Red blood erupts from the wound,
and you slump down on the floor,
tears coming out of your eyes,
as they slowly start to close.

Beating of a Lonely Heart

Thump, Thump, Thump
the beating of a lonely heart

Hear it beat inside your chest.
Feel it try to fly away,
away from this world full of ache.
It spreads its wings and takes flight,
just like a bird.
Trying to get back to the person who left you
Your heart just does not know yet,
that he has gone away.
But it still tries to fly
everytime you see his face.
You try to calm your heart down;
try to make it understand it understand he is gone.
But your heart does not understand.
He looks at you with cold, blank eyes,
and your heart suddenly stops trying to fly away.
It sits cold,

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