» Poetry » The Spirit of East Berlin, Roland Scheller [e textbook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Spirit of East Berlin, Roland Scheller [e textbook reader txt] 📗». Author Roland Scheller

The Spirit of East Berlin

Let's throw stones against the tanks 
If they shoot you down, don't say thanks. 
Refuse to go to work today 
And gather at Stalin Allee. 
Blockade the whole goddam road 
Don't leave as the ministers told 
Stop the tanks on their deadly way 
Throwing stones is fair to pay 
Aggressive tanks in peaceful times 
Causing officially major crimes 
Cold war East Berlin scenery 
Cold war east machinery 
Workers throwing stones - together 
Summer night and summer weather 

(Kiel, Unrat, 5.7.2016) 


Publication Date: 07-09-2016

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