» Poetry » My Life In Poetry, Emily Robnolte [books to get back into reading .txt] 📗

Book online «My Life In Poetry, Emily Robnolte [books to get back into reading .txt] 📗». Author Emily Robnolte

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We are lost
Lost in the darkness of this world
We are lost in money
Some are lost in drugs
We are all lost

I am lost
Lost in his eyes
Lost in his laugh
I am lost

He is lost
Lost in her eyes
Lost in her love
He is lost without me

We are all lost
Whether we find our way bad is on us
I will not find my way back
For I love him but he loves her


There is an absence in my heart
This absence is where he belonged
He told me that he loved me
And I was stupid enough to believe him
Even though I knew he was seeing her
When I confronted him he left me out in the cold
He left me with an absence in my heart that will never be filled

The Moment

There’s a moment when everything seems clearer
A moment when you realize that you’re not the only person that matters
A moment when you realize that life is too short to live with regrets
There’s a moment for just about everything
And there will be many times in your life that you just stop and think
You’ll think about your life
About what you’ve done right and what you’ve done wrong
There are moments you need to remember and some that you’d rather forget
To some they’re just moments but to others they’re what make up life
All of us have moments and it’s up to us to either keep them or forget them

Tears in the Dark

Tears they fall like rain
They fall in the dark
Where no one can see

Where no can see the pain I feel
Pain from the beatings
Pain from the cruel names

That’s why tears fall
And that’s why they fall in the dark

Beads of Blood

Drip, drip, drip
Blood drops to the floor
Every drop takes away some of the pain and abuse

Cut deeper but not to far
Make it flow faster but not to quick
Release the emotions but not all

The blood falls like rain
It washers my emotional slate clean
Without this I couldn’t survive another day
A day of name call and being told to go kill myself

Drip, drip, drip
My blood drops to the floor

Looking Back

As I walk alone through life
I start to ponder the choices that I’ve made
Looking back I think about what I could have done better or not done at all
Looking back I realize that I chose to walk through life alone
While others tried to talk to me
I just turned around and walked away for fear of getting hurt
For I have a sensitive heart and cannot bear the possibilities of getting hurt
Looking back I realized that I should not have had a fear of getting hurt
For all the people around me loved me for who I was and had no intention to hurt me
After looking back I go home and get up the next morning to go to school and start making new friends
For now I know not to fear of being hurt


Tonight I look up at the stars and think about how beautiful they are
About how I could form pictures in them and make patterns all night
Tonight I listen to the rain
I listen to the deafening crack of thunder as it shakes the house
I watch the lightning while it blinds me with just how beautiful and natural it is
Tonight I stay to ponder life
To ponder about my family
To ponder about my friends
Tonight as I lay in bed I weep
For I have hurt the ones I love
So tonight as I fall asleep I think about the life god gave me and how glad I am to have it

The Fallen

I speak for the ones that are lost and can’t find their way
The ones that have lost their faith
We are the fallen

We fall and fall but our feet don’t touch the ground
We fly and fly but can’t reach the sky

I speak for our future
I speak for our past
I speak for us all
For we our the fallen

10, 9, 8, 7, 6…

10 minutes till I die
10 regrets before I go with a drop of blood for each
10. Walking away
9. Leaving your side
8. Letting this happen to me
7. Not saying goodbye
6. Failing you
5. Standing around while my best friend killed herself and feeling helpless
4. Not saying goodbye
3. Loving him and not you
2. Not making the most of my life
10 seconds one left
1. Not saying I love you
5 seconds as I say my final goodbye
2, 1 I’m gone

A Perfect Picture

Sitting together under the tree
Our laughs mingling together
Then floating away with the breeze
A perfect picture

A picture that seems so perfect
No one tries to see past the façade that we put up

We put it up to protect ourselves
And to hide our suspicions
That each of us loves another

So we put up the façade
And walk through each day
Hoping no one will see past a perfect picture

An Innermost Pain

Drip, drip, drip
Blood drops to the floor
My skin bursts every time he hits me
It hurts so much
But I have become addicted
When he hits me it brings me back
Back from a world that I’ve created
Created to block the truth of my life
Where I’m beaten and called horrible names

Drip, drip, drip
My tears drop to the floor
Save me from this torture
Save me from this home which is not a home
Save me from my life before I take it myself

Step, step, step
Here he comes
I don’t know if I can stand this much longer

He comes closer
He yells and slaps my face
I try to run, I try to scream but he’s to fast

My lifeless body falls to the floor
No one tried to see
No one tried to help
It’s no use now because I’m fee
Free of him and the awful names
I’m free of this wretched life

Falling Apart

Standing there together
Under the moonlight
Looking quietly up at the stars
Watching how they shine
On that night we began falling apart

The night that we were no longer one
The night our love was gone

He was a brightly shining star and I was insignificant dust
He was a god and I was a mere mortal

We still stand together
Under the moonlight
Looking up at the stars
And we’re still falling apart
Slower and slower until finally we brake

Who Am I

Who am I?
Please help me figure it out
Because I have lost myself,
In a pool of self pity and hate

Who am I?
I ask myself
Today is the day I find out who it is that I am

Leave Me Here

I'm not the girl you think you know
I never was and never will be
If I show you the real me
Take me or leave me
You can't make me change
I can't make you stay
We both know you'll be gone by morning
i'll be left with a broken heart and shattered trust
So leave me before I fall even more
I'll love you forever but I cant't do this
Don't lie to me and stay
Or I'll never forgive you
I love you
But leave me here and go on your own

Two Sides

Part of me is cool green
Calm and collected
Sweet and kind
Laughing and smiling
But there's a part of me no one sees
Icy blue, like the coldest winter
Shy and afraid to believe
Unhappy but unwilling to share
Talkative yet reserved
You may only see one
But only until I show you all of me

The Day That I Lost You

The birds were flying high
On that cloudy morning
I could hear your breath
And the wind through the trees
I heard someone's light laugh in the distance
The fresh scent of rain and you cologne on the breeze
The bright smell of the coffee in my hands
The touch of your rough hands on my cheeks
The wetness of my tears on my arms
I try hard but I'll never forget the day that I lost you

This Feeling

What is this feeling
This burning in my chest
This aching in my heart
What is it
This feeling that I feel
It is raw and uncontrollable fear
Fear that my world is falling apart
That I'll loose everything and everyone close to me
But why do I feel this way?

Together By Chains

Thrown together by chains
Stuck together by fate
Two broken hearts to create one whole
When the chains are released
It won't matter
Two souls chained together
To create eternal love

Never Leave

You took my heart
You took my love
You took all of me

I hope you'll never leave
Because if you leave I'll have nothing left

My world would be shattered
My heart would be crushed

I hope you never leave
Because I love the way you're always there
And how you really care

Never leave because I love you
And that should be enough

Bleeding Hearts

So many bleeding hearts
So many tears shed

To many lives taken
To many souls broken

All because of stupid people
That just don't know
Know how much they really hurt others
How much they hurt people like me

No more bleeding hearts
No more tears
No more death
No more broken souls

Life is cruel but to try
To help and trying to stop
It really matters
To people like me

The Real Me

If you look past the makeup
You'll find a girl that's insecure
If you pull up my sleeves
You'll see that to me pain is the only thing that's real
If you watch my day from morning to night
You'd see how many tears I cry
If you look in my eyes?
You'd see what I'm willing to show you
The real me
The person who hates her life
But tries to pull through
The girl who's best friend
Is the pain she needs to get through
The teenager that puts forth strength and warmth
The girl who cries because she bares her soul to only herself
Because to me no one cares enough to look past the makeup
To look past the facade
And to tear down the walls
To find
The Real Me

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