» Poetry » Message From Heaven and Other Works, Jeff Edwards [small books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Message From Heaven and Other Works, Jeff Edwards [small books to read txt] 📗». Author Jeff Edwards

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Message From Heaven

Do not be mistaken in all that you are going through.
I just want you to know that I have never left you...
While it is true you can no longer call me on the phone,
I will always be with you, so you are never alone
When you hear a child's laughter, when a golden sunset you see,
When you feel the touch of a breeze...all these things are me
So don't ever think for one moment that we are apart,
For God has left me with you to live forever in your heart.
You may see me in the sunshine you may see on any day,
May hear me in the sound of children at play,
Feel me as unnumbered raindrops cover your skin,
So do not think that you can know these things never again
While the rest of the world may never know that I am there,
I am and always will be, I am not going anywhere,
Do not think this is the ending, this is a brand new start
For God has left me with you to live forever in your heart.

Lost Lover's Prayer, Part One

And so I live alone
Without you by my side
Just wish I could be shown
How to find peace inside.
They say love is forever
And I choose to believe
A life cannot sever
Love that has been received.
You took me to paradise
Then asked that I let you go
But my heart has realised
That with you went my soul.
Some tears are invisible
Please do not be decieved
By the number visible
On the day you did leave.
With each new day there comes a dawn
When I awaken again
To a world where I find you gone
As I start a new day then
I ask how to go on alone
Knowing you won't be there
Ask the way to be shown
It's a lost lover's prayer.

Just A Man

Sometimes I do and say
Things I can't explain.
Sometimes I walk away
When I want to remain
Sometimes I let pride
Lead me to a fall
Sometimes keep deep inside
What I want most of all
But I am just a man
That's all I'll ever be
So I do what I can
Just to try to be me.
Sometimes I know it seems
That I just don't care
Something inside me screams
It just isn't fair
Sometimes there are some things
I'd rather not know
Things that bring suffering,
Pain, loss and sorrow
For I am just a man,
You get just what you see,
Try to understand...
You be you, I'll be me.

Judgement Day

I guess it is always going to be this way
Every day is judgement day
Every day I hear someone call my name
And I know the verdict will be the same
Guilty -- doing life without parole
Guilty -- the word is carved in my soul.
Some say I've been forgiven to make a new start,
I should have no regrets and an open heart
Maybe I should but it hasn't happened yet
I may be forgiven but I just can't forget
Life is a test and sometimes the test is rough
'Specially those times when my best isn't good enough
So if tomorrow I face yet another day
Once again it will be judgement day.

For My Nephew's Baptism

I've spent so much time trying to seek
Out just the right words I want to speak
But actions speak louder than words do
And often they help to show what is true
No matter if words are pleasant to hear
The actions will show if they are sincere
And even when I speak my prayers to send
My words may be a whisper in the wind
But today let the actions taken shout
"Okay, Lord, this is what I am about!"

God's Trash

Like an empty, broken jar waiting to be tossed,
All I held dear – my life's very meaning – I'd lost
All that was left for me was give up and give in...
I found myself in God's recycling bin.
I gave no thought then to what would become of me;
Depending on, not deserving His love for me.
Nothing special was I, though I once had thought so,
All that I used to be I had now to let go
He could take me and make me whatever He would,
It was not up to me to tell Him what He should...
Would I be what I was or would I become new?
Like a stained glass window for His light to shine through.
So worthless was I, yet worth more than any cash...
I'm honored to be considered part of God's trash.

The Path I'm On

Read in the Good Book where it does say
“Straight is the path and narrow the Way”
That is not the path which I have been on
Though at times it narrows to the point of gone
I definitely would not call this path straight,
So it makes me wonder about my fate.
There have been wrong turns here and there
Which took me places I'd rather not share,
There have been blind curves and bridges burned,
Times when I would get so completely turned
That in circles I would just go round
Until I could not even tell up from down,
There have been potholes and detour signs
And places I only went inside my mind.
Came a time, with all my pride, I paid the cost,
Had to admit I was hopelessly lost...
“Know where I'm going, but I fear,
As the saying goes, can't get there from here
So it seems to me, if I am going to survive,
Think I better just scoot over and let You drive.”

The Old Man Of The Street

He was a simple man, the old man of the street
With rags wrapped around him and worn shoes upon his feet
And he slept in alleys or doorways where he laid
And each night before sleeping, he prayed
And some men called him hobo and other called him worse,
No matter what they called him, never once heard him curse.
And he prayed “Lord, please forgive them, for they don't understand
I don't live like they do, so I must be wrong,
But I'm not looking for a handout I'm just looking for a hand,
Enlighten them, Lord, let them know I too belong.”
Once he had served his country, over in the war,
Then found it was true, you can't go home anymore
For each night as he lay down there came the same dreams...
The gunfire, the bodies, and the screams
Then came drink and drugs and went home, job and family
For no one knew he could not shut out the memory.
They found him dead lying there just the other day
I guess sometime in the night his dreams had gone away
As they looked for identification on the man
A worn silver medal was found clutched in his hand.

Orange County Jail

I had had a drink or three
Which was nothing new to me
Saw a car with a bubble on top,
Two men in blue who asked me to stop,
Now they had pistols which they did pull
So I stopped for I am no fool
Out of my car and into the street
Being O so kind, considerate and sweet
They said Walk a straight line, heel to toes
And touch your finger to your nose
I failed to do either right
So guess where I spent the night...
In their car they took me away
Said they had a place for me to stay
With 5 other guys, all locked in a cell
Stinking, dirty place, Orange County Jail.
They took my billfold and my belt
And for weapons I was felt
Had me blow up a balloon as a test
I flunked it, like all the rest
Then that big iron door they flung open wide
And none to gently ushered me inside,
Told me I would just be there overnight
So my first cigarette I did light.

This Old Dog

Tonight this dog is on the prowl
'Fore the night is over you will hear me howl.
Your new hounddog best stay our of my way
'Cause it's gonna happen just like they say
This old dog is gonna have his day.

I know I'm in the dog house again
'Though you throw me a bone ev'ry now and then,
There's a new hounddog whos been beatin' my time
And when I catch him it's gonna be a crime
You'll see this dog's still in his prime.

When I find that dog whos been playin house
I won't be playin' no cat and mouse
I'll tear into him just like a dog with a bone
So you best tell him to leave you alone
Yes you best tell him that you are my own.

So tell your hounddog you didn't mean to play
And tell him you can't be pickin' up no stray
And tell him he best be stayin' out of my way
'Cause it's gonna happen just like they say
This old dog is gonna have his day.


Sometimes you say you love me
Sometimes I swear you don't
Sometimes you're gonna leave me
But I know that you won't
Sometimes when we're kissin'
Sometimes when you hold me tight
I wonder who you're missin'
And whos missin' you tonight
When sometimes is enough time
And that old push should become a shove
Don't you think it's about time
He had all of your sometimes love
I don't need no sometimes lover, baby, it's a full time job you see
You can't sometimes be lovin' another and sometimes be lovin' me
I don't need no sometimes lover, honey, got the stingiest heart in town
And sometimes you're gonna discover sometimes I won't be around

Small Town Talk

Did you hear what I heard?
Listen close to the latest word
No need to turn on your t.v.,
You can get it straight from me...
Now I'm not one for carryin' tales
But guess who spent last night in jail...
Did you hear what happened last night?
Did you hear who got in a fight?
Did you hear who's sleepin' with who?
Listen close or I might talk about you
Now I hate to talk behind anyone's back
But you know what I say is a natural fact.
Small town talk, it's better than the radio
Small town talk, forget about a picture show
No need to tune in the latest soap...
I can give you all the dope...
Small town talk, I've got to pass it on, you see
'Cause I know somebody somewhere is tellin' tales on me

Searching For Words

What is this fever in my brain
Which no mere words can explain?
Words! How useless they do seem
As I awake -- did I dream?
No! Let it not be so thought!
What then to this point has brought...
And once again I draw a blank.
My mind soaring, my heart just sank.
Why is it I feel so compelled to write
Of things which I know in my heart I might
Never find the proper words to define
As if I speak language not mine
For I know too well what needs be said,
What needs be written, what needs be read
Yet between my hopes and Heaven hang a

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