» Poetry » Decieving Appearances, Juniper Lee [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Decieving Appearances, Juniper Lee [if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Juniper Lee

The world sees,
A beautiful young girl.
She has good grades,
So she must be smart.
She wears nice clothes,
So she can’t be poor.
She laughs and talks like normal,
So she must feel great.
They all think.

The next day,
The girl has changed.
She complained so much,
So she must be a brat.
She jeered at everyone sarcastically,
So she must be mad at them.
She wore too much make-up,
So she must want to impress someone.
Or so they say.

God sees,
The same beautiful young girl.
She has good grades,
Because she is smart.
She wears nice clothes,
Because she’s okay with hand-me-downs.
She laughs and talks like normal,
Because she has a loving family to help her.
He knows her.

The next day,
When the world thinks she has changed.
She complained so much,
Because her family is poor and almost homeless.
She jeered at everyone sarcastically,
Because no one understands her.
She wore too much make-up,
Because she tried to cover up her feelings of depression.
He understands her problems.


Publication Date: 05-16-2011

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