» Poetry » The Darker Side of Life, Kaitlin Chenoa Humphries [read novel full .txt] 📗

Book online «The Darker Side of Life, Kaitlin Chenoa Humphries [read novel full .txt] 📗». Author Kaitlin Chenoa Humphries

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He cut her deep across her heart

With each word that spilled from his lips
a new cut in her heart bled again
she could not stop the pain the hurt
the cruelty of words
and when she spoke to try and soothe
deep searing eyes of hate and pain
would make her cringe and turn away.

But once he saw her tears her pain
he'd try to heal the cuts he gave.
She'd try her best to show him love
to show him that his soothing worked
even though the cut still bled.

Yet not long after he soothed
one foul step she'd cause his hate
and once more he'd cut her deep
the words that spilled from his lips
made her wish she could die in sleep.

She told herself she could change him back
the 9 months past were just a phase
he'd return to her just as he had
the cuts on her heart would start to fade
and they'd be happy like ever was.

But still the next day his words cut more
and nothing could save her from the hurt.
With every word and every look
he cut her heart more and more
till slowly the peices began to fall
and like a woman not herself
she began to walk a weary trial.

With eyes downcast
and wary steps
she began to watch herself.
No more could she trust for his support
yet the strength to leave him
was not there
and so slave to her own broken heart
she stayed with him to weak to leave
treated like a slave of the olden days
forced to keep her eyes low in case she should enrage
as he cut her deep across her heart
continuously without stop.


The wave of sorrow
hits as though pandoras box was open
nothing could keep the wave at bay
as the halls fell silent.

peculiar yet needed
but sometimes unwelcomed.
Those that we know
leave our sides and we grow angry
wish for them to return
to come back and live again.

An unending cycle
and undending pain
and yet nothing can be done to stop it.
Some would say it's the persons time
while those they tell would curse fate.
Others would speak that it is just chance
and if somthing had been done different
the pain the loss would have stayed away.

peculiar indeed
and the pain that it brings seems like a horrible thing.
Nothing can stop it once it's found it's prey
yet those of us wish to keep it at bay.

The crash it took somone away
and I am forced to sit
and watch as my friends break.
I can't do nothing
but sit and watch them cry
for every soothing touch I give
and every soothing word I say
feels like a lie.

a horrible thing
somthing I wish I could destroy
so if only to see my friends no longer break
and to see the girl that crash took away
come back and smile as though the day never happened.

As children watch

Harsh callused hands
they grip hard to the cool neck of a drink
drunk again
and yet she stayed nearby.

One foul step her body flew
and to the ground she fell
the bruise upon her cheek was harsh
but still she stood
did not depart.

And when his hand it flew again
skillfully this time she ducked
now knowing from experience
that one strike would not be the end.

His cry of rage it shook her
as her little ones they cower
she screams for them to go upstairs,
and in turn loses her concentration
then his fist connects with her side
throwing her against a wall
she slid down and the little ones began to scream.

The angry hiss from his lips
pushed through the hazy blackness.
She pushed quickly to her feet
and grabbed his hand as he went to strike
with one more screech at the children to leave
she winced as she was thrown over the coffee table.

And through the pain she felt relief
as she heard little feet run upstairs
she heard the sounding slam of a door closing and locking
then the grunt as her husband in his drunken rage
once more rounded to do her damage again.

By the nights end she was battered and bruised
yet somehow made it to the stairs
and pulled herself up to check on her little ones there.
She could hear the cries
the terror in ones voice
as she knocked on the door and promised it was only her.

Upon walking in the room
in more of a hobble then the dignified way she meant
she saw the anger in her sons eyes
and knew he was no longer too young to relent.

Her daughter she sat on a bed
a teddy bear held tight in white hands
and once she had that one calmed
she kneeled to calm her son as well
only to see the fire his father had held
and at that thought the evil man yelled her name
and kissing her sons head she scampered his way.

Finally about 2 in the morn'
he was sound asleep a bottle in his arm
she picked up the 20 some odd drinks
threw them away and slinked up the stairs
to sleep alone and in pain
until the next night when it would start again.

The Crash

She stares upon the white curtains
of the hospital bed where she lay
a girl no more then 17
who lost all that she had to live.

Just one mistake had taken her down
just one moment to ruin her friends life
the family so much like her own
now in tears and feeling like they could die.

A fallen CD had caused this saddness
and a moment to late she tried to brake
having bent over to pick it up
she did not see the truck infront.

The car it went head on
the engine crushed into her lap
her best friend flung from the seat
having not worn a seatbelt
his skull was crushed on impact
he ended up in the others car.

By the time the team got there he was dead
but in her head she could still hear his cries of pain
the pain in her legs a fire of its own
and the hot engine slowly burning at her clothes.

Finally they got her out
she passed out from pain as they pulled
but she couldn't move her legs at all
and heard in the voices around her
she would never move again.

They cut off her crushed legs
and so she lay in a hospital bed
staring at the ceiling and instead of crying for herself
she cried for her dead friend
realizing that even with no legs she was lucky
yet she caused his death and wish it had been her instead.

Cursed to Bleed

The chain's wrapped tight in her hands
cutting into her palm till she bleeds.
The tears she cries are a deep red
because her heart, it bleeds.

She pulls the chain tighter as she begins to think
using the pain to cut off all thought
of the past that haunts her so
a man that she works hard to forget.

The blood from the chain in her palm
drips slowly to the ground
the flowers quickly soak it up
her pain absored without remorse
and she quickly realizes
that her pain is of her own.

No one will come to her aid
she'll face this alone till the end
and so the chain shifts hands
pulled tight again till it cuts skin.

But pulled away from her it is
and wrapped around her neck
the chains pulled tight till bleeds she does
and on the the ground she lies.

The figure having relinquished her pain
runs away with that necklace in hand
though he thinks it a prize
it's just a cursed jewel
upon which only brings pain and doom.

Now in new hands, the cycle starts again
the chain drawn tight and blood begins to drip
until once more the one it holds is dead
and it continues from hand to hand.

Fateful Day

They jumped out of the plane
20 some odd men
dressed in their army greens
guns a ready for a fight.

He stood among them
little man not one to be seen
as a military man
but his eyes were bright
ready for the on coming fight.

That when the bombs started
blasting from lord knows where
the men they scattered
but already 4 were caught in the bombs.

The man he throws himself to the ground
looks around the clearing
calculating where the enemies were.
But then the shots rang out
and the others began to drop.

When everything finally quieted
he was on of very few left
a comrade was in his arms
dying a bloody death.

Eyes opened and an old man downs his drink
dressed in his military greens.
The memory plays through his head
and he cries for the dead
for his fallen brothers in that fateful day
when they died
and he had no hope to live.

The old man touched his head
where a peice of strapnel had been left
a reminder of that fateful day
never leaving his head or his brain.

Death A Soldiers Grave

Buried deep beneath the ground,
love doesn't reach,
there is no sound,
happiness has been unfound
nothing left but the ground.

You visit him every day,
the tears you cry they make him ache,
nothing left not a trace.

Flowers left besides his grave,
you cry for the life you gave,
child gone no laughter left,
yet your tears fall,
the grave is dead.

The flowers die,
the ground is dry,
nothing lives above.

Death unwanted,
death unwelcoming,
no longer visiting,
no longer crying.

In the ground is where he stays,
the sky is where his soul aches,
but as long as war will always reign,
the ground is where he will stay,
this is the soldiers fate,
the fallen hero's,
final resting place.

Hiding in Darkness

She's hides in darkness
slowly wallowing in her own pain
slowly dying
withering into nothing.

He pushed her down
till nothing could bring her up
he showed her how unimportant she was.

He was better
she was trash
she had problems
things were bad.

He pushed her to the bottom
and now she can't climb back
everything was different
no longer can she stand the harsh words.

He bruised her
he hurt her
her emotions were awry
nothing else could bring her alive.

Dead inside is what she has become
no longer does her future seem so bright
no longer does her future seems so right
instead she sees failure
instead she sees nothing but darkness.

He pushed her down
so far into the ground
that no longer can she stand alone.

She became the joke
the person that could come to nothing
the one that would never reach her dreams.

And so he continued to push her down
if only to shine brighter.
He continued to make her a joke
if only to make her light dimmer.

And so he

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