» Poetry » Tender Words And Vibrant Songs, Frances Ayers (Editor) [web based ebook reader txt] 📗

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Tender Hearts And Vibrant Songs

Table Of Contents                                   2


Forward                                                10


Becky Northrup


Black eyed Susans                                   12

Regret                                                  13


Freya Pickard


Silence                                                  15

March Hope.                                          19


Elizabeth Castillo


Bliss                                                      21

In Pink                                                  22

A Brand New Day                                   23


Jagjit Singh Jit


The Imprisoned Soul                               26

Search                                                  28

Souls In Love                                         30

A Bond Celestial                                     33   


Pradipta kumar Mohanty


Ecstasy                                                 36

Celebration.                                           37

Journey                                                39


Diwakar Pokhriyal


Wait of Betterment                                43

Haiku Chain                                            44

Stand For Light                                      45


Arkajyoti Samanta


All The Time,I Need The Pot                    49

Love                                                     51

Short Poem 2                                        51

Short poem 3                                        52


Jason Enrique Guzman


The Ides Of March                                  54


Carlos Andre'Dos Santos Ferreira


Winter's Past                                          58


Alicja Maria Kuberska


Dew                                                      62

A Little Angel                                          63

June Rows                                              64

The DayBreak                                          66


Aparna Pathak


Retreat                                                   70

Your Feet                                                72  

Understanding                                          73

Moon Appears                                           76


Bozena Helena Mazur Nowak


Comorants Return                                      79

Goodbye                                                   81                              

Sheherazade                                              82

Happiness As A Slice Of Bread                       83

River                                                         85

The Apple Tree                                          87


Lewis Frederick Crystal


Intro To Three Choruses Of Love 

(Blind Willie Loveless)                                   90

Love-First Chorus.                                        90

Love-Second Chorus                                    92

Love-Third Chorus                                       95


Frances Ayers


A Little Touch Of Love                                99

(Butterfly Cinquain)

Songs Of Vibrant Spring                              100

(Haiku Chain)

Love's Blessing                                           101

(A Double Etheree)

These Tender Moments                              103

(Senryu Chain)



 In this our fifth Facebook poetry anthology,we choose as our theme,the season of Spring.A time of the year that resonates all that is beautiful,hopeful and new both in ourselves and in nature.

The soul and all of life is renewed and rebirthed.Our Poets describe the beauty of nature and the hope of love in all it's glory.Overcoming struggle and difficulty is also a form of rebirth as we discover new possibilities within ourselves and in our relationships.Throughout this anthology you will find the mundane intertwined with the etereal,and you will be touched by dreams,desire,recollections,longing,and possibilities.Our hope is that you will be inspired.

 Frances Ayers-Editor


Becky Northrup

 Becky began writing when she was 12 years old,after her grandfather died. She is also an aspiring short story Writer.She was recently published in her first magazine,FM and lives in the United States with her three children.

Black Eyed Susans

A sunny day, a warm breeze, a walk, searching.My little hand in your big hand, in a field searching. A smile that reached your eyes and touched my heart, searching. A bouquet of black eyed Susan's found, memories made. Love pure and sweet, though you are no longer here. A sunny day, a warm breeze, a walk, black eyed Susan's and memories, bittersweet

© Becky Northrup


Forgive me please for all thats past and for words I did not say.Three little heartfelt words that I have long not spoken but have felt them everyday. I hope you know that I love you and that I always have. Out of hurt and misunderstanding I stupidly stayed away, now too late do I realize what I have missed along the way. I know I cannot hug you now or tell you I love you but hopefully you remembered a time so long ago when last I hugged you and let my feelings show. I love you now like I loved you then my uncle and my friend and hopefully someday we will meet again. I love you uncle Chuck!!!

© Becky Northrup


Freya Pickard

 Freya Pickard is the author of Dragonscale Leggings and lives in a little cottage with a view of the distant sea in southern England. She runs two blogs at and




Under this chestnut tree I am waiting.

The world is silent,

It has forgotten how to sing.

As sleep hovers at the corners of my eyes

The occasional breeze brings me messages;

Tantalising whiffs of garlic; musky scents of loam,

Then everything is silent and still again.

No duck swims on the pool’s placid surface,

No butterfly darts over lilies there,

No fish ‘gloops’ in his play in the sunshine,

Even the chestnut tree seems to sleep.

Then the silence of the earth is broken,

I feel the soil vibrate.

Swish and scrape of leaf and branch

Hit my ear as you advance.

The sun pours down more richly

And I see you framed by reeds.

You must not see me, smell me, hear me,

I must be so still and hardly breathe,

You must not know that I can see you.

Do not vanish like a dream!

White hide, long legs, sleek muscled frame,

Treading the sod with cloven hoof,

You arch your neck, long mane falling,

Trailing in the pool’s deep water.

You drink and ripples disturb

The prolific yellow lilies.

I long to touch you, feel your warmth,

Breathe your hot, strong scent.

I want to stroke your wise, old face

And feel your strength beneath my thighs.

I watch the sunlight glinting off

Your solitary horn and know

I must not call you, I must not sigh,

I must not sob aloud.

I must be silent, I must be frozen,

For only waiting silence can summon you,

Only silence can make you real,

Only in the silence can I call you back to me,

My long departed ancient friend


© Freya Pickard


March Hope


There is a lightening in the air

Together with the quality of birdsong

That tells me Spring is here.

Clouds are high, grey, tattered rags

Scudding fast.

Catkins blow in the cool breeze like golden showers,

But I have seen very little pussy willow.

The air smells fresh and clean,

Purified after last night’s torrential rain.


© Freya Pickard

Elizabeth E. Castillo

 Elizabeth E. Castillo is a Professional Writer/International Poet/Blogger/Journalist from the tropical paradise of the Philippines. She has just recently published her first international poetry book “Seasons of Emotions” and her poems have been featured in more than 25 international anthologies in the USA, UK, Canada and Africa .Her work also appears in online magazines. She is currently a Contributing Editor in "Inner Child "The Magazine ,and is also working as an Online English Instructor for Koreans.



Looking at the lovely horizon

Sunkissed cherry blossoms abound

Tinges of pink, orange and red

Creates an unending joy in this side of my world

And the thoughts of a blissful life with you.

Butterflies flying around dainty flowers

Chirping birds perched on high tree branches

Singing songs of melodious revelry

My mind drifted to a faraway land

Where our souls finally meet and hand in hand we dance.


Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright March 17, 2013


 In Pink


 Lovely is the lady I have found in my garden

Dainty little feet dancing to the rhythm of the rustling leaves

Fragile hands took care of her until she finally bloomed

From a tiny little seedling

To a fully grown pink orchid.

The Dancing Lady in pink amazes whoever sees her

Daring to touch her soft tender skin

She’s always looking up to the skies above

Wondering if she could reach it one day

Dance with the heavenly angels wearing pink shoes.


Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright

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