» Poetry » Are you afraid?, Enrique Velazquez [e book reader online .txt] 📗

Book online «Are you afraid?, Enrique Velazquez [e book reader online .txt] 📗». Author Enrique Velazquez

Are you afraid?

Are you afraid of the possibilities?
Are you afraid of how this poem can end?
Are you afraid that like this poem, you too will eventually end?
Are you afraid that you choke on your words from nervousness that flows through your mind?
Are you so afraid of my forever shyness, and unrequited feelings?
Dear Juliet, I must ask of you, are you afraid?

Author note: I know this is really short, but please bear with it. I have a novel coming out soon. So I just thought of uploading this from my PC to here.


Publication Date: 11-06-2010

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