» Poetry » Secret Desires Of The Heart, Melissa Willingham [10 ebook reader txt] 📗

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Secret Desires Of The Heart

There are things that I feel inside that I don’t share with anyone, can’t reveal to anyone. Some are wonderful and some are terrible. I sometimes keep my thoughts hidden away, never to be revealed to anyone else. Perhaps they wouldn’t understand, I tell myself.

Some of my imaginings are pure, while others are corrupted. I can’t tell a soul, what I know. What would they think of me then? To learn that I am not as innocent and refined as they believe me to be. They must never discover the secret desires of the heart, locked so safely away.

Reluctant Love:

“Love or Something Like It”

I can sense it in the air
I can feel it everywhere
amongst flowers and trees
amidst the evening breeze

There is something in your touch
baby, I miss you so much
whenever we are far apart
I get this tugging in my heart

What am I experiencing inside?
my feelings I can no longer hide
this must be love or something like it

Even though I am so afraid
of getting hurt if love fades
this must be love or something like it

You are so gentle and kind
you always stay on my mind
I’ve tried to deny how I feel
yet I can’t overlook what’s real

Whenever you take my hand
by your side, I want to stand
and if you asked to marry me
I know what my answer would be

What am I experiencing inside?
my feelings I can no longer hide
this must be love or something like it

Even though I am so afraid
of getting hurt if love fades
this must be love or something like it


“I Don’t Think I’m In Love”

Don’t come around here with fancy words
you can’t say anything I’ve never heard
besides, the love stuff sounds so absurd

Please, don’t dare make a fool of yourself
I keep my heart locked up safe upon a shelf
all your noble efforts will prove to be in vain
stay away from me, I’ll only cause you pain

I live for you and I breathe for you
I would give my very life for you
but, I don’t think I’m in love

I cry over you and I sigh over you
I would forsake all others over you
but, I don’t think I’m in love

Don’t come around here with little lies
sporting a laundry list of smooth alibis
just like a hungry wolf in sheep’s disguise

Please, don’t aim Cupid’s arrow and bow
my heart bears enough scars that show
all the times when my efforts were in vain
reminders of how romance caused me pain

I live for you and I breathe for you
I would give my very life for you
but, I don’t think I’m in love

I cry over you and I sigh over you
I would forsake all others over you
but, I don’t think I’m in love

On second thought, come back
you fulfill something that I lack
healing and restoring what I lost
repairing the damage and the cost

I tried my best to ignore the truth
now, I realize denial is just no use
this is my true confession, my dove
I know without a doubt that I’m in love

Romantic Love:

“His Name Is Bill”

He brings me pretty flowers
with his sweet love, he showers
he is my one and only Valentine
I am so blessed that he is mine

Together, we work on my math
together, we share a bubble bath
we watch movies and drink wine
we prepare meals that are divine

This man I love, his name is Bill
every void within my life, he fills
no fantasy is too out of bounds
his lovemaking skills they astound

This man I love, his name is Bill
peace within my heart he instills

He is a gentle and romantic soul
a future with him is now my goal
no one else has treated me so good
I never knew anyone ever would

Together, we visit the local park
together, we enjoy sun until dark
we admire the light of a full moon
his long visits always end too soon

This man I love, his name is Bill
every empty space in me he fills
his massages and tender touch
ignite a spark I enjoy very much

This man I love, his name is Bill
a joy within my heart he instills

"I Wish"

If I look up to the sky
then maybe I can fly
If I wish upon a star
maybe I'll be where you are

So many endless dreams
is life ever what it seems
I wish I may, I wish I might
lie close beside you tonight

I long to love you, my friend
in a way that won't end
Take my heart and my life
it would cut like a knife

If I ever had to say good-bye
so many tears I would cry
Be my man and take my hand
I hope, my love, you understand


Orange-red glow from way up high
bright fiery ball of fire in the sky
beaming down to bathe us in light
warming us up until the moonlight

I, wearing my white cotton dress
you, donning a t-shirt and pants
we frolic along together, we play
relishing a beautiful summer day

The sun radiates in such splendor
these are moments we will remember
so carefree and full of life are we
we will cherish this sweet memory

I love the way you chase after me
down this meadow, I run with glee
if only this feeling could last forever
if only we would always be together

For now, be my adventurous trailblazer
until night changes you to a stargazer
the breeze feels refreshing and right
hold me closer, until we welcome night

Roll along the grass and wrestle me
only with you, is where I want to be
I love you, my darling, you are mine
let's treasure the last of summertime

Thoughts on Love

To truly be in love. I long to experience it for myself. What it must be like to feel such intense emotions for another person and to have them feel the same! I have felt puppy love as a teenager. I have been caught up in what is called infatuation. I’ve had people feel strongly for me as well.

Was it true love? I don’t think so, because we are no longer together. I believe the real thing would last. At the time, I felt that I was in love; however, looking back on it I certainly have my doubts.

“An Unexpected Love”

I was a famous singer, actress and writer, who’d grown tired of the Hollywood scene. So, I decided to retreat to a cabin hideaway in the mountains. My intentions were to relax for a couple of months.

On my first day there, I was outside walking around. I happened to glance next door. You were working in your yard. Whenever you glanced up, our eyes met and you came over to say hello.

From that time on we spent day after day together. We spent the hours swimming, cooking out and enjoying one another’s company. One evening we were lounging on the sofa, sipping champagne. The lights were low and soft music was playing. Our conversation became very romantic.

You gazed at me longingly, with eyes full of desire. Without another word, you leaned forward to capture my lips with yours. Our arms eased around each other.

Suddenly, I thought of my life back in Hollywood. The paparazzi, who were quick to snap embarrassing photos and relentlessly harass movie stars. The fair-weather friends, who were quick to blackball and backstab other celebrities, in order to suit their own purposes.

I recalled every nomination I’d ever received, every trophy I’d ever won. Many movies giving me top billing appeared in rental stores. Several books bearing my name lined the bookshelves. Various songs on the radio showcased my near-perfect pitch.

I’d written a lot of songs about life and love. I’d penned so many stories about romance and happiness. But, I never experienced the full effect of those words before this night. I realized that I’d found the place I belonged. I was meant to be with you.

Soon we stood up and taking gentle hold of my hand, you led me towards the bedroom. Sweeping me up into your arms, you carried me over to the bed. You tenderly laid me upon the haven of passion which awaited us and we made sweet, beautiful love together.

After that, I knew I’d never be the same woman again. I knew I’d finally found my true love at long last. You were the one person in the world who didn’t care who I was or what I possessed. You simply loved me for me.

Does True Love Exist?

All around me I see happy couples, happy families. But, where is my true love? And where is my loving family?

Some speak of total acceptance and unconditional love. Well, I haven’t known either one. They have never been friends of mine. Some talk of being spoiled and pampered. Well, I haven’t experienced such treats. They have never introduced themselves to me.

Maybe it’s just a fairy tale, a story book romance, a happily ever after, that we all seek to find. Perhaps it’s only a delusion of the mind. I’m on a quest to discover, does true love exist?

"I’ve Never Met a Man"

When I met you I was skeptical
I didn’t believe a man at his word
after years of lies and heartbreak
I’d given up on finding love again
but something about you stood out
and I must confess I was impressed

What a pleasant surprise you were
and what a needed breath of fresh air
such a gentleman, polite and sweet
you literally swept me off of my feet
my heart flutters when you are near
somehow you’ve erased all my fears

I’ve never met a man who could bring to life
all the words I’ve read in romance books
all the lines in the songs that I’ve written
I’ve never met a man who did all those things
I’ve never met a man until I met you

Being with you has changed my mind
you’ve proven me wrong about love
because you give your heart so truly
I know that I can place my trust in you
you’ve won me over with your sincerity
I didn’t believe this would happen to me

Now, I’m not saying you walk on water
because only Jesus could do that
and I’m not saying I worship you
or the ground that you walk on
because my praise only belongs
to the God above who made us

But what I’m telling you is how
I thank you for making a believer
in true love out of me and now
since I have finally found you
I will share with you everything
for the rest of my life, I am yours

Shadow of the Moon Wolf

'Twas a chilly, wintry evening and the mysterious full moon beckoned to me. Like the warm caress of a lover,

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