» Poetry » Poetry Styles A Plenty, Cynthia Jones [great books of all time txt] 📗

Book online «Poetry Styles A Plenty, Cynthia Jones [great books of all time txt] 📗». Author Cynthia Jones

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April Showers (Double Rhyming Haiku) (My Own Style)

The April showers
will bring many May flowers
help my garden grow.

Birds fly to and fro
the green grass will soon be mowed
Cosmos will tower.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

I had Cosmos in my garden last year, that grew over 6 feet tall.

Cat With An Attitude (Cameo)

My cat
has an attitude
he hisses at me before he
goes to bed
I really wish he would stop it
maybe he's so tired he
needs sleep.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

My cat (Pepper), spends all day outside tied up. Maybe he IS tired and DOES need sleep. Of course, with all of that fresh air, who wouldn't be tired and cranky? LOL

My Garden (Haiku)

Colourful flowers
growing within my garden
put myself to work.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

I toil and sow every day, but my garden doesn't mind being looked after.

Rain (Sedoka-Katauta/Monorhyme Combo)(My Own Style)

It's always raining
I am always complaining
but the gardens are gaining.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

We are getting what was supposed to be last month's weather.

Summer Inspiration (Alouette)

Summer days are here
the sky is so clear
many flowers are in bloom,
I sit and I wait
garden blooms are late
I weed, just to make some room.

Above me, I hear
gold finches are near
most sunny days start to gloom,
I know what's at stake
showers, the sky makes
lightning flashes, thunder booms.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Sunsets (Abhanga)

I take many pictures
sunsets I do adore
they leave me wanting more
always ready.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Two Geese Flew (Double Rhyming Haiku)(My Own Style)

'Twas March seventeenth
when two geese flew through the sky
I know Spring is here.

A long time, it's been
they happened to catch my eye
Spring's here, Summer's near.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Weather (Haiku)

When it rains, it pours
sun, warms everything up
flowers and weeds bloom.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

When It Rains (Cynket)(My Own Style)

When it rains
I think of you,
the teardrops fall
I feel so blue.

Since you have gone
out of my life,
every day
is filled with strife.

I have missed you
more than you know,
I love you two
now, my tears flow.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Both of my parents have been on my mind quite a bit, since I lost them.

Awaiting Spring (Mirror Sestet) (One Stanza)

Spring, many flowers it will bring
bring with it, smells of Spring.
Awaiting Spring, Winter's hesitating
hesitating it is, but I'm awaiting.
Sights and sounds, children's smiles are bright
bright the sky will be, with beauty of sunset sights.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Bunnies Dress Up (Tetractys)

dress up
for Easter
pass out candy
that they themselves are refusing to eat.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Hmmm. I wonder why that is now? hehe

Canadians snaidanaC (Mirrored Senryu)

Love to play hockey yekcoh yalp ot evoL
drink bottles of ice cold beer reeb dloc eci fo selttob knird
Where's the bacon. Eh? ?hE. nocab eht s'erehW

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Inspirations Of Winter (Double Sedoka-Katauta/Monorhyme Combo)

Inspiration comes
the chickadees make me hum
walking in snow and then some.

Fingers become numb
beautiful sunsets, I'm stunned
inspiration, my heart's won.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

This my own style of poetry.

She Sinks Ships (Alliteration)

Sailing, sailing, slowly seaward
skippers suddenly see,
storms swarm sailing ships
ships sail swollen seas.

Stormy seasons slowly stretch
skies stir silently,
slowly seaward ships sail
sudden storms, swollen seas.

"She sinks ships," skippers say
storms suddenly shift,
skies stir silently
slowly seaward stretch sailing ships.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Wee Bunny (Reversed Tetractys)

Everybody, look a wee bunny
'tis hopping through
the clover
let's get

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Hehe. Aren't I cruel?

Awaiting Spring (Mirror Sestet) (Two Stanzas)

Spring, many flowers it will bring
bring with it, smells of Spring.
Awaiting Spring, Winter's hesitating
hesitating it is, but I'm awaiting.
Sights and sounds, children's smiles are bright
bright the sky will be, with beauty of sunset sights.

Sunsets will be beautiful, I bet
bet the reds will be brilliant in the sunsets.
Bring in the warm weather, my soul will sing
sing like the birds, peace it will bring.
Awaiting Spring, my mind will be creating
creating with pen and ink, Spring, I'm awaiting.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Bunny Clutches Egg (Sonondilla)

Easter bunny clutches his egg
I went and cracked him with a belt
many years, with me, he has dealt
tries to stand on a broken leg.

I've tried my best to set him straight
I've been waiting for this all year
wanted chocolate, made it clear
and stayed up all night, I did wait.

He is starting to cheese me off
the bunny was scared, I did scoff
he tried his best to run away
couldn't keep my anger at bay.

Promised me chocolate before
I think he's sneaky to the core.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Awaiting Spring (Mirror Sestet) (Three Stanzas)

Spring, many flowers it will bring
bring with it, smells of Spring.
Awaiting Spring, Winter's hesitating
hesitating it is, but I'm awaiting.
Sights and sounds, children's smiles are bright
bright the sky will be, with beauty of sunset sights.

Sunsets, will be beautiful, I bet
bet the reds will be brilliant in the sunsets.
Bring in the warm weather, my soul will sing
sing like the birds, peace it will bring.
Awaiting Spring, my mind will be creating
creating with pen and ink, Spring, I'm awaiting.

Fairies will be dancing, beneath the berries
berries waiting to be picked by the Fairies.
Butterflies will flutter through the sky
sky will be filled with butterflies.
Awaiting Spring, my mind will be creating
creating with words, Spring, I'm definitely awaiting.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

A Childhood's Past (Cinquatrainla/Monorhyme Combo)

A childhood's past
was stolen so fast
dreams are meant to last
their love was so vast.

They were pushed aside
day and night they cried
their parents had lied
tears had to be dried.

The silence of night
children filled with fright
taken by moon's light
they screamed, with their might.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

It upsets me to know, that children get taken away from their parents and some parents don't seem to care. The part about the parents lying, is about them telling their children they love them, when they really don't. This is my own style. I changed it a little bit.

As Tears Fall (Huitain)

As the tears fall upon the Earth
it's God and His Angels crying,
they have been crying, since man's birth
because His children are dying.

Lingering tears, they need drying
many loved ones are being missed,
God and His Angels are crying
they will never again, be kissed.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

As The Flakes Fall (Prose)

As the flakes fall
floating through the air
the wind sweeps them up
as if putting on a ballet.
through the air of the day.
For a brief moment...
the wind holds the flakes steadily,
then it lets them
***f l o a t***
gently to the ground.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Chubby Frog (Limerick)

I once had a very chubby frog
and had lost him outside in a bog,
if nothing could get worse
felt as though, I'd been cursed
he laughed, as I tripped over a log.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Words (Oddquain Butterfly)

we make up
allow poets to
write out whatever they like
doesn't matter how they turn
out, delight we have
when we write

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Winter Wood (Mirror Sestet)

Through the Winter Wood, silence grew
grew along with bitter cold, body chilled through.
Fairies dance, while they pick berries
berries that are so ripe and liked by the Fairies.
Singing in the snow, bells are ringing
ringing clear, while the Fairies are sweetly singing.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Cosmos (Double Haiku)

There, the Cosmos grow
the plants are taller than I
so nice to look at.

Beautiful colours
they're so very attractive
grow in my garden.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Water Droplets (Prime Haiku)

droplets land
upon my flowers
and I take lots of pictures.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Damn Chipmunk (Senryu/Monorhyme Combo)

Over log, I tripped
that chipmunk had a good grip
then my pants had ripped.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Dearest One (Tri-Fall)

You, that makes my heart melt
dearest one
I love you with all of my heart,
it's the tears I have felt
'neath the sun
hoping we'll never be apart.

Many cards I've been dealt
but I've won
your love pierces me like a dart,
on my knees I have knelt
little one
praying to God, we'd never part.

Happy tears I have felt
you have won
I've always loved you from the start,
many cards I've been dealt
dearest one
I love you with all of my heart.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

I was thinking back, to when I almost lost my little boy. He's going to be 11 in a few days from now. :o)

Fall's Splendid Colours (Double Haiku)

Fall's splendid colours
are truly a work of art
leaves, everywhere.

Smells of Fall, peaceful
God knows what he was doing
blessed us with sheer joy.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Garden Flowers (Haiku)

Garden flowers grow
into the coolness of Fall
'neath the sun, they thrive.

Copyright Cynthia Jones


Text: The cover of this book and the pictures within this book are of my own creation. Copyright 2009 By Cynthia Jones All rights reserved. No part of this book, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any other means, without permission from the

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