» Poetry » Some Scars Don't Heal, Kylie Golden [all ebook reader .txt] 📗

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Some Scars Don't Heal

Some scars Don't heal,
No matter how much time passes
Some scars stay there and so
Long gone are the days of happy thoughts and green grasses

The pain lingers
It doesnt go away
You feel as if your life is slipping through your fingers
And all you can do is pray

Just when you think your over it,
Someone rips off the scab
And once again you are bit
By the pain, the hurt, and the anger

I long ago have come to realise a fact
Some scars dont heal
And that's that

Don't Hurt Me No more

"Please" I beg of you
"just don't hurt me no more"
I've been through a lot, and I'm through
with the pain, and the hurt, and the anger in my core

I'll do what you want,
just don't hurt me no more
my cheeks have grown gaunt
and my weight is rather poor

I'm depressed and sad
lonely and moody
secretly, I'm sure if i died, you'd all be glad
Nobody cares for me, You all look at me crudely

So screw you all
you haven't felt my pain
you don't know what it feels like to fall
you havent felt my shame

You don't know me
you can't judge me
dont send me to shrinks
when all they say is 'i understand'
because they don't
no one does

My final words
as i close the door
and prepare for whats in store
"Dont hurt me no more"

Accept Me

"Accept me"
I say
my only plea

"Accept me"
cant you see?
the real me, is on the underneath
the one people rarely see

"Accept Me"
I showed myself to you
you gave me a cold shoulder
and ditched me in the rain

"Accept me"
How could you?
by showing you the real me
I let you in,
showed you how much you meant to me!

"Accept me"
I'll ask one more time
and if you dont
your not worth a dime
much less my time

"Accept me"
well you can't do it, I feel like shooting you with a gun
so instead of that,here's a word, just one

Razor-Kissed Wrist

I sit alone in the dark
before looking at my razor-kissed wrist
the old cuts as bumpy as bark
thinking back to all my memories,like when i was first kissed
although know i think, if i died i wouldnt be missed

most people envy me
i have a good life
but they dont feel my pain
cut into me as if with a carving knife

i take a moment and look at my razor kissed wrist
"i cant do it anymore" i say as i prepare to tell them,let it all out
"shh i know, tell me about it, even if you have to shout"

Hate and Anger

Hate and anger go hand in hand
one causes the other
neither emotion is very bland

I Didn't Know

I didn't know
how was i supposed to?
i hadnt even had time to grow

i didnt know
it was wrong
really wrong

but i wanted to be a good girl,
i did what he asked

i didnt know,
gosh i was only four!
why didnt someone tell me?!
i wouldnt have listened to him then

i listen, because i loved him
and i trusted him.
the trust is gone now.
its just so sick
i wasnt big, my body was still small and slim

undeveloped, almost a baby
they sent me to a shrink
but i was perefectly fine

he didnt scare me at the time
he was so much bigger, he woke me out of sleep
how was i supposed to know my own uncle could be such a creep

makes me sick to my stomach to think,
it happened, back when my favorite colow was still pink

i was young and innocent
fun and carefree.

you know, i wish i could go back
i blame myself for it.
id change anything, just give me my life back.

i didnt know,
i didnt know then what i know now

and id do anything
just give me those lost days, my loss of innocence
i didnt know, but i do know
please, i didnt know

Best Friend

Best Friend
You were supposed to be, my best friend
With me till the end
But now you’ve gone
You’ve left me all alone
How long were you gunna let this, carry on?
And now when I call, you don’t even bother to pick up the phone

What happened to best friends forever?
Cuz right now, were not even together
We’re supposed to be ’cuz your life the other part of me
So come back to me, laugh with me again
And maybe just maybe, we can go back, and you can be, once again, my best friend

Maybe I should start with a little
With a smile and a wave
Or maybe we could meet in the middle
‘Cuz your attention is what I crave

Pain Causers, Heart Breakers

Pain Causers, Heart Breakers
They will always hurt you
They will always make you cry
They’ll say mean words out of the blue
They’re sneaky and they’re sly

They will always roll their eyes to their friends about you
They will always pick a fight
He won’t mean it when he says, “I’m sorry boo”
They say they love you, but in their head they say “I might”

They’ll always be pain causers, heart breakers
They like to see your tears
They’ll always be liars, and big fakers
They don’t change over the years

So before you end up like me
Sad, and crying, thinking your all alone
Telling people to just leave you be
Not even bothering to pick up the phone

Just remember, that they are just
Pain causers, heart breakers
Having them isn’t a must

Boys aren’t worth it
I learned it the hard way
Once you’re in, it’s an endless pit
So hunny, be yourself, you don’t need them, its okay

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