» Poetry » Anchor me down, Anonymous [e novels to read online TXT] 📗

Book online «Anchor me down, Anonymous [e novels to read online TXT] 📗». Author Anonymous

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Not the beginning, but the middle.

This book of poems shall be treated like a diary. I will share with you my every thought and feeling, no matter how hard for me to release. What I say may not seem of importance, may be ordinary or boring, but to me, the words I write will be shouting out what I dare not say out loud, wrapped in the secrecy of rhyme.

The Heart In The Chest

I look at you,
I look at him,
It makes me wonder
Can love swim?

Wrap it in chains,
Surrender it to the sea
Would a romantic save it?
Or would it cripple beneath?

Would the waves engulf it?
Make delicacy crash to the shore,
Would love suffer destruction?
Or forever be pure?

Would love sink and drown?

Would love ever be found?

Love me, Save me

My soul is drifting,
Waiting to wake,
It's heart forgotten,
About to suffer the quake

You'd think it would tremble
Upon Love's hold,
But love isn't always peaceful,
And your hands have turned cold

I beg someone listens
Afraid I'm alone,
Don't want blood to come dancing,
To be sick with loathe,

But desire is flooding,
And I'm washed out by you,
Your not what I'm craving,
You don't hold the clues

I want care and affection,
Someone who knows,
Someone who listens,
And wont ever go

I fear I will leave you,
And you won't even care
I'll watch you move on,
Caress HER hair

I won't take to sleeping,
I'll run and I'll fight,
Be Jealous and angry,
Plot revenge through the night

So pay my soul some attention,
I beg that you do,
For it will fall from the sky,
Should I ever loose you.


You sigh at me oh little girl,
and wish someone would understand
For if I were you,
they'd not be so blue
As all life loves your sound

For beauty is cast over you,
like curtains draw the light,
but you say you don't like it much,
being lustrous as the night

People know you love it though,
People know you care,
They know you like the compliments,
of your eyes,
your cheeks,
your hair

But when I look in the mirror,
I don't feel gorgeous at all

How can anyone love me,
With this sinful face?
There may be perfect skin to see,
But my thoughts are lacking grace

If they think I'm perfect,
They must ignore my thoughts,
For if they knew I was a murderer,
Would they speak such loving words?


A knot of hair encircles the sink,
and a gag escapes my mouth.

I can taste the last of my luxuries,
and know I deserve a clout.

I can't help indulge sometimes,
when warnings are not there
But the little voice always. comes back,
and makes me start to care

When a hand encloses round my wrist,
the fingers look to small.
They cannot feel my skin and bones,
So I'm not fairest of them all.

I know that competition cannot really hurt,
But I carry on fighting for victory's worth.

Sometimes I have a craving for a double chocolate shake
Instead I give myself to ecstasy,
and my mind tells me to wait.

They say I've begun to shake a bit,
that my disease has made me weak.
But I can feel them laugh at me,
Every time they see me eat.

Girl's Little Helper

Kiss Kiss teddy bear
Hold me tight.
Keep me dreaming
Soar with me, my kite.

Don't let me wake up to
the disaster that is day.
Keep on squeezing me
until my fears are crushed away.

Keep me safe from the monsters
Who scream and shout and cry.
And if you can't do that teddy bear,
Just help me say goodbye.

Doll In The Well

There was a drip
And then a splash.
She tumbled down
And broke her back.

The place was dark
And smelt of rust.
She realised
There was no 'us'

With mummy gone
Her song ran on
But no one picked her up.

She could not be saved
Had to be brave
Just wait to be unstuck

But once you've fell
In to a wishing well
You cannot go back up

Kingdom Cry

Kindom Cry
Valley weep
Goble the goblins in their sleep
Strike the sword
Kill the Queen
Take me back to make believe


Scratch Scratch at my skin,
Cannot shift my broken limbs
Water overfills the bath,
Hide the markings of his wrath
Dream Dream to escape,
Force a smile until I ache
Silver tail like a fish,
Forever forced to reminisce
Blink Blink tears away
No longer deafened somehow someday
Hot cold cry weep
Secret’s I’m burdened to keep

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