» Poetry » Many poems dedicated to you..., Hannah Pate [new ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Many poems dedicated to you..., Hannah Pate [new ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Hannah Pate

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I was heartbroken

I was as fragile as glass


Another girl falling for his captivating ways

He is so far from charming,

Just so you know 


It’ll be over soon, so why worry now?


No friends 

I am just that lucky 

He left me 

Why wouldn’t others?


I’m sorry mom, dad

But you couldn’t stop it.

He could of, but he chose not to

I’m sorry for everything

I don’t know what changed

I didn’t do anything 





Now I am dead



I love you.

I’m sorry...



I believe in a lot.


I believe in people. 


I believe us as humans can do so much even if we think we can’t. 


I believe in music. 


I believe that music has a way of controlling us. 


I believe that music has hidden messages, that the writers want us to discover.  They want us to come up with our own meanings for the songs. 


I believe in love.  I feel that everyone is capable of it, even if they don’t love themselves.


I believe in soulmates.  Everyone has one even if they don’t believe they do. 


I believe in silly, meaningless relationships because I feel it just takes us one step closer to finding the one we will share the rest of our lives with. 


I believe that everyone is good in nature, it is their actions and the people they surround themselves with that make them evil.  


I believe in love at first sight.  


I believe in that one person walking by and you fall for them immediately.  Like it was fate or something.


I believe that some people will never change no matter how many times they have tried.  Some people just never change, and there’s nothing you can do about it. 


I believe that some people are just not meant to be.  I feel that some people just get into relationships because they can’t stand to be alone.  They would rather destroy themselves then stay single.


I believe in fate.  


I believe that some people meet for a reason, and I also believe that people are taken out of your life for a reason. 


 I believe that if it was meant to be, they will be brought back together.


I believe in the inevitable. 


I believe that everything happens for a reason, even if they did everything right and then something terrible happens,


 I believe that it was meant to be.


I believe that dogs can actually understand what we are saying and that they can feel what we feel.


I truly believe that dogs are meant to be mankind's best friend even if some people can’t see that.  


I believe that reading before bed is good for the mind.  It helps us unwind in just the right way so we can fall into a deep sleep.


I believe in making the bed on certain occasions if we want the room to look nice.


I also believe that making the bed is pointless. It is just going to get messed up again, so what’s the point.  


I believe that something is up in the sky, not necessarily God, but something that is looking out for us. I feel that there is always someone watching over us, keeping us safe. 


I believe that everyone has their own taste.  Some may be very similar to others, but no one has the exact same playlist, the same style in clothing, or beliefs.  No one is the same, in my opinion.


I believe cleaning is vital even if it may seem pointless sometimes because space is just going to get dirty again, I would rather live in a clean space then a dirty one. 


I believe some people actually care for others and that some don’t.  The ones that care, they check up on you, drag you out of bed after days in it, just to get you up and moving.  The ones who don’t check-up as often or at all, they will let you drown in your sorrows, they won’t care until it’s too late.  


I believe in life, I feel that it is a gift and that we shouldn’t take it for granted.



I don't even know if some of you would stick around to read all of these but if you do, you are appreciated.




My animal best friend


To my Beloved Animal Friend:

You have been gone for almost six months now and oh, how I miss you.  It has been a roller coaster of emotions over the last six months.  Some of the times were happy, I have never loved life more than the joy others had brought me.  Other times, not so much.  I was so sad, bawling, reliving your memory in my head over and over again, but I made it through those times,  I survived.  

You were not just an ordinary dog, you were my animal best friend.  You were always there the nights I couldn’t sleep from nightmares or sounds, like thunder crashing from the sky outside, or the house settling noises making me believe that there was someone else in the house.  I don’t know if you knew it or not, but you were a great listener.  If I would just talk about random things or read aloud from a book to you, you always stayed and listened.  

You were so soft, you felt like one of those teddy bears, ones that have been held and stroked over so many times the fur has started to become worn in. I loved petting you when I was sad and just needed something there, you were always there.  You were a very dark black color and just by looking at your face, you could tell what mood you are in, just by a simple glance.  Blackey, that was your name.  Kind of weird, but we just didn’t know what to name you, so we named you after the color of your fur.  You were a black lab.  You were a pretty big dog, and your fur wasn’t very hard to keep under control, you just shedded everywhere.  

You were everything I could have ever asked for, a best friend, a playmate, roommate, everything.  You were everything to me, and when you died, a little part of me did too.  I had never loved anything as I loved you.  Your puppy kisses when I was crying were my favorite, you didn’t like it when I was sad.  You let me rest my head on you with no objection.  (I wouldn’t press down too hard, just in case)

Through every move, you were with us.  Through every car ride, room, kitchen, backyard, everywhere.  You were everywhere.  Your scent, you smelled like freshly cut grass on a summer's day, your presents, always just there.  There would be nights where I would fall asleep with the door open and then I would wake up and find you lying either on the floor right next to my bed or at the end of the bed.  I would always call to you, “Blackey,” I said.  You would lay down next to me and we would fall asleep.  There were many occasions where I would be having a nightmare and you would be laying there, nudging me, trying to wake me so I would stop whatever I was doing.  I miss that.

Towards the end of your life, you were in pain, but you lived happily.  You were a very loved dog.  You were cared for.  There was a point for a few months towards the end of your life where you couldn’t walk.  Just one day, you couldn’t get up anymore.  I hated seeing you like that.  One day, I was sitting by you, petting you and I noticed your leg was swollen, you could tell that it was bothering you because you wouldn’t let us touch it, you would try to bite us, you never did that before.  I looked around and found a hole in your side.  It was obviously very infected, I have no idea how we couldn’t have noticed it before.  I was panicking.  I screamed for my sister, “Elizabeth!” She came running in and I pointed to the spot, unable to form words at that exact moment.  We took you the next day to the vet.  They gave you antibiotics, they did blood work to see why you couldn’t get up at all.  They called a few days later saying everything looked normal just they believed that you were anemic.  We talked about what we could do for you.  Either let you live the rest of your life out or have you put down so you wouldn’t be in pain anymore.  My dad was not in favor of that idea, so you lived on.  The antibiotics started working, your leg wasn’t swollen, and something happened: you got up and walked to the back door. It was what we had hoped for, for weeks. We let you outside, you started to roll on the ground, the way most dogs lay on the ground on their backs, kicking to scratch their back.  We called my dad, “He’s walking!” I said.  He was thrilled.  That was how you lived, loved,

Your forever best friend,


January 14th, 2020

Dear memories,

The first memory that is still fresh in my mind is when my parents moved into the house they live in now.  It was last year, January.  The air was cold, crisp, we could see our breath as we worked to clean up the house a little before we moved in.  I remember when we put all of the animals in the car to bring over there.  There were other things in the back like blankets, pillows, etc.  You decided that the floor of my mom’s car was too uncomfortable for you.  You jumped up on the blankets and pillows, looked up smiling and panting at us.  We all cracked up, that was the best memory of you, my friend. 

 The day you died.  It was hot outside, the kind where you want to do nothing but jump into a bath of ice water.  You needed some fresh air.  We got you a bowl of water, food, everything you would need to be outside in the shade for a little bit.  We took you outside, it was around 4:00 P.M, so there were many shaded spots to lay you in.  We let you sit on the porch.  We left the door open and checked on you.  We shut the door for a few minutes so we could get ready to go to my sister’s house and bring you in.  When I walked out the door, I looked at you, and my heart stopped.  You weren’t breathing.  I called to you, “Blackey?” No response.  At that point, I was panicking, I was having trouble breathing, my legs were going weak, like when you are about to give a presentation in front of a huge crowd.  I walked up to you, and I shook you.  You didn’t move.  I said your name again and again, “BLACKEY!”  That is when I realized my worst nightmare had come true: you were dead.  My mother walked out of the house and saw me kneeling next to you.  I could barely form a sentence, “Mommy… he’s de-”   She realized what I was about to say and broke.  “NO!” Was her response.  My dad came out and realized what had happened.  He called out to my mom.  “Lisa, I will take the kids, come back inside.”  

“I can’t, I have to go,” Is all she said as she got into the car and told us

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