» Poetry » Many poems dedicated to you..., Hannah Pate [new ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Many poems dedicated to you..., Hannah Pate [new ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Hannah Pate

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When I was with you, I felt complete

Like nothing could ever go wrong in life

Yet now, here without you, I am at a complete loss of words, emotions, feelings.

I fucking miss you

Yet, you could care less

You haven't messaged me in almost a month

The end of August was the last time...

This is September now...

Our would have been 4 months would have been on Sunday

Yet, you're gone

These days and weeks have gone by so slowly without you

I have lost all motivation to keep trudging on

But, there's this boy

He's in one of my classes

I like him

A lot

I hope it's not obvious

But, every time I look at him, i can't help but smile

He just has that effect on me I guess

You were the only other person that made me feel like that...

He talks to me a lot in class

Like he is actually interested in talking to me

We make tons of jokes and it is a great time

Yet, I don't believe he realizes that behind the laughter is a huge crush

And hopefully, he doesn't find out soon, because what if he doesn't feel the same?

I will have him knowing I have a crush on him every day until the end of the year...


 I like you. Yet, you don't know. Only my best friend knows. No one else.  You kept touching my shoulder in our class together.  You came up behind me in the hall as I was walking with my best friend, we were holding hands. You grabbed my hand and we walked down the hall like that together. My best friend, you, and I walked to lunch holding hands.  I think my breath caught in my throat as your fingers laced with mine. But maybe it was just the chest pains... (It wasn't)


 You called me babe today. I couldn't help but do a double take.  I couldn't believe it, you actually called me that.  I like you, yet you don't know it.  Still. 


 My mother is convinced you like me.  My sister said it's possible.  She's friends with him, she knows him very well.  Maybe it's true.  She said he has a weird way of showing it, like he'll act like we are great friends, which he does.  So maybe...


 He knows. He knows i like him, yet still nothing.  We are still great friends, that hasnt changed. Thank god. My friend keeps asking why are we not dating, i just look at my crush and ignore the question. He asked the question yesterday, my crush said "yeah, why aren't we" i just laughed. Today, he said what about his question, why aren't we. I acted clueless, yet i knew what he was talking about. One day...



 You say i don't care... You're wrong hun...


 Today, 4th hour, sitting there with you, looking at memes in my gallery was the best thing today.  We laughed until it hurt, until the teacher had to tell us to be quiet.  You took my phone and went through each meme, each folder, you found pictures of me and asked, "that's you?" i said yes. "Why edit the photos, you don't need to" i died.  He came across one picture, i like it it says 'im trash" and i said it out loud, "you're not trash, you're perfect" was his response... He said my smile was beautiful the day before, today it was that i am perfect. I gave him a look and was like yeah right. He sighed and continued looking at pictures of me.


 Last night, i dreamt of you. I know, crazy. A normal school day, except flirting, lots of it.  From you, and me. Which isn't really much different but in real life its not obvious.  The dream, it was.  You said I love you to me. I said it back and it was lile it was offensive, like you didn't expect me to say it back. Like you thought i was joking. I wasn't


 I came to school.  You were there of course. I sat down, your contact was bugging you so you had your eyes closed, i asked what was wrong, contact was all that you said. You asked me how I was, i said tired.  You said, " you don't look tired" i said i look like trash.  You said, " no, you look amazing" and smiled. My heart died 


 First hour, today. We had a test, speaking french.  After we all went we sat there. You in front of me, another friend next to me.  The friend asked if we were together.  You said yes, we are. Yet, we're not. You said we are and my heart skipped a beat.  We're going on a "date" next week to see a movie with my sister and her date.  He asked my sister what if him and i became a thing.  She said she didn't care, she wouldn't mind.  He smiled, i laughed.

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