» Poetry » The Iliad of Homer, Homer [e books free to read .TXT] 📗
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disposed his armor on the plain,
But like a ram, himself the warrior ranks
Ranges majestic; like a ram full-fleeced
By numerous sheep encompass'd snowy-white.

To whom Jove's daughter Helen thus replied.235
In him the son of old Laërtes know,
Ulysses; born in Ithaca the rude,
But of a piercing wit, and deeply wise.

Then answer thus, Antenor sage return'd.
Princess thou hast described him: hither once240
The noble Ithacan, on thy behalf
Ambassador with Menelaus, came:
Beneath my roof, with hospitable fare
Friendly I entertained them. Seeing then
Occasion opportune, I closely mark'd245
073 The genius and the talents of the Chiefs,
And this I noted well; that when they stood
Amid the assembled counsellors of Troy,
Then Menelaus his advantage show'd,
Who by the shoulders overtopp'd his friend.250
But when both sat, Ulysses in his air
Had more of state and dignity than he.
In the delivery of a speech address'd
To the full senate, Menelaus used
Few words, but to the matter, fitly ranged,255
And with much sweetness utter'd; for in loose
And idle play of ostentatious terms
He dealt not, thhugh he were the younger man.
But when the wise Ulysses from his seat
Had once arisen, he would his downcast eyes260
So rivet on the earth, and with a hand
That seem'd untutor'd in its use, so hold
His sceptre, swaying it to neither side,
That hadst thou seen him, thou hadst thought him, sure,
Some chafed and angry idiot, passion-fixt.265
Yet, when at length, the clear and mellow base
Of his deep voice brake forth, and he let fall
His chosen words like flakes of feather'd snow,
None then might match Ulysses; leisure, then,
Found none to wonder at his noble form.270

The third of whom the venerable king
Inquired, was Ajax.—Yon Achaian tall,
Whose head and shoulders tower above the rest,
And of such bulk prodigious—who is he?

Him answer'd Helen, loveliest of her sex.275
A bulwark of the Greeks. In him thou seest
Gigantic Ajax. Opposite appear
The Cretans, and among the Chiefs of Crete
stands, like a God, Idomeneus. Him oft
From Crete arrived, was Menelaüs wont280
To entertain; and others now I see,
Achaians, whom I could recall to mind,
And give to each his name; but two brave youths
074 I yet discern not; for equestrian skill
One famed, and one a boxer never foiled;285
My brothers; born of Leda; sons of Jove;
Castor and Pollux. Either they abide
In lovely Sparta still, or if they came,
Decline the fight, by my disgrace abash'd
And the reproaches which have fallen on me.[14]290

She said; but they already slept inhumed
In Lacedemon, in their native soil.

And now the heralds, through the streets of Troy
Charged with the lambs, and with a goat-skin filled
With heart-exhilarating wine prepared295
For that divine solemnity, return'd.
Idæus in his hand a beaker bore
Resplendent, with its fellow cups of gold,
And thus he summon'd ancient Priam forth.

Son of Laömedon, arise. The Chiefs300
Call thee, the Chiefs of Ilium and of Greece.
Descend into the plain. We strike a truce,
And need thine oath to bind it. Paris fights
With warlike Menelaüs for his spouse;
Their spears decide the strife. The conqueror wins305
Helen and all her treasures. We, thenceforth,
(Peace sworn and amity) shall dwell secure
In Troy, while they to Argos shall return
And to Achaia praised for women fair.

He spake, and Priam, shuddering, bade his train310
Prepare his steeds; they sedulous obey'd.
First, Priam mounting, backward stretch'd the reins;
Antenor, next, beside him sat, and through
The Scæan gate they drove into the plain.
Arriving at the hosts of Greece and Troy315
They left the chariot, and proceeded both
Into the interval between the hosts.
075 Then uprose Agamemnon, and uprose
All-wise Ulysses. Next, the heralds came
Conspicuous forward, expediting each320
The ceremonial; they the beaker fill'd
With wine, and to the hands of all the kings
Minister'd water. Agamemnon then
Drawing his dagger which he ever bore
Appendant to his heavy falchion's sheath,325
Cut off the forelocks of the lambs,[15] of which
The heralds gave to every Grecian Chief
A portion, and to all the Chiefs of Troy.
Then Agamemnon raised his hands, and pray'd.

Jove, Father, who from Ida stretchest forth330
Thine arm omnipotent, o'erruling all,
And thou, all-seeing and all-hearing Sun,
Ye Rivers, and thou conscious Earth, and ye
Who under earth on human kind avenge
Severe, the guilt of violated oaths,335
Hear ye, and ratify what now we swear!
Should Paris slay the hero amber-hair'd,
My brother Menelaüs, Helen's wealth
And Helen's self are his, and all our host
Shall home return to Greece; but should it chance340
That Paris fall by Menelaüs' hand,
Then Troy shall render back what she detains,
With such amercement as is meet, a sum
To be remember'd in all future times.
Which penalty should Priam and his sons345
Not pay, though Paris fall, then here in arms
I will contend for payment of the mulct
My due, till, satisfied, I close the war.

He said, and with his ruthless steel the lambs
Stretch'd panting all, but soon they ceased to pant,350
For mortal was the stroke.[16] Then drawing forth
076 Wine from the beaker, they with brimming cups
Hail'd the immortal Gods, and pray'd again,
And many a Grecian thus and Trojan spake.

All-glorious Jove, and ye the powers of heaven,355
Whoso shall violate this contract first,
So be the brains of them and of their sons
Pour'd out, as we this wine pour on the earth,
And may their wives bring forth to other men!

So they: but them Jove heard not. Then arose360
Priam, the son of Dardanus, and said,

Hear me, ye Trojans and ye Greeks well-arm'd.
Hence back to wind-swept Ilium I return,
Unable to sustain the sight, my son
With warlike Menelaüs match'd in arms.365
Jove knows, and the immortal Gods, to whom
Of both, this day is preordain'd the last.

So spake the godlike monarch, and disposed
Within the royal chariot all the lambs;
Then, mounting, check'd the reins; Antenor next370
Ascended, and to Ilium both return'd.

First, Hector and Ulysses, noble Chief,
Measured the ground; then taking lots for proof
Who of the combatants should foremost hurl
His spear, they shook them in a brazen casque;375
Meantime the people raised their hands on high,
And many a Grecian thus and Trojan prayed.

Jove, Father, who on Ida seated, seest
And rulest all below, glorious in power!
Of these two champions, to the drear abodes380
Of Ades him appoint who furnish'd first
The cause of strife between them, and let peace
Oath-bound, and amity unite the rest!

So spake the hosts; then Hector shook the lots,
Majestic Chief, turning his face aside.385
Forth sprang the lot of Paris. They in ranks
Sat all, where stood the fiery steeds of each,
And where his radiant arms lay on the field.
Illustrious Alexander his bright arms
077 Put on, fair Helen's paramour. [17]He clasp'd390
His polish'd greaves with silver studs secured;
His brother's corselet to his breast he bound,
Lycaon's, apt to his own shape and size,
And slung athwart his shoulders, bright emboss'd,
His brazen sword; his massy buckler broad395
He took, and to his graceful head his casque
Adjusted elegant, which, as he moved,
Its bushy crest waved dreadful; last he seized,
Well fitted to his gripe, his ponderous spear.
Meantime the hero Menelaüs made400
Like preparation, and his arms put on.

When thus, from all the multitude apart,
Both combatants had arm'd, with eyes that flash'd
Defiance, to the middle space they strode,
Trojans and Greeks between. Astonishment405
Seized all beholders. On the measured ground
Full near they stood, each brandishing on high
His massy spear, and each was fiery wroth.

First, Alexander his long-shadow'd spear
Sent forth, and on his smooth shield's surface struck410
The son of Atreus, but the brazen guard
Pierced not, for at the disk, with blunted point
Reflex, his ineffectual weapon stay'd.
078 Then Menelaüs to the fight advanced
Impetuous, after prayer offer'd to Jove.[18]415

King over all! now grant me to avenge
My wrongs on Alexander; now subdue
The aggressor under me; that men unborn
May shudder at the thought of faith abused,
And hospitality with rape repaid.420
He said, and brandishing his massy spear,
Dismiss'd it. Through the burnish'd buckler broad
Of Priam's son the stormy weapon flew,
Transpierced his costly hauberk, and the vest
Ripp'd on his flank; but with a sideward bend425
He baffled it, and baulk'd the dreadful death.

Then Menelaüs drawing his bright blade,
Swung it aloft, and on the hairy crest
Smote him; but shiver'd into fragments small
The falchion at the stroke fell from his hand.430
Vexation fill'd him; to the spacious heavens
He look'd, and with a voice of wo exclaim'd—

Jupiter! of all powers by man adored
To me most adverse! Confident I hoped
Revenge for Paris' treason, but my sword435
Is shivered, and I sped my spear in vain.

So saying, he sprang on him, and his long crest
Seized fast; then, turning, drew him by that hold
Toward the Grecian host. The broider'd band
That underbraced his helmet at the chin,440
Strain'd to his smooth neck with a ceaseless force,
Chok'd him; and now had Menelaus won
Deathless renown, dragging him off the field,
But Venus, foam-sprung Goddess, feeling quick
His peril imminent, snapp'd short the brace445
Though stubborn, by a slaughter'd[19] ox supplied,
And the void helmet follow'd as he pull'd.
079 That prize the Hero, whirling it aloft,
Threw to his Greeks, who caught it and secured,
Then with vindictive strides he rush'd again450
On Paris, spear in hand; but him involved
In mist opaque Venus with ease divine
Snatch'd thence, and in his chamber placed him, fill'd
With scents odorous, spirit-soothing sweets.
Nor stay'd the Goddess, but at once in quest455
Of Helen went; her on a lofty tower
She found, where many a damsel stood of Troy,
And twitch'd her fragrant robe. In form she seem'd
An ancient matron, who, while Helen dwelt
In Lacedæmon, her unsullied wool460
Dress'd for her, faithfullest of all her train.
Like her disguised the Goddess thus began.

Haste—Paris calls thee—on his sculptured couch,
(Sparkling alike his looks and his attire)
He waits thy wish'd return. Thou wouldst not dream465
That he had fought; he rather seems prepared
For dance, or after dance, for soft repose.

So saying, she tumult raised in Helen's mind.
Yet soon as by her symmetry of neck,
By her love-kindling breasts and luminous eyes470
She knew the Goddess, her she thus bespake.

Ah whence, deceitful deity! thy wish
Now to ensnare me? Wouldst thou lure me, say,
To some fair city of Mæonian name
Or Phrygian, more remote from Sparta still?475
Hast thou some human favorite also there?
Is it because Atrides hath prevailed
To vanquish Paris, and would bear me home
Unworthy as I am, that thou attempt'st
Again to cheat me? Go thyself—sit thou480
Beside him—for his sake renounce the skies;
Watch him, weep for him; till at length his wife
He deign to make thee, or perchance his slave.
I go not (now to go were shame indeed)
To dress his couch; nor will I be the jest485
080 Of all my sex in Ilium. Oh! my griefs
Are infinite, and more than I can bear.

To whom, the foam-sprung Goddess, thus incensed.
Ah wretch! provoke not me; lest in my wrath
Abandoning thee, I not hate thee less490
Than now I fondly love thee, and beget
Such detestation of thee in all hearts,
Grecian and Trojan, that thou die abhorr'd.

The Goddess ceased. Jove's daughter, Helen, fear'd,
And, in her lucid veil close wrapt around,495
Silent retired, of all those Trojan dames
Unseen, and Venus led, herself, the way.
Soon then as Alexander's fair abode
They reach'd, her maidens quick their tasks resumed,
And she to her own chamber lofty-roof'd500
Ascended, loveliest of her sex. A seat
For Helen, daughter of Jove Ægis-arm'd,
To Paris opposite, the Queen of smiles
Herself disposed; but with averted eyes
She sat before him, and him keen reproach'd.505

Thou hast escaped.—Ah would that thou hadst died
By that heroic arm, mine husband's erst!
Thou once didst vaunt thee in address and strength
Superior. Go then—challenge yet again
The warlike Menelaüs forth in fight.510
But hold. The hero of the amber locks
Provoke no more so rashly, lest the point
Of his victorious spear soon stretch thee dead.

She ended, to whom Paris thus replied.
Ah Helen, wound me not with taunt severe!515
Me, Menelaüs, by Minerva's aid,
Hath vanquish'd now, who may hereafter, him.
We also have our Gods. But let us love.
For never since the day when thee I bore
From pleasant Lacedæmon o'er the waves520
To Cranäe's fair isle, and first enjoy'd
Thy beauty, loved I as I love thee now,
Or felt such sweetness of intense desire.

081 He spake, and sought his bed, whom follow'd soon
Jove's daughter, reconciled to his embrace.525

But Menelaüs like a lion ranged
The multitude, inquiring far and near
For Paris lost. Yet neither Trojan him
Nor friend

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