» Poetry » poems for the loss of our babies, Forest Ostrander [good beach reads .TXT] 📗

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young and strong and ran so fast
we remember all the great times that we all had
how you always made us happy never made us mad

They were the best and happiest years we had
we'll always look back on them and never be sad
We look forward to the time we'll be together again
and we thank the Lord for such a great friend

Now you run and play up in Heaven above
cradled in God's arms covered with his love
Playing by the Bridge waiting for the day
we come down thru the meadow to the bridge to stay

The love that you showed us we'll never forget
because to us you're one very special pet
You're like a star in the dark of night
always watching over us with the Lord's light

So now we take time to remember our best friend
who will always be with us even to the end
We'll always remember you the way you were
one big lovable huggable pile of fur

John Quealy

When The Time Comes

Lord, when the time comes please help me be strong
my furry friend is sick; something's terribly wrong
The vet checked her over; there's nothing he can do
I'm afraid soon I'll be sending her; home to You

Please take her back home; on the wings of a dove
into Your loving arms; up in heaven above
Take her to a meadow; where she can play and run free
under bright sunlight; among the green grass and trees

She's been a part of my life now; for so many years
I'll miss her so much; my eyes are filling with tears
Please give me the courage; to tell her good-bye
as I know she'll watch over me; through her loving eyes

I'll never forget her; I'll see her one day
tell her we'll meet at the Bridge; then we'll go play
I'll cherish the memories; of the time we both had
they'll put a smile on my face; then I won't feel as bad

John Quealy


A four-legged friend has suddenly become ill
she's running a temperature and has a bad chill
She's roaming our streets with nowhere to stay
watch over her Lord please guide her my way

I'll take her and keep her; I'll make her well
she'll be fit as a fiddle; and loud as a bell
I promise to watch over her and give her a loving home
she'll be happy and safe; she won't have to roam

So this I ask of you; I beg of you; I pray
Lord watch over her and please; guide her my way

John Quealy

When We Meet Again

I was laying on the couch early one day
a dog was barking; from where I couldn't say
I got up from the couch and went outside
then off I went out into the countryside

I took a path thru the bushes and trees
but the sound of that bark kept nagging at me
I followed the path till I came to a river
I reached for a branch and caught a sliver

Under an oak tree I sat down to rest
I watched all the bird's fly from their nests
After awhile a group of ducks waddled by
then a fox gave chase so they decided to fly

I walked down the river past a small ridge
and down in the meadow there was a bridge
Down by the bridge thru the fog
I saw what I thought was the barking dog

Like a bolt of lightning in the dark
I knew right then that was my old friend's bark
I looked thru the fog toward the bridge again
and sure enough there was my old friend

As healthy and beautiful as the day we met
I ran down thru the meadow to greet my pet
She ran thru the meadow at such a fast pace
it was like the old days when we used to race

I hugged and kissed her as she licked my face
all her sickness was gone there wasn't a trace
We were together again after such a long time
the sun was shining and all was fine

We walked toward the bridge together again
then we crossed it together me and my friend
This is the way I know it will be
when we meet again my pet and me

John Quealy

Prayer of a Stray

Dear God please send me somebody who'll care!
I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair
My body is aching, it's so racked with pain
And dear God I pray as I run in the rain

That someone will love me and give me a home
A warm cozy bed and a big juicy bone
My last owner tied me all day in the yard
Sometimes with no water and God that was hard!

So I chewed my leash God; and I ran away
To rummage in garbage; and live as a stray
But now God I'm tired; and hungry and cold
And I'm Oh so afraid; that I'll never grow old

They've chased me with sticks; hit me with stones
While I run the streets; just looking for bones
I'm not really bad God; please help if you can
For I have become just another; "victim of man!"

I'm wormy dear God; and I'm ridden with fleas
and all that I ever wanted; was an owner to please
If you find one for me God; I'll try to be good
I won't chew their shoes; and I'll do as I should

I'll love them; protect them; and try to obey
When they tell me to sit; to lie down or to stay!
I don't think I'll make it; too long on my own
Cause I'm getting so weak; and I'm Oh so alone

Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry
Cause I'm so afraid God; that I'm gonna die
I've got so much love; and devotion to give
That I should be given; a new chance to live

So dear God please; oh please; answer my prayer
and send me to somebody; who will really care
That is dear God; if You're really there!

John Quealy


I have traveled far; to reach this Pearly Gate
But I do not want to wander; beyond this place
I just need to rest awhile; for my friend I wait

Please let them know; I love them still
Let them know that I understand
what they did; they did with love

With my body now gone
my spirit flew home; on the wings of a dove
To my Creators arms; in Heaven above

Now all I ask; is that I may wait
I for will lay quietly; here by the gate
For if I entered now; without my friend
it wouldn't be Heaven at all

John Quealy


I miss you so much; my four-legged friend
I ask myself each day; if the pain will ever end
Your loss is so hard; for one person to bear
because we were a team; an inseparable pair

You were by my side; when I got up each day
waiting so patiently; to go out and play
You were there each night; when I got home
waiting to go to the park; where you could roam

You always knew; if I was having a bad day
so you'd snuggle up close; and try to get me to play
If that didn't work; you'd put your head in my lap
then make yourself comfortable; and take a nap

One way or another you; would brighten my day
like only you could; you had a special way
You gave me a lifetime; of memories to hold
through all the years ahead; till I'm gray and old

I promise I'll see you; again one day
when we'll be together again; to go run and play
Your loss is a cross; I will just have to bear
because you and I know; we're an inseparable pair

John Quealy


Publication Date: 11-04-2010

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