Shadows of the Past, Kayla Stiles [top 10 motivational books .TXT] 📗

- Author: Kayla Stiles
Book online «Shadows of the Past, Kayla Stiles [top 10 motivational books .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Stiles
As once again, her life ends… </3 The Artist
The Artist
She sits alone on a school bench.
No one else is present.
The school is empty,
It’s after dark.
She rocks back and forth,
Arms wrapped around her stomach,
Hands holding her elbows.
Blood coats her hands,
Spatters her clothes,
Her face, clings under her nails.
Tears race through the blood on her face,
Rain down from her crystal eyes.
A canvass lies at her feet,
Every inch covered by varying shades
Of red and brown and black.
The image,
That of a young girl,
Sprawled out on a stone table,
Nude but for a few shreds of cloth
Wrapped about her breasts.
A body lays at the live girl’s feet,
A knife protruding from the chest.
It is that of a young man.
He died of a literally broken heart.
The painting sits there,
Mocking the two teens, one living, one dead,
With the blood it was painted with.
Her wrists are slashed,
His chest is open, exposing his broken heart.
She lies beside him, tears still pouring from her eyes.
She curls up against him,
Puts his limp arms around her shoulders.
Within minutes, she too is dead.
A Symphony of Broken Hearts
They parade down the streets of the world,
This symphony of broken hearts.
Their eyes filled with tears,
Their bodies crying rivers of red.
They parade down the streets of the world,
Voices raised against the injustice of life,
Yet nobody sees them.
Nobody hears their cries and bloodthirsty screams.
They just walk right by these people,
As though blind to the cruel ways of life.
The treacherous ways of “God”.
These ignorant men and women of the world,
Living life as though other people don’t suffer.
As though nobody is hurting
And slowly decaying inside.
So many voices
Make up the symphony of broken hearts.
Yet no one pays any heed to their needs.
There is no love in this world
For these “sinful” and “fucked up” people.
Stupid, bitch, whore, slut, crazy,
Ugly, disgusting, addict, lazy, loser,
Fuckup, fat, anorexic, arrogant,… poser.
These are the words that people sling
So cruelly, so full of hatred.
Nobody tries to understand the unknown,
Except for those who ARE the unknown.
I guess that saying is true:
Everyone protects their own.
And, in some cases, every man for himself.
Nobody stands up for the little guy.
And if there’s anyone that does,
Then those people are few and far between.
Nobody wants the “weaker” ones.
Even though these hurt and damaged people
Are, in truth, the strong ones.
They are strong because, despite all the shit
That is thrown at them,
They continue to stand and fight.
They continue to fight for what they see as right,
Fight for their right to a peaceful life.
No one sees that these are truly the strongest,
Most powerful people there are.
They show compassion and try to make peace,
Even with those who treat them so harshly.
They sometimes don’t hide their emotions,
And they don’t hide behind fake faces.
They are the real deal,
The big thing.
They are more real than most people nowadays.
Maybe you should try to take a leaf from their books.
Maybe you should try to understand them…
Before their blood is on your hands…
Ballad from the Dark
As I lie alone in this dark room,
My bed cold, no arms to keep away the gloom.
No warmth since you left, my light is now gone.
Why’d I have to go and make you woebegone?
You loved me so much I didn’t even realize.
Now I lie alone, and my heart breaks with my dark lies.
I lost you because of my stupidity, and the price
Wears me down and tears me apart. I fear I never
Truly knew how much I loved you, until you left me,
Now I’m all alone, and I’m nothing more than thee…
Creature of the Darkness
So black and empty, so desolate and alone.
Why’d I ever take that risk
Of losing you and ending up alone?
You lost the faith you had in me,
Yet no matter what, you never stopped loving me.
Now I want you back, I made a mistake,
But now is too late, you’ve already gone.
I love you so much, I’m sorry.
It’s been forever since I last saw your face, heard your voice.
Ever day that I’m alone is another day I die inside.
I wish I could tell you I’m sorry. Wish there was a choice,
To go back in time and take back what I did that day inside
His car. Wish I could take back the words, the hurt.
But it’s done and over with, and now, you see, my heart is dead.
I broke your heart, if you saw me now, you’d be curt.
Me heart is destroyed. The tears fall as the barrel touches my head.
My hand shakes, I pull the trigger and hear a SNAP.
I have not the courage to end it all, to take an eternal nap.
Monster in the Darkness
Is all I shall be, now that I no longer have you.
You couldn’t look at me straight out of your disgust.
I should’ve never done that, it destroyed you.
You were my happiness, I just took it for granted.
Fairytales aren’t meant to be forever.
Happy endings are something we take for granted.
But in truth, they happen only never.
I miss you so much, I’m sorry.
As I watch the blood from the cuts
Run down my arms in great dark red ruts.
My life blood spills as I see your face.
You must be a mirage, you’re not in this place.
I stitch these wounds upon my chest,
And hear your gorgeous voice say, “The best
Thing that’s ever happened to me.” But I fucked
Up, and now you’re gone. I’m sorry but he sucked.
I hold the pills within my hand,
And think of how many to take. I can’t.
I saw you on the news today.
Your mangled face, the gun in hand.
Now I’ve truly lost you, my day.
Now you’re never coming to my land.
I’m now lost, alone in this darkness,
Looking for something that’s already gone.
I’m just a Creature of this Eternal Darkness.
And no one is left to silence the gong.
I loved you so damn much.
Now you’re gone, I’m sorry.
You see her sitting on the floor,
Curled up in a ball in the corner.
Her long black hair
Is draped in front of her elvin face.
Her green eyes are closed,
Exposing her dark black eyeliner and shadow.
Black rivulets stream down her cheeks
As the tears trickle from her eyes.
A feeling of loneliness and utter depression
Emanate from her, fill the room.
She’s so sad, so broken-feeling.
You wish there was something you could do
To make her feel loved again,
To make her feel alive and whole.
But when you try to think of what
That thing could be,
Your mind pulls a blank.
Because you are blind.
Blood and Tears
An irreparable heart torn to shreds.
The blood rushing out as fast as the tears.
They churn and mingle in their distant current.
In an effort to ease the pain, she makes the blood flow until it no longer hurts.
Not that it helps much. She’s a freak with no place in this world.
Without a purpose, without a reason, she no longer feels at home.
Every day she hopes for someone to notice her as a living human!
But every day she is disappointed and seen as a mere freak, if even seen at all.
Silently dying, drowning in a pool of blood and tears.
No one notices as she slowly turns pale to blue and back.
Every moment trying to catch one more breath, to stay alive.
If she can just find a shred of hope and truth, she might survive.
Might, but not very likely.
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