» Poetry » Ranting Me, Lilly W. [read after txt] 📗

Book online «Ranting Me, Lilly W. [read after txt] 📗». Author Lilly W.

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alone and a total loser. Not like that changed much.

Then came resses. As I looked out at all the kids that are hugging and catching up on all the odds and ends of the summer. It was bad. I just stood there hoping that nobody would notice me. It did not work, as soon as I started to walk across those stupid rocks to the playground. This girl came up to me.

She was insane. She jumped around me and then drug me to the rest of the group that had been sitting over there. She introduced herself as……….

Oh, yeah with the name, Bert is her nickname. Don’t even ask why, I have no clue.  So then this crazy girl with brown curly hair, also known as Bert, started to talk to me and it was actually cool. I made friends and I didn't have to sit alone and the lunch table.

I’m still her friend and she made school fun for me to. She is the best. She could have been popular if she wanted to be, she’s pretty, talented and all that. But she stuck with us. I still think that she’s bonkers, but I’ve came to realize, that’s just how she is.


So my friends are pretty cool. One of them went to the Wisconsin state cross country run and she got……

I’ll tell you later.

But a lot of people have cool friends whether they know it or not.

And I’m sure I’m one of the most boring people around. That same year when my school's volleyball team went to sectionals, I couldn’t go, I had to stay home. A lot of times I had to. I lived under a rock for a lot of my life and now I really regret a lot of things.

Like maybe, not going to a dance or a game.

We had Middle school dances. There were a lot of people that went with their girlfriend or boyfriend and I was alone. Well me and Sky. Up until she found a boyfriend to.  Even though he was really short he really liked her. And that was a little weird, because I was friends with him. Then he moved to canada and neither of us ever saw him again. Good thing to, he was like a rampaging chipmunk when he got mad.

Yup, I was the loner of the grade. Single pringle for life.

Then I got into high school. I started to really like a guy and then everything changed. I really liked him.


This and That


Animals. What are they to you? Something that you munch on? Or pets?

To me they are both.

Ewwwww. You eat you dog?

No, the pets that I have are not the same. They are what you would call live stock.

You know, pigs, calves, goats and stuff like that. We don’t really eat the ones that we really like.

But they are so fun to watch. The goats especially. If you have ever had goats you would agree with me when I say that there fun.

They hop and play. They are the best.

But there not the only ones. The pigs are loads of fun to. I’m not talking about the ones that are locked in a pen with forty other ones. I’m talking about the little piglets that run across that yard.
Wait, they do that?

Yeah, like any other baby, they need to play. So they run and hop around the yard, all is good then they spot the cat food. They love it. It is so much fun to watch piglets and cats share the food dish. When I was younger I would show the animals we have at the fair.

Well mostly the pigs and goats. The pigs were harder to control. You have to use a cane to train them and if you don’t……….then good luck to you.


Bang, bang. We were all startled at 4 in the morning by someone at the door. My mom bursts into the room and tell me that the barn is on fire. My first thought is the baby goats that live in the barn. I jump up and look out the window. The barn is ablaze, there is fire coming out the window. The realization hits me. The room that the babies are in is on fire. We all run outside as my mom called the fire department. My dad was the first one out and is moving the car out of the way. As we watch, the roof comes down and the building collapses.

My dad rushes to the pig pen to make sure they are out of the way. Bang! Something explodes from the flames. Later we find out it was a paint can. To my relief the pigs are ok. In the distance I hear the sound of sirens. The fire department is almost here. One after another the fire trucks come. The fire department try to use the huge water hose on top, but the water evaporates into thin air.  Soon I see them get another hose from the fire truck and approach the fire. They soon get the fire cool enough to use the big hose.

Within the hour they have the fire put out. They said that we were lucky that the man came and told us or our lives could have been taken. In the end we lost 20 goats, tools, hay, straw and a shelter for the animals we have. We have also lost something that we have worked so hard to get.       


Yeah that was a really bad time for everyone. I'm glad that we made it out. And we worked for a long time to get everything going after that. At first we didn't know what to do. Then we started to get more goats. Then everything was okay again, or at least as good as it was going to get. And know we will always remember the goats taht never made it out. 


Do you know when I was a kid?

Showed in the fair.

It was so much fun.

We had to bedding the barn before and when we brought the animals in we had to keep them clean. With the pigs we cleaned them at home and then took them to the fair. Once at the fair, we washed them again showing them.

It was the accomplishment that I felt every time that I walked in that ring. Even though I was nerves I still had fun.

I’ve showed pigs more than goats, but somehow did better showing the goats. My little brother was the best at pig’s.

I always had so much fun. One year we stayed in the tent every night.

Never, will i do that again. Ever.

But other then that It is fun.

Staying up late talking about people.

Judging the competition.

All that stuff.

But no matter what, it will always be about the animals. That’s why they have the fair isn't it? So that kids and families can show off their animals. No matter what, that will not change. It can’t really be a fair without animals. There are festivals and stuff like that, but is not truly a fair.

Well, okay that was a little intense and stuff. Sorry.

Anyway animals are the best. But they are also more than food, they have personalities. How would you like it if you were held in a cage to be eaten? Never mind that happens. Oh, and that’s hitler all over again. Never mind, but if it was the other way around and we were the prey, how would you feel. Well, there are some animals that look to us as food.

Nevermind, I’m trying to make a point and I’m arguing to myself. And I officially lost it.

Call the mental people, insane person on the loose.

Okay, enough of that.

Uh, where was I?

Oh yeah animals are the best.

You know sometimes I think that Bert is a gorilla. To tell you the truth, she is. She is wild, weird and has brown hair.

And to tell you the truth she can be a little creepy. Oh,no.

I did it again. I always think that everyone is creepy.

I had this food teacher. At lunch she is one of the supervisors and so she walks around when we eat lunch. And so I told her that I think that she’s a little creepy. I mean, she looks at you eat a bunch of crappy fatty food. And then in class she tells you that you need to eat this and that to be healthy. I just feel like she’s judging me. Then everytime she walks by me she actually puts on a creepy face. Wow, way to make it worse.

But she was a long term sub for a teacher that had cancer. She came back and the sub no longer had to teach that class. It was a bummer. The sub was nicer than the actual teacher.

Okay, I was talking about animals and then I got into talking about the teacher and the sub?

I tend to go off topic, clearly. Sorry.

So yeah, Bert is a creepy gorilla. Oh and she was one away from being in state to. That girl I was talking about earlier? Yeah she took ----- at state out of 180 people. On top of that, she was a freshman. After that she still had her whole lifetime to go. She was bang good, not like the rest of the team wasn’t. The weird thing is, she is tiny. Although she has really long legs, I think that she was actually under weight.

Our school hadn’t had a kid go to state in 6 years. It was a senior. She had just quit volleyball and took a shot at cross country. Never been to cross country and she went to state. So she’s at state and she’s in 14 place, she passes out. She ended in 94th place. Just because she passed out 8 times.

Now? Now she’s a marathon runner. In college she found out that she had an iron deficiency. She could have gotten in the top 10 if she wouldn’t have kept passing out. If she would have gotten more iron.

Sorry, side tracked, again.


Okay...I’ll stop now, maybe.

Sorry for the lost of thought, but I have a lot going on at the………

Wait! Where not there yet, you have to know my story so I can end it.  Okay, I take that back. It won’t be the end of the story because the story will never end. That’s what I don’t get about endings.

I am so sorry, but your parent’s lives have ended.

They can’t say that. It’s not true. If there not in heaven then they turn into someone else. No, I’m not going to preach to you and tell you to change your lives, yada, yada. I’m just saying that you will never have an ending.

Really, where else do all the people in the world come from?

Oh, yes. There is a colony of babies in the sky that come when it’s time. They just poof into the belly of people.

Anyway, you know what, I'll just talk from the heart and we'll see where this

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