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Cheezi Dellbrecko Hyena, known mainly and formidably by his official moniker, Samantha Komodo; formerly known by his past pen names of Aaron Solomon, and Mwezi Desoto, is a male spotted hyena (choosing to reincarnate into a Spotted Hyaenidae as well) and an African rapper/lyricist. He has been writing series of more than many fiction/action/thriller series book since the tender cub age of five; with his most famous hits apparently being "Lone Wolves" and her most recently self

Two of my friends have recently lost love ones. I've never dealt with pain like that, so I don't really understand what they're going through, and I don't know how to help them through it. This is the best that I could do as an explanation for them. Love you, Rosa and Delainey. RIP Angel and Breanna. I didn't know you guys, but you must have been amazing people in order to have been loved so dearly by such wonderful girls.