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Voices Of The Heart are poems by Emmenay (Muhammad Naveed Ahmed) written between 2000-2008. The poems have been inspired by life, people, events and catastrophies.

A poem in memory of the late great legendary poet, Langston Hughes that will appear in my upcoming book entitled "W.R.I.T.E. (When Real Intense Thoughts Exist). Langston Hughes has been one of my greatest influences as for writing poetry.

Ermmm, I don't know if you want to consider this poetry but...

This extended haiku reflects on the natural disaster that struck Japan, spring 2011.

Paranormal poetry... A school deep in the woods... A Math teacher who had no one... An angry queen... An escape... A strange beautiful woman... And a mystical night...

In response to the Winter Poems Contest, I have created a book of 20 poems on different facets of winter.