» Psychology » Tale of the missing dead body, Arsal Shamsi [english novels to improve english .txt] 📗

Book online «Tale of the missing dead body, Arsal Shamsi [english novels to improve english .txt] 📗». Author Arsal Shamsi

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That was her fist time she was nervous and frightened in her cabin
she had first experience in mortuary..

Her name was Lana She was new mortuary attendant in the morgue of hospital..
and her task was to received confirmed and generate the death certificate check identity and clean some parts of dead bodies and then keep into the mortuary cabinets..

She transferred from Orleans to west Ohio lately her husband divorced her..
And that was the reason she was trying to start her new life..

That tragedy made her strong, she was confident about herself, she believed herself, and could follow the rules for herself..

The morgue of hospital was pretty quiet place..Rarely staff guys come inside just only for work purpose, otherwise nobody allowed there..

she was tried to adjusted her first day..

few steps away of her office there was a room for mortuary cabinets
There they kept all the clean dead bodies..




After a few months when she qualified about the bodies and work..
One night the phone was ringing she felt sleepy because of night shift sometime she couldn’t active for work ..
“Hey there is body to received outside” security guard called her..
“I’ll be there in a minute” she dropped the phone down.. and stand with the laziness..

She went outside
“hey you look tired” the delivery guy absorbed her condition..
“yes today was so busy I never worked like this before” she said with the smile..
“ please sign here ” delivery boy gave her delivery paper..
“Hey where the last guy gone” Lana asked
“ today he still busy to managing the bodies ” he explained

Usually delivery boy was keep body in the mortuary room
and then she started to examine the body.

That night She was examining the body, the body look so beautiful he had not any kind of hair on body neither any kind of scratch he looked totally fine there was no even any mark it looked like the guy just was sleeping..
Everything looked fine just the body was not breathing..
She scratched her head she confused there was nothing to clean for and because of laziness she quickly made a death certificate of a body and gave it to the delivery boy and made a body tag name and kept inside into the cabinet..
In the office she checked the dead body report once..
Dead body name was Sean, his location mentioned Texas, there were his sister contact number mentioned and dead reason was blanked ..
She wondered she never seen the report like this .. it looked totally faked report but she was tired and sleepy to conform with anyone because of night duty she did not even informed anyone..
While She was thinking regarding body she felt sleep..

Suddenly she awoke she heard noise..
“Who is there” she panicked
“May be the security guard came inside to check something” she thought
“Charley is that you” Lana was shouting

When she gotten no respond she went there..
When she reached inside the mortuary room nobody was there but the mortuary cabinet was opened And dead bodies paper were spreading on the floor ..
“Oh God” she shouted
She noticed someone had stolen the dead body and he is gone..
She run fast to the phone and tried to call the security,But nobody respond her call, she intend to go down and inform someone about the robbery. But before she left she decided to check which body had been stole..She checked through the serial numbers the last body with the fake report had been missed, because of tiredness she did not even entered the detail into her laptop ..dead body report wasn’t on the table too..
she confused how the robbers came through this way and there was no prove to tell anyone which body had missed She were afraid her irresponsibility will explored.
Even though she gone downstairs and checked security guard was sleeping..
“call the police the dead body has been stole” she pulled the security
He panicked and stand “which body has stole do you have any report” suddenly he asked
“no actually the body recently arrived and I couldn’t written anything about that dead body” she anxiously said
“Oh! how we can define anyone which body has stole” he looked at her
“I don’t know but we should inform someone or there maybe any record with the delivery guy or in the hospital where I received from” She discussed.

Manager came and absorbed all the condition he followed all the way to found any information about the body..
he even tried to call the hospital where Lana claimed the body came from..
But The receptionist said “ they did not send any body on this date”.
It made all the members worried even Lana had been signed and confirmed his death certificate latter..



do you have any contact number of delivery guy” manager asked
“ no I don’t have” Lana said
“ did you ever known anything about delivery boy” manager repeatedly asked
“ no he was new” she slowly said
Manager temperament was high “ what the hell happening in the morgue”
Manager shouted..
“How do we claim which body has been stolen” manager said
“ how you allow the new guy to keep the body inside the morgue” manager looked to security..
“ do you know his address or have number of him” manager concerned
“no but he mostly came” security denied
“well, I can not forgive both of you’ its a big mistake of yours, and this is about the reputation of our hospital and you two showed us your irresponsibility and that’s not forgivable, I am not reporting anything about you to the police, but I’ll rusticate you few days till we did not found any information about the dead body” manager declared ..
“You can leave now I’ll send your rusticated latter to your address” manager said..

Lana was anxious she never expected that she will ever insulted like this She made her head down and left the hospital she did not even have to argue with manager..

After few days of been rusticated she got new job in Cafeteria, she thought she can spend her few times here, and make new friends ..

in morgue she spent her silent and quiet days that’s why couldn’t know about the places very well and couldn’t made any friend ..

The cafeteria place wasn’t much vast but there were glasses around the wall where we can get views of outside..
One day Lana was serving the food to guest she seen the big Mercedes car stopped outside at the opposite road of the cafeteria and three guys came out from the car....

Lana noticed first guy was security guy of morgue, second was delivery guy and third was a girl..
She seen they were celebrating something the girl got Champaign bottle in her hand, she was dancing and cuddling with security guard, seemed like they accomplished their plans, Lana noticed all things from inside the cafeteria..

They out from the car after dancing, the girl gave the bottle to delivery guy and after long discussion she directed to the medical store it looked like the girl know em very well..
Both guys were smiling and laughing because of her behavior..

Suddenly Lana heard the voice ..
“ one coffee on the table please” customer ordered
“ yea I’ll be there” Lana replied

Meanwhile She was noticing what happened outside..

she amazed what she looked today, she got confused and disturbed
“It was a trapped of em? Do they wanted to fired me from
The job? Does the manager know about these things? They had missing dead body?Did they hide dead body? Or they sold the dead body?” She were questioning herself..
Lana couldn’t sleep well that night And Decided to clear her mind..

next day she started to inquire what she had been seen yesterday, she went to the same medical story where she saw them last time..


hello I am working as a waitress on that cafeteria” Lana report to medical store guy ..

“ I need your little favor” she requested
“ yes how can I help you Miss?” The young guy eagerly said..
“ actually I need little information about the guys those came yesterday on your Medical store by their Mercedes car” she asked
“ I don’t know em just I know the girl rarely she brought the medicine from our store” he helpfully said
“ where she belong?”she further asked
“She lives there” young guy pointed a building with his finger
“Block c, flat 303 she is been a month and she newly arrived
everybody want to know about herself” he said..
Lana thanked him and left the medical store..

“the girls are easy to handle and can get any information by her .. she looked rich if she emotionally asked for the help she will not deny” Lana was thinking while she heading to the building..

Building was near from the cafeteria and she reached soon to the building..

“ hey my name is Lana, am working in the last cafeteria on that road” she said ..
She stared at her “ come inside” the girl said
The girl on the sofa and smiled “you want to drink coffee”she was still looking at her impressively..

Lana little nervous because she was stranger, and she sat on sofa with her..

“No just need normal water” Lana hesitated
“Sorry to disturb you like that , I don’t know you, but I hoped that you could help me” Lana further said

The girl brought the small bottle of water
“ am Elsa I have been transferred from north California I don’t know much about this town and the people, how you could expected something like that”she said
“uh not much just need to know about

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