» Psychology » smile fake or real, monika dhandia [novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

Book online «smile fake or real, monika dhandia [novels to read for beginners txt] 📗». Author monika dhandia











 First of all, I want to emphasize that I'm not here to teach you how to smile, after all, how can I? when it's an innate ability that I'm sure you're familiar with. My aim is rather to point you at things you might have overlooked, nothing more.

I don't want to overcomplicate things so a few practical tips:

* Know when and where to smile - of course there's a range here (it's not five smiles per day or anything like that), but learn from the feedback you get from the people around you. If people think you're a happy, lightweight guygirl, that's cool, but maybe you're perceived as too naive or simple or even worse - a phony, In such case maybe you should regulate some of your smiles. On the other hand, Being forever grim definitely isn't any better - again, look how others treat you.


* Practice at the mirror - it's that simple, want your smile to appear more genuine or want to have a better mug in photos - try it out in front of the mirror. You'll find that the best smiles are often "don't feel" very tense in the muscles - they don't need to be big.


Don't be afraid to try it out in the mirror

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* Smiling to feel good or smiling when it's good? The simple answer is both - smile to feel better but at the same time try to get to a more positive mindset as well - you want to get to a positive self-empowering cycle.

*Use your smile to connect with others - making eye contact and smiling is the best, most direct and positive approach you have to get along with others, especially new people. You don't need an elaborate opening line if you know how to make that simple connection.


Publication Date: 12-16-2015

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