» Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity, Santosh Jha [manga ereader TXT] 📗

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him or her. So, the primary cognitive change is to be aware of self and causalities and detach the consciousness from the internal and external causalities; as far as possible.

We need to understand and accept that evolving and growth has two stages – auto-mode learning and conscious unlearning. From infant stage to adulthood, an individual keeps assimilating information and available knowledge from its milieus in subconscious state of ‘auto-mode learning’. Very few individuals, who have managed to evolve strong consciousness as early as 14-16 years of age, may begin to start the parallel process of ‘conscious unlearning’ or pruning of subconscious auto-mode learning. However, after the stage of adulthood, say 20-25 years of age, an individual needs to accept that he or she as a ‘Media’ must change. The media must shift its primary situation from a ‘Reactionary-Subconscious Being’ to a ‘Receptive Conscious Being’. It means; the higher consciousness begins to shape up as aware and holistically inclined ‘authoritative command’ center to effect engineering and management of the body-mind media’s causative auto-behavior and action.

Then the primary question is; what is this higher consciousness, which emerges as protagonist of conscious engineering and management of ‘I’ or self? Higher conscious is not an external mechanism of body and brain but a specificity of the body-mind media itself. The seed of higher consciousness is planted by an individual when it begins to attain a stage of maturity, age-wise or experience-wise and both, to have enough information-connect with his or her internal as well as external milieus to allow and accept the powerful energy of skepticism.

To doubt, to question to accept something different and non-conformist to one’s own knowledge and belief is the seed stage of higher consciousness. It has been mentioned in ancient wisdom that 'those who begin the process of higher consciousness, before they reach the stage of consciousness are the blessed ones. This happens when parents play their rightful role and allow a child to grow in a family environment where skepticism and questioning is encouraged and rewarded. This shall implant energy of skepticism deep in subconscious, helping the child to grow his or her conscious self, preparing the platform for the child to evolve his or her higher consciousness early and strong. Then comes the role of society, culture, religion, polity and economy, where a growing man or woman must continue to have the same liberty to question and evolve.

In simple one line – Higher Consciousness of an individual is his or her understanding and acceptance of the idea of Holism Of Reality. This holism of reality is seeded by the powerful energy of skepticism. A young child or a maturing teen may be accepted as moving towards evolving to higher consciousness if he or she asks questions and is not only allowed but also encouraged by family, friends, peers, society, politics and cultures to keep asking questions and strive for alternative answers. And, more importantly, all the while keep respecting other’s questions and their respective answers. This is also the role of all milieus to install mutuality of respect in every individual towards ‘others’.

This is not happening in contemporary world, rather the politics and economy is smothering liberty of questioning and skepticism, thus killing the very prospect of evolution of higher consciousness in average minds. Families, societies and cultures are also adding their stupid ‘restrictions’ on the innate or evolved inquisitiveness and skepticism of growing individual. This is ill-preparing individuals to handle insanity of external world, thus adding more stupidities and hypocrisies to the already chaotic world and life-living.

It is sad state of reality of contemporary humanity that such a maturing person, who asks questions, puts skepticism upfront, is often labeled as undisciplined and unruly teenager. The societies and cultures seldom allow, let alone encourage non-conformism and inquisitiveness. The collectivity does so because of its own agenda to keep people in a state of reactionary subconscious media of confusion and conflict. That is why it is for every individual to accept that this task of evolving one’s higher consciousness is a tough task and can be attained only through personal enterprise and personal resolve for persevered practice. Expect no good from society, cultures, polity and economy.

When this higher consciousness is seeded well and begins to blossom into a healthy branching tree, expect the flowers and fruits of holism to come calling. The fruits of holism shall further facilitate detachment of consciousness from the causalities and its contextual and relational elements. The higher consciousness shall lead the journey to disengagement of ‘I’ or self as Media to internal as well as external causalities. It means; an individual shall not be an ‘object’ but gradually shape itself to become a true and real ‘Subject’. This true and real subject shall have the empowered and authoritative Will and Cognition to command all causalities to play out Realities in a way that optimize sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. This real and true subject, the empowered and evolved individual shall be ‘master’ of all causalities of love, fear, anxiety, desire, empathy and associations and not the ‘slave’ of them all.

From ancient times, dating back to over 3000 years, philosophy as well as spiritualism has talked about arriving at this holism of higher consciousness for attainment of sanity, purpose and poise. The Yogic philosophy spoke of evolving consciousness to such a stage where it is aligned and assimilated to the holism of cosmic causality, rising above the microcosmic causalities of body, mind and milieus. The very word Yoga (Union) means this emancipation of an individual from localized and reactionary causalities and assimilation into the more holistic, objective and macrocosmic causality of the cosmos. Ancient philosophies are not religion; they are objective expression of realism of holism, which larger humanity must acquire but always squanders.

The Buddhist philosophy also speaks of the same eventuality but in a slightly different language. The difference is only linguistic; the intent of the content is the same. Buddhist philosophy speaks of observance of all elements of context and relativism of causalities that are there within and outside the body-mind media. It also suggests the principle of final utility of holism by ‘prescribing’ the mystical ‘middle-path’. This middle path is actually the hint at holism as the middle is symbol of having the reality of everything. The Yogic philosophy also spoke of ‘Witness-Mode’ consciousness as situation of higher consciousness, which stands aloof and away from body-mind media and could ‘witness’ with objectivity every sensory causalities that the media receives and transmits.

The western spiritual philosophy of ‘Do not be, you shall be’ also hints at the same notion. It speaks of the realism that if you do not become the ‘being’ that is shaped and designed by the causalities of the body-mind media, you shall become the true and real ‘being’ – the higher consciousness of Holism. Therefore, it seems that human wisdom has always been common because we all have this mechanism of our body-mind media itself to attain and arrive at personal sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. If all ancient wisdoms from all parts of the different and segregated humanity had common thread of realism, it can be concluded that sanity is actually embedded in human mechanism of body-mind media itself. All we need is to arrive at the right consciousness of Holism and unleash the right processes to attain sanity.

Here, it is important to mention that in ancient Indian philosophy, there is a mention of a step further in evolution to ultimate empowerment. We have talked about the need to detach consciousness from the causality and its context and relativism for attainment of sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. The Yogic philosophy and spiritualism however accepts this as only the first step towards total empowerment and emancipation. This is perfectly in line with contemporary scientific realism too. It says, the consciousness, or for that matter higher consciousness is a media too and perfect and total emancipation means detachment from all media. Therefore, an individual has the further journey of ‘unlearning’ the consciousness too. The journey shall end when an individual dumps, disconnects and detaches from Higher Consciousness too and delinks from all causalities, be it microcosmic or macrocosmic. The modern science calls it the non-local consciousness and ancient Yogic philosophy called it the state of Kaivalya – The finality of ‘Onlyness’.


Stupidity About Purpose Of Life

It probably has to be accepted that we must not still remain lingering with the primary question of life and living, even when we are in 21st century. The question, Who Am I, or to say what is ‘self’, needs finality of answer as without this, there probably cannot be any movement towards personal sanity. The singular answer to this question cannot be ever arrived at and accepted, this we all know. We already know why there cannot be a singular Reality and that is why no possibility of any singular answer of questions that is at the core of our life-living. However, what we all need to accept that there probably is a possibility of an easy and singular acceptance of something, which is broadly tangible or tangibility-driven and therefore secularly and singularly objective for we all to accept.

There shall always be dualism about origins and purpose of universe and all lives around us, including humans. But we all can and should ideally accept that now in 21st century, there is little confusion or disagreement about the mechanism and processes of human body and mind. It does not matter whether God created humans or humans created God! It is also irrelevant whether evolution designed us or not. If there is a ‘designed’ purpose of universe and we humans in it; great but it really is impossible to have singular acceptance of it. What matters is that we have a certain and common design of body and mind and that does not anyway change irrespective of who created or designed us. The ‘design’ and ‘creation’ is well there. Let the debate as who created the design remain be endless. It does not matter. What actually matters is what we do next, after the design is there.

From the perspective of the human body-mind mechanism and the substantial knowledge humanity now has, it is truly of utmost utility and significance to accept that universe too has a ‘design’, mechanism and process, like our body and mind but, it does not have a ‘meaning’ and ‘purpose’, which humans could accept and relate to in their normal lives. Lives on Earth or if elsewhere too have no purpose and meaning, which we humans usually assign to these words and terms. Reality itself is nothing and unworthy of any utility, which we understand. The interesting fact is that all meanings, all purposes, all Realities start and end with ‘I’ or self. The universe, the Earth, the lives have only those meanings, purposes, utility and worth what ‘I’ or self assigns and accepts. Therefore, if ‘I’ is in Sanity, System, Order, Righteousness, Goodness and Wellness, then only the universe, the Earth, the lives have. It is ‘I’, the self that matters and has any utility. This is the singular notion installed and elaborated 3000 years back in ancient Indian philosophical traditions of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ (I Am God). The author has elaborated this theme in eBook titled, ‘I Am God’, available for unrestricted download.

This acceptance is the first primary requirement for installation of personal sanity. It can be said with all possible humility and sincerity of consciousness that contemporary humanity must see, understand, accept and internalize that in our civilizational and cultural march to modernity of institutional and organizational life-living, we have almost dumped the primary reality of human life-living. This primary reality, which thinking minds and philosophers of early humanity listed out with strong conviction, is that the individual, the person, an average man or woman is the everythingness of all somethingness that social and collective living can design and execute for sanity of system.

It is tragic and

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