» Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity, Santosh Jha [manga ereader TXT] 📗

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it is what our five senses can perceive and react to. However, this sure is not Reality.

In simple words, it is the Causality that is true, real, core and critical element of Observance but is not automatically observable to we humans through our sensory mechanism and therefore does not qualify as Reality for us. However, this causality, even while being the true Observer or protagonist, requires the Media for its expression or for playing out its effects. Consciousness of living beings is the media that causality as observance uses for playing out Reality, which our sensory mechanism and processes can and does easily see, feel and accept. It is because this consciousness is also a media of our body-mind tangibility, enabling consciousness to perceive reality, thus extending it a misplaced sense of being the observer but it is not as consciousness is just media.

Here, it is very crucial to refer to contemporary science’s path-breaking idea of quantum mechanics, which deals with the critical issue of ‘Observance’ and ‘Collapsing’ of Reality. This understanding of ‘Observer’ and its cardinal role in Reality is a must to unravel the holism of Reality and the role of ‘Consciousness’ and ‘Causality’ in it.

In quantum science, Reality, at all time and space is considered being super-positioned probabilities. Quantum science says, Reality happens as it is ‘observed’ because observance collapses super-positioning and creates a reality. Before that, Reality always stands as probabilities. Does it make us accept that Reality is not an ‘Always There’ situation, rather, Reality ‘Collapses’ as something, depending on observance? Does this mean, observance ends dualism and enters non-dualism?

The next big question is, is observance critical to Reality? It seems as quantum scientists say, it ends probabilities and installs a Reality, though for the observer! Now, there still remains dualism about the idea of observer. Who can be accepted as observer?

Majority opinion is that observance is essentially consciousness. It is consciousness that observes and installs reality or ‘collapses’ Reality. This is somewhat agreeable quantum science factuality for us. In simple terms, Reality is a dualistic, super-positioned probability at all times as elements that create reality have wave function dualism. Reality however is created or collapsed as dualism ends and superposition collapses the moment there happens an observer. And, this observer is consciousness.

Therefore, the core and cardinal element in the idea of Reality is Consciousness as it is believed to be the ‘Protagonist’ that scripts a Reality. At this point of time, we shall have to stop our focus on everything else and zero down to this singular idea of Consciousness. The scientific reality of consciousness is the most pampered subject of new millennium, even as we all know from our knowledge of human history that consciousness as a philosophical and spiritual idea has always remained with humanity since almost 3000-4000 years back. Does this itself mean that pure science never stands aloof and alienated to philosophy and rather, sort of runs parallel to it? Does the same dualism exist between science and philosophy – when something works but cannot be described how or why, it is referred to as philosophy and if it works, is empirically verifiable and is mathematically explainable, it stands as science?

Probably, even quantum scientists feel that they have rested the onus of Reality on an element of realism, which itself is by nature dualistic. Probably therefore, there is a strong advocacy by new age quantum scientists to present a valid case of non-dualistic consciousness. We need to first understand the basic hypothesis of this ‘dualism’ of consciousness, before we proceed onto larger issues.

The primary idea is, if observance is mechanism and process of consciousness, this makes observance open to dualism – Generic and Specific observance. This dualism is –

1. There is an observance of consciousness, which emanates out of functionality of five senses and sensory inputting. As brain organization at macro level is largely singular for most humans, there is a broadly singular reality of observation, like rivers, mountains and other tangibilities. This is what we may call Generic Observance. This observance is processing of common and non-dualistic subconscious mind states. No doubt, as science insists that no two minds are same, there is bound to be dualism in generic observance too. However, it may be accepted that as the differences are small and there is overbearing generalization of commonality of languages for expression of the reality by generic observation, the dualism is seldom ‘observable’.

For example, I and nine other people may see a door and because of our different mind processing of inputs from five senses, all ten may see the door differently but as this tangibility of door still shall have almost 95 percent of details as common for all ten, we all still shall call it a door as our language commonality cannot express a door with 5 percent difference as anything else! However, if any of the ten has one or two sensory organs tweaked or part of his or her brain states affected, the door may look, say 40-50 percent different. However, as all nine shall call it a door, a deviant observance shall not change the realism of the door.

Still, it is debatable whether this reality is the same for other higher organisms like dogs, elephants, etc as their sensory observation by their brain organizations are not known! Though, we now accept that these higher animals do have consciousness of varied shades. Therefore, somehow, whatever is the reality, we have to limit it to the observance of human consciousness only. That itself is a restrictive hypothesis and negates singular objectivity rule of science. Therefore, even this so-called singular Reality of generic observance may not truly be accepted as non-dualistic.

2. Second observance by consciousness is of intangibilities by conscious brain states, which is dualistic, differentiated by variegated cognitive shades, because of varied experiences and memories of experiences of every single individual. Like happiness, wellness, love, compassion, right and wrong, etc are intangibilities observed by conscious mind states and is always dualistically oriented. Like all ten people may call a door a door but ask them whether the door is good or bad, there shall be five or six different observations about the same door. Therefore, the specific observance by consciousness, as against the generic observance can never be non-dualistic and therefore realities in these domains shall never be singular. Hence the trouble for humanity, not probably extended to other higher organisms.

To simplify what we have talked so far, we need to see and internalize the primary idea that Reality in its innate and elemental form always remains as probabilities. This means, there is probably no Definitive and Singular face, shape, size and dimension of Reality that could be narrated and explained in humanly possible language of words. However, Reality Happens, or in simple sense, takes definitive dimensions of Locations as it is Observed. Therefore, Reality, in any possible way is a function of Observance. Naturally, the ensuing and inevitable question is – Who is the observer? Who observes?

The contemporary popular hypothesis is – Consciousness creates observance. The consciousness is therefore the observer. However, what we discussed earlier is the hypothesis that Reality can be singular and definitive only when consciousness is also non-dualistic or singular. Then, as we talked about how consciousness seems to have universal propensity and probability of being dualistic, there is underlying assertion that Reality therefore can never be non-dualistic and singular. Naturally, as Reality is not singular and non-dualistic, there shall always be 3Cs – Confusion, Conflict and Chaos around the very notion and realism of Reality! And, as Reality itself is dualistic, there probably cannot ever be non-dualistic and singular human world and life-living reality for we all!

To rationalize and summarize what we have discussed so far, we settle with the realism that Reality has to be singular, objective and non-dualistic. It has to be singular and non-dualistic for all organisms; not only humans. Naturally, Consciousness (not only of humans) cannot qualify to be the ‘observer’ of Reality as it is dualistic. Only the ‘Causality’ qualifies as single and ultimate observer as it is singular, objective and non-dualistic for all media of all consciousnesses. The fact however remains that as the singular-objective ‘causality’ shall express itself through different ‘media’ of different human beings, different living organisms as well as different ‘matters’, it shall have varied, even infinite expressions. Reality has to be and is singular but its expression being subject to ‘media-dependence’, it shall be ‘perceived’ in infinite shades, each shade of reality-expression having the potential to compete and conflict with other shade; primarily because of the ‘Virtuality of Centrality’ of ‘I’ or Self. This is core mechanism and process of Reality, Causality and Consciousness, which is the fertile soil of infinite stupidities and resultant hypocrisies of human world. This humanity not only has to accept but also celebrate as every shade of Reality-Expression has its role and utility. Probably that is why the ‘Causality’ chose to have such varied and infinite ‘media’ of matter…

In Oriental spiritual traditions, they called this playing out of the true and real Subject as ‘Maaya’ (the web of causality) and the material medium of body-mind effecting it, as ‘Leela’ (the effect-driven action and behavior). In Yoga philosophy, there is categorical and definitive reference to the idea of True Subject or Protagonist and also, there is an insistence to rise above and detach from all Causalities to attain the highest position that is ‘reserved’ for humanity.

This reality about self, ‘I’ or individual’s subjective consciousness being just a ‘medium’ and not the subject, karta or protagonist exposes the biggest, primeval and transcendental stupidity that all humans have. As we had mentioned in the start, ‘Every race, every art has its hypocrisy. Every creature therein breathes this lie from birth to death; lies are adapted to the mind of each race and art.’ We all think, ‘I am doing this and I am opting that’, however, the reality is that for all practical purposes, ‘I’ ain’t doing anything of its own independent accord and free will. ‘I’ is just playing out ‘performances’, which the true and real protagonist and subject – the Causality, is installing on the media of ‘I’ or Self. This in turn means, ‘I Am’ is probably the worst hypocrisy and naturally, all actions and behaviors installed and extended on the basis of ‘I Am’ are suspected stupidities.

This is what we have earlier talked about the reactionary self of people. In most cases in our lives, we all essentially do not ‘act’ on our freewill but ‘react’ to what is presented before us. In most usual ways, we are not subject; rather object as ‘media’ of causalities. This primeval and transcendental stupidity of humanity needs to be understood well. We as an individual are expected to ‘own’ all our actions and behaviors and in collective space, we are actually responsible for them. However, when vast majority of all our actions and behaviors are just the ‘reaction’ of situations engineered by our subconscious self as ‘media’ and not actual ‘actions’ of our conscious self, how can we say with sense of surety and ownership that ‘I Am’ and ‘I Do’?

More than 3000 years back, Oriental spiritualism deciphered this stupidity about self or ‘I’ and warned humans of this primary slavery, urging for emancipation from causalities within body-mind mechanism as well as outside in the external milieus. Modern science now speaks of the same with the help of quantum mechanics that human consciousness is not the protagonist and therefore, an individual simply cannot decipher and unravel ‘Reality’. Rather, an individual being just a miniscule and ephemeral ‘media’, can only realize a part of the larger cosmic Reality and simply reacting to the causalities that it plays out as a reactionary medium.

Naturally, as different people shall have differentiated ‘parts’ of Reality, there shall never be a singular objective Reality for humanity. Different people as differentiated media for infinite causalities within and outside their internal and external milieus shall perceive Reality differently, often competing their ‘part’ of Reality

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