Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity, Santosh Jha [manga ereader TXT] 📗

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity, Santosh Jha [manga ereader TXT] 📗». Author Santosh Jha
The slides of life are varied and every slide of human lives on earth is a vivid reminder of humanity’s intuitive as well as evolved ‘survival sanity’. Let us all celebrate this survival sanity of humanity with a toast of wine, proposing that may this sanity remain kindled forever. And, the best way to this celebration is festivity of stupidities and insanity, which humans have the innate mechanism for. Let us salute this instinctive and mechanismic Survival Sanity of the billions of men and women all over the globe, especially in those parts of the world, where life realisms are very testing.
This survival-sanity of humanity, men or women, is at full-throttle maneuvers in contemporary world, where threats to sanity and symmetry of cultured living is always greater than life size. The markets, the cultures, politics or society; everything is incessantly testing this mystical magicality of the survival sanity of humanity. Naturally, entropies are high and probabilities of stupidities and hypocrisies are commensurately higher too. History knows – Humanity has always won, it has always defeated the ‘Collaborative-Corruption’ of minds of powerful bunch of people. Sanity of survival of humanity has this wherewithal to rise above the ‘debilitating-diminutives’ of powerful protagonists. The ‘Collaborative-Structured-Corruption’ has the embedded entropies of insanity. The tenacity of long-run survival sanity leads the devastation and ultimate elimination of all Collaborative-Structured-Corruption.
The infinite and intrinsic inventiveness and artistry of humanity, despite the mortality and transient situationalism of the life and living realisms, is the wonder even God fails to understand and unravel. This has been mentioned in the ancient Indian religious traditions. Greats of humanity in all fields of life have experienced and written about it, using different metaphors.
How beautifully satisfying! The ‘joker’ plays its ‘tricks’ in the ‘circus of life’ and everyone laughs. Truth also claps along with the audience. Everyone is happy and thrilled! What is untrue and useless, even when the show of the circus is ephemeral?
The joker of life’s randomization throws up its rainbowish tricks and tantrums and, everyone is happily part of the show’s symmetry. Some may laugh, some may weep but all participate in this randomization show. And then… the show ends and back home, life is back to its survival sanity. It has to be…!
This energy of inventiveness in response to the randomization of life’s show can be anything but not untrue and purposeless. Had it been, the life would have wrapped up the show millions of years before. Scientists sum up. They say, “Any species sustains and survives because of the energy of the intelligence of its inventiveness for survival and it is this very intelligence, which leads the species to its extinction and end. Humanity too has the same destiny.”
This energy of inventiveness has its source in the human instinct. This instinct has all the doors of inventiveness. It is important to understand the mechanism of this instinct well as this mechanism alone creates history. That is also why, history is repeated as human instinctive mechanism of inventiveness is common thread in all histories.
That is why, powerful people must accept this lineage of historicity. They need to humbly and sincerely see and accept the underlying realism that the biggest and most powerful energy of cosmos is instinctive energy of all beings and even the vacuum. Leaders can only ‘warp’ the cosmic blanket a wee bit but this warping surely cannot shape and dictate cosmic construct, even though these warps can temporarily change the diurnal trajectory of some ‘planets of possibilities’. That too in the short-run because, as the core hypothesis of economics says – in the long run, we all are dead, even the powerful, the worst stupid and the hypocrites.
This historic lesson must be learnt and used for larger wellness of humanity. The stupidities and hypocrisies of leadership and intellectuals cannot acquire potency and power if it is not allowed to align and sync with mass stupidity. They must never at first place be lent the energy and support of stupidity of masses as they use this energy for wreaking havoc on humanity. Stupidities and hypocrisies at personal levels are innate, instinctive and very much the inevitable and inseparable part of the overall design of ‘survival sanity’. This tenacity for survival itself is powered and energized by infinite stupidities and hypocrisies. Therefore, personal and individualistic stupidities and hypocrisies are not calamitous. Rather, they are by design very competitively collaborative with others for maximization of survival sanity. However, it is the institutionalized and structured stupidities and hypocrisies of leadership and intellectuals, riding on the wave of power, authority and moneys, which is calamitous and threat to survival sanity of humanity. The conscientious stupidities of structured hypocrisies are calamitous; be warned!
When we insist to celebrate stupidity, we actually celebrate the freedom and liberation of our instinctive and innate survival-sanity from the clutches and control of collective and institutional-structured stupidity and hypocrisy of politics and economics. It shall be rejoicing of the fact that every common person, average men and women have the faith and innate wisdom to be accommodative of other’s stupidities so that survival sanity could be optimized. This shall happen as individually we shall accept our own personal stupidities and the celebration energy shall make all stupidities more compassionately accommodative and assimilative. This has happened in the long history of humanity and it shall happen again. History has to repeat itself. Or, it has no use.
Background Continues…
“The day is not far off when the economic problem will take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be occupied or reoccupied, by our real problems - the problems of life and of human relations…”
– John Maynard Keynes
Energies are catastrophic, if they are not streamlined and channelized properly. More so, if extreme reactiveness, lopsided perspectives, inflated personal ambitions and narcissistic desires shape them. Worst, when they lend gratuitously to charged up emotionalism, rather than grassroots realism.
This is a common knowledge of humanity; probably no need to overemphasize it, as long history of humanity has already witnessed and realized this. It is also nothing new to state with renewed vigor that the most potentially calamitous energy happens to be ideas, which humans have innate tendency to engender in plenty and then stupidly become victim of it. Even best of ideas become a source of major calamity if they are not understood and accepted in non-reactive and holistic perspectives. Tragic realism is, energies are usually reactive, not receptively assimilative. Probably, that is why, they prove calamitous to human society. There is no blame game here; just an acceptance of the realism that stupidity has a mechanism and hypocrisies follow a process.
In contemporary world, a virtual stampede of ideas has been set to unleash tumultuous causalities, as the multiplicities of obsessively espoused ideas are roaming without proper channelizing mechanism and streamlining structures. There is a Stampede of Stupidities pervading societal milieus, especially the political and economic domains. The potential outcomes are nothing short of calamitous, with another set of tumultuous energies of high-sounding media-sugared ideas adding more venom to it.
There still is nothing new, which one can be specifically or disproportionately worried of, as this scenario and the happenings are only innovatively repetitive, if viewed from historical perspective. It is not that this stampede of stupidities could be patented to any part or any group. All over the globe, the energies of ideas of youth, neo-youth, activism, the populist nomenclature of common man, invalidated politics, inflated ‘isms’ and the generally embedded force of rejection of status quoist realisms are active players of the stampede. And, there are embedded reasons for it.
This phenomenon too is cyclic in history of time and space on this earth. Energies of ideas for change, guided by the gradient and gravitation of rejection of status quo are basic cyclicality of cosmic evolution and human societies are just a small part of the macrocosmic arrangement, though, in reactive consciousness, we all fail to understand and accept it. Stupidities of reactionary energies are always around and they have always been the primary source of causalities, which shape humanity and engender history.
Societies of nations – the masses, politics and the leadership are huge group of people and they are marvelous agents and participants of change but always a potential of calamitous populist presuppositions. Globally, the idea of liberalism and globalization has resulted in weakening of societies and nations. This has in turn created a stronger and more reactively vocal individual. The individual frustration with ‘system’ and ‘institutionalized’ mechanism of society-economy-politics has somehow made masses fall in love with the stampede of stupidities of ‘anti-intellectualism’, ‘anti-rationality’ and ‘anti-sanity’.
In such a milieu of uncertainty and tumult, narcissistic politics, with demonic perspectives of populist attainments sink into the sanity and order of the system and attain iconic stature in mass imagery. This narcissistic politics tend to wear the ‘celebrity-cloak’ and lead mass energies of populist frenzy and stupidities into a world of realism, where virtualism becomes perceptional realism. This is calamitous.
Probably first time in global history, the common person, the average citizen and a simple voter has become relatively better empowered and emphatic, vis-à-vis the society and governance, he or she lives in. However, sadly enough, this individual or mass ‘empowerment’ has not arrived because of ‘well-informed’ and ‘poised’ mind perspectives and consciousness of the common men and women, but by the ‘superficial’ power of ‘consumerism’ – the new money and its dynamics!
In the modern age of choices, nothing seems like permanent and durable for long term. The common person now has the scary mindset of being impatient and deeply reactive. Psychologists admit that this impatient and reactive common person, pampered with choices and options, has already started to view and accept even relationships as products.
The societies all over the globe are facing troubles, as people do not want to live a life in a no option milieu. When people are not willing to drag even in a relationship, as choices and options are available in good measure, how can they be expected to carry the burden of an option-less social or political system, which they perceive as non-performing and a big drag! This attitudinal change in average person’s mindset and worldview has come up fast and societies and nations have not kept pace with it.
This pampered common person, emboldened by its newfound empowerment as consumer and game-changer in societies; thanks also to critical technologies, wants good life and it is very much justified. What creates trouble is this common person often fails to accept its responsibility and culpability as an informed and balanced-perspectives citizen.
There cannot be denial to the fact that democratic societies needed an aware, highly informed, disciplined and poised citizenry for its success but the sad realism is that dysfunctional populism and irresponsible common men and women have brought all democratic societies into a veritable chaos, where narcissistic politicians and populist mindsets get huge opportunities to acquire iconic stature.
The stupidity lies in the fact that major trouble rests with an irresponsible and undisciplined common men and women, still, governments, political parties, corporate, activists and even media are in an overdrive to pamper the common men and women, never ever daring to tell them what is expected of them for the good life they fight for.
The core and critical realism is – primarily, politics does not create problems on its own as problems originate in social and cultural domains. Politics often either aggravates problems for its own benefit or can at best try to provide a safe passage out of it. That is why, as politics does not create troubles, it also usually does not have solutions.
Solutions also lie in the same domain of society and culture, which creates troubles. Much of the stampede of stupidities emanate out of this erroneous cognitive perception that politics has all solutions and economics has all wellness means.
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