» Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity, Santosh Jha [manga ereader TXT] 📗

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hypocrisies, for personal celebration. It shall be great if they are rejoiced collectively and institutionalized. This celebration shall unleash the energy towards their gradual corrosion and final elimination from our personal as well as collective unconscious minds. What better way to unburden humanity of its innate and embedded malaise…


Background Continues…

Almost a century back, when probably it was more challenging to say it, a great man said it with humble sincerity – “Every race, every art has its hypocrisy. Every community, every nation has its own lie and hypocrisy, which it calls its idealism. Every creature therein breathes this lie from birth to death; lies are adapted to the mind of each race and art. There are only a few men and women of genius who can break free from it through heroic moments of crisis… genius cannot be defined without touching the ridiculous….”

Somehow, when contemporary socio-economic-political milieus are fast becoming more prone to smothering even peripheral iconoclastic insinuations, with a ‘novo-empowered’ socio-political layer pounding on any ‘other realism than what they profess’, it has somehow become amply clear that stupidities and hypocrisies are not about races or nations; it is purely about how human brain works, how the consciousness it engenders perceives Reality and how Reality expresses itself for perception of human body-mind plexus. It is now beyond any reasonable doubt that stupidity and hypocrisy as primary and innate pragmatism, is human as well as cosmic design. The primary culpability therefore is not stupidity-hypocrisy itself but by conscious and vehement denial of it by humanity at personal and collective levels. This is classical ‘conscientious stupidity’, which Martin Luther King Jr. pointed at. If it is something which everyone almost conscientiously follows but equally pragmatically ‘excuses’ himself or herself off its culpability, then sure the trouble has its catastrophic effect because of its acceptance – rather non-acceptance. The trouble then is collective human manifestation!

Insinuations of iconoclastic import apart, it seems, there looks like an emerging realism in most contemporary minds of sincere thoughtfulness that –

“… Paint the pink and rosy landscape of personal hypocrisies and then install it with golden metal frame on the wall of socio-political discourse of purported ‘self-importance’, and you have idealism structured for most uninitiated minds…”

It is at least something, the powerful and authoritative bunch of people are doing. The masses naturally follow them as benchmark of success and wellness. Never ever stupidities and hypocrisies had this absolute and unflinching patronage of power structures of milieus as it is in contemporary times. The modern media plexus has the technological expertise and moneys have the penetration into minds that can install and stand any stupidity and hypocrisy as ‘Idealism’ of the day. They are doing it marvelously! The average men and women have no wherewithal to even suspect; the enabled and empowered have been left too emaciated to protest.

Human ingenuity of ‘preferred positioning’ for pilferage is instinctive. It cannot be completely done away with. It has been said hundreds of years back by a wise man, ‘Nobody can understand and check when a fish drinks water while swimming in water’.

Self is an undeniable reality and selfishness is also very natural. It comes out of the genetically designed urge for self-preservation of any living cell. This visceral self-preservation drive is the ‘auto-mode’ manufacturing factory of all personal hypocrisies of humanity. Then, sense of utilities and worth, emanating out of this subconscious and unconscious instinctive behavior/action, embarks on a mind journey to list all these hypocrisies as idealisms of collective wellness. In good old classical times; the societal and cultural milieus used to install exalted idealistic positioning, which restricted and restrained personal stupidities and hypocrisies. In contemporary times however, the societal-cultural milieus have either been vitiated, manipulated by powerful or have lost the traditional role of the vanguard to personal vitiations.

The nobility of human selfishness is not an innate or wired personal behavior. It is rather a social product, which is an evolved socialization process. The fear or care for social approval and reprimand restricts and conditions the intensity of inclination of selfishness to indulge in ingenuity of pilferage. The reward and punishment emotions are wired behavior pattern in all humans. The basic fear is the fear of majority and the only potent check on human ingenuity. Human beings are social creatures by nature and what they really dread is not hell or law of the land but complete disapproval and alienation from the society.

That is why; the only successful insurance for success of any goodness is the acceptance of majority. Corruption could not be successfully checked in most nations as our society in general not only approved of it, rather also encouraged it. We made the rich our icons eulogizing how he or she pilfered the whole system. Corruption; and all such ‘short-cuts’ and ‘diversions’ of societal behavior, is instinctive self-preservation need of all living being. The subconscious and unconscious mind approves it and then structures it with all possible pragmatism to list it as ‘idealism’. As this stupidity and hypocrisy is visceral and common to all, there always is a powerful societal and cultural energy to paint them as ‘idealisms’ of life and living.

The new millennium, this decisive age of ‘Conscious Causalities’, beckons for a ‘re-evolution’ of idealism of human behavior and actions – individually and collectively, based not on hypocrisies of ingenuity, but acceptance of innocence of the pragmatism of realism of human mechanism and thought processes. There is this express need to weed eclectic and universal hypocrisies from all populism of human possibilism. There is this primary need of installation of such a ‘re-evolution’ seed in the social discourse of new generation men and women. Then only, this discourse shall be plastered over the small layer of political opportunism. The vice-versa is not possible. Political discourse never has this consciousness and will to install any ‘re-evolution’ enterprise. Globally, this task is exclusive domain of societal initiatives. However, no societal initiative is built up without personal enterprises.

But then, as said above; if there are only a few men and women of genius who can break free from it through heroic moments of crisis, humanity probably needs them here and right now. However, the ‘handfuls’ cannot do much. The battle against infiniteness of human stupidity and hypocrisies require a critical mass of humanity. Therefore, all men and women are called upon to join the battle against stupidity. The first step is towards acceptance of stupidity and hypocrisy as our ‘design’. Celebration of Stupidity is just a metaphor, a symbolic gesture to initiate the enterprise of acceptance of our own personal stupidities and hypocrisies as our innate body-mind design. If it is an absurdity and social stupidity that genius cannot define without touching the ridiculous, then probably it is time for some ‘ridiculous’ insinuations to penetrate the societal and cultural discourse.

If 5 percent humanity has appropriated 95% resources of the world and rest of 95% population is made to suffer, with millions of humans starving and dying uncared; if handful of 50 people have cornered incomes and wealth of over 60 percent people and all these are being allowed to continue on the name of some ‘ism’, some ‘idealism’ and some ‘golden hypocrisies’, it looks like a definitive time for ‘re-evolution’ of human sense of righteousness and appropriateness. It surely seems like time and right space for those ‘ridiculous’ and ‘stupid’ energies to break free from populist idealisms.

If there is this populist idealism that ‘politics can and should usher in solutions and install righteousness’, then probably, primary ‘breaking free’ initiative is required against this idealism. The politics and its hypocritical power structures, in devilish collaboration with corporations of wealth are the definitive number one stupidity of contemporary humanity. This stupidity must first have mass human acceptance for half riddance of heap of infinite human stupidities. The politics of contemporary world must first be made to come clean of its stupidities and hypocrisies otherwise, its powerful tentacles will smother any societal and cultural initiative for breaking free of contemporary stupidities.

Societies, like individuals, if sit easy and comfortable with procrastination and delegating ‘self-goals’, then it seems, probably, primary ‘breaking free’ initiative is required against this idealism. A celebration of stupidity is the call, because, it probably is something ‘touching the ridiculous’ to break free of the malaise of humanity. Anyway, a collective is always a summation or holism of individuals, yet, the collective unconscious itself has the repository of all energies of probabilities, which an individual may feel induced to pick up and own. This mutuality and symbiosis between individual and societies are the call of the contemporary times.


Background Continues…

End of Second World War and humanity across national borders had accepted – There definitively was something terribly wrong with the way human mind is handling the world and also, there was major trouble with the way nations’ politics accepted realism of national interest. Naturally, when many million people die in wars of madness, there always is a need for retrospection and reinvention of contemporary human realism.

More than politics, state agencies, governments, diseases, poverty, calamities, terrorism, criminals, pollution and corruption; human stupidities and hypocrisies alone kill more than all put together. Interestingly, there is data that nations or international bodies keep about that! And if the stupidities were as infinite and calamitous like the two World Wars and the casualties were as massive as the Wars orchestrated, humanity truly had serious business in sitting and accepting the culpability sans any semblance of hypocrisy.

After 1945, the end of second world war, globally, it was felt that humans probably needed more ‘intelligent’ mechanisms in management of societal, economic and political arena for larger wellness of human race, so that in future, the world could not be in such a situation, where conflicts between humans reach to such stages, where war becomes inevitable. Naturally, globally, intellectuals were called for the jobs and world over, most nations buoyed up its most intellectual and most intelligent people to the fore to manage society, politics and economics with good precision. Smart and ‘intellectually designed’ systems were evolved and put in place. This continued with many experiments till the start of new millennium…

However, somehow, as and when we see ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ on rise in many parts of the world and national-international politics stretching all limits of insanity and hypocrisies, especially in the two decades of the new millennium, it seems, ‘intellectualism’ has failed in some big way. It seems, average person, common men and women world over are very critical of their own intellectual leadership. It seems, they feel the intelligent people, the intellectual crop of their society, culture, economy and politics have duped and dumped them. They somehow feel, most of their troubles are because of the ‘hypocrisies’ unleashed and heaped by the intellectuals of their respective milieus. This seems a common global trend.

In India, in the USA and in many other nations, there is a very clear trend and people’s movement towards what is being termed as ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’. There was an old saying in political philosophy, which goes like – ‘The wearer alone knows where the shoe pinches.’ This self-centric, self-actualized and self-styled individualism, somehow in bitter antagonism with society and most collective institutions, with stupid insistence to see and feel only one’s own ‘shoes’, seems to be the seed of this fast growing trend of ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’.

In many countries, common men and women are so scared of high sounding intellectualism and rational-talks that they feel, it is always better to be ‘Foolishly Selfish’ than being a ‘Wise Befooled’. The reason seems to be simple – In over 70 years since the Second World War, the ‘intellectuals’ have brought about and sustained such social, economic and political idealism and systems, which has only led the world towards a destination, where human misery has only become more complex and global conflicts have only become too complicatedly unmanageable. The precipitation of these stupidities is the menacing crisis of the rich-poor gap divide, with one percent people having 99

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