» Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity, Santosh Jha [manga ereader TXT] 📗

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percent resources of the world. The trust deficit of humanity has reached its rock bottom – human relationships therefore are becoming complex, conflicted and shattered. The high sounding economists, scientists, politicians, corporate leaders, societal and spiritual icons and generic celebrities have failed the humanity big time as these handfuls have to own what Martin Luther King Jr. termed as ‘Conscientious Stupidity’. The leadership of humanity ‘sincerely’ duped and dumped the masses with their conscientious stupidities because, they were not honest and compassionate enough to accept their ‘golden hypocrisies’. This the average men and women have now understood beyond doubt. This however does not mean the masses can be absolved of the culpability of their stupidities of collective unconscious as well as individual conscious.

The simple thing is – Even an average person can now clearly see and decipher that the huge load of hypocrisies that the post Second World War ‘intellectualism’ has dumped on human lives, are majorly responsible for contemporary global troubles. At least, this seems to be the popular meme or collective unconscious thought of major human population.

That is why, it seems, this trend of ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ is fast catching up everywhere. The analysts say that recent political changes in India and USA are major indicator of how ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ has become the first choice of common men and women. All anti-intellectual enterprises, dogmatic idealisms and illogical perceptions are being cheered and voted for by masses. They have rejected the traditional intellectualism and now rely on anything, which sounds ‘anti-intellectual and anti-rational’.

That is why, in India, in USA and many other nations, in society, cultures, economy and politics, those people are rising to ‘new leadership’ positions, who attack traditional wisdom, established intellectualism and status quoism of hypocritical prudence. As people feel duped and dumped by hypocrisies of ‘White Wisdom’, they have become votaries of anything that is not white and ideally ‘Grey Practicality’…! All shades of grey are being cheered and hailed…! Interestingly, stupidities do not have only ‘50 Shades of Grey’!

Why post Second World War intellectualism failed is a complex question. But then, humanity, especially the intellectuals have to ask themselves. May be, because true intellect is so ‘holistic’ that it always has trouble ‘installing’ its utility and worth in other’s mind. However, what seems a likely cause is – Contemporary ‘Intellectualism’ itself has been a reactionary intelligence. If ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ is a reaction against hypocrisies of intellectualism, the intellectualism also seems to be largely reactionary. Global intellectualism has never looked like having a ‘receptive-mode’ intelligence to evolve a global order with consensus, collective endeavors and holistic perspectives. Human intelligence never was holistic, compassionate and aligned to Reality and it probably could never be.

Secondly, probably, intellectualism has not been something, which is universal and stupidly simple – that is INNOCENCE. Human life and living has gradually become very complex. From relationships to retailing, everything for an average human has become too complex for simple understanding. Most people are grappling with complexities and therefore, there is a common wish to accept something, which is simple and honestly uncomplex. Stupidities and anti-intellectualism always has this advantage of sounding simple and practically amenable! Stupidities come easy, simple, automatic and natural as it is what we are wired for. Naturally, there is a populist global call of ‘Be Yourself’ viscerality and it has mass takers. Because, it is uncomplex and easy!

Intellectualism itself has grown more complex. From politics to economy, everything is now beyond average person’s understanding. When renowned economists openly say, they can tell what is wrong with economy but cannot tell what is the solution because they do not fully understand it, then what an average man or woman can understand is imaginable. Everyone is now into financial markets but even geniuses cannot say they understand it. But, this acceptance is rare. The simplicity, honesty and innocence are core elements, which modern intellectualism has been missing hugely and this makes most people hate intellectualism. Rather, contemporary intellectualism has become synonymous with hypocrisies. The global trend of ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ seems a reactionary outrage against complexities and hypocrisies of intellectualism.

The trouble is – ‘anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and solipsism’ may be current choice of masses but like the hypocritical intellectualism, it also does not have any solution for human conflicts and troubles. Solutions are only in simplicity, honesty and innocence of collective human wisdom. Therefore, intellectualism needs to own its failure and sit down to device mechanisms to redeem, reinvent and reinstate its utility and worth as true friend of humanity.

This however is a big ask. Asking intellect to shed its reactionary energy and settle for receptive energy of innocence and simplicity is probably the worst stupidity. Therefore, what is easy, possible and pragmatically reasonable is to reach out to average and common men and women. It is better to ask common people to accept the much needed innocence of acceptance of their own personal stupidities and hypocrisies and celebrate it un-hypocritically, marking 2020 as the ‘Year Of Stupidity’. This innocence definitively has the intent and content to make common people see and accept that politics, leadership, intellectuals, icons, celebrities, etc are always expressions of ‘institutional and structured’ stupidities and hypocrisies. Any time, in any circumstances, simple and innocent stupidities of average and common men and women are far less a threat to humanity than those these leaders and intellectuals have the potential of.

Acceptance and celebration of one’s personal stupidities is what humanity can do and should do as there is no way these collective, institutional and structured stupidities and hypocrisies of politicians, leadership and intellectuals could be restrained and emaciated. Celebrating stupidity, in a way shall also mark the rejoicing of emancipation of humanity at large, from the collective, institutional, structured and calamitous stupidities and hypocrisies of politicians, leadership and intellectuals.



Background Continues…

There is a belief that a certain critical mass is required for anything to take shape. On that basis, it may be accepted that for an idea to take shape, the critical mass is average of nine percent. Therefore, a rumor can take shape, if around nine percent of population starts believing and accepting something as fact, true and right. This critical mass of ‘9%’ is what we may call the proverbial smoke of a certain fire!

However, a fact and realism must have a minimum critical mass of 99%. Truth, fact and realism can be allowed to have maximum of only one percent uncertainty of probability; nothing more…

So, rumor starts at 9% – the ‘smoke’ and for the fire to happen, it needs 99% surety. The large range between 9 to 99 percent – the 90% domain, is the humungous playground of probabilities; or what we popularly know as ‘Perception’ and beliefs.

Interestingly, a bottle of pure whisky is also liquor and a glass full; with only 10% whisky and 90% water/soda is also liquor. Somehow, many accept, ‘soda’ or water mixing is a must for taste and ‘amicability’ of liquor. Masses love the ‘taste’ and feel of amicability…!

So, if an idea is believed and accepted with minimum critical mass of 9-10% fact (whisky) and 90% bubbling perception (soda), it is still ‘fact’ (liquor). If 20%, then perception is strong. However, higher the percentage of whisky (fact), the ‘taste’ of ‘liquor’ loses ‘amicability’. Therefore mixing ‘soda’ with ‘liquor’ – 90% perception with 10% fact is always brilliant for taste. Masses love it…! Though, the true connoisseurs of whisky would insist, not even a drop of water should be added in whisky as it kills the true taste. They say, people do not know how to enjoy a real whisky and therefore this stupidity of ‘mixing’ and diluting the brilliance of taste!

Most of us are geniuses out of this convenience of ‘playing safe’ in the huge playground of ‘probabilities’ or ‘perceptions’. It is because, in this playground, nobody is a referee, supervising the game and therefore, anybody can score any number of imaginary goals and claim to be a hero. Reality, in its infinite shades is a blissful invite for endless stupidities of self. Hypocrisies line up naturally in stark defense of personal stupidities. Hypocrisies then form cooperatives to install safe structures against any attack of rationality.

For example – There is a very ‘strong perception’ among many young men that ‘modern women’, especially modern working and career women are ‘sluts’ and responsible for most of social and familial troubles in relationships and marriages. On social platforms, anyone can check how many young men splurge ‘choices details’ about ‘modern women’, which cannot be written here…! Somehow, for many men, this ‘perception’ is the most ‘tasty liquor’ of contemporary times. The safe and secure ‘critical mass’ to this ‘perception’ has been assigned years back to install it as ‘Reality’ of collective unconscious.

Now, check two things – Definition of ‘modern women’ and data available about adultery among women. This very idea about ‘modern women’ is like a ‘smoke’, heavily loaded with ‘perceptions’, which have less than 10% fact in it. A set of behavioral traits are assigned gleefully to ‘modern women’ label, without any leeway to diversities of background and many other elements of personality and personal situations. Secondly, the adultery data of women is also full of ‘smoke’, with facts mixed up with loads of ‘perception’ to create a ‘fire-simulation’.

In USA, where most young men mouth about ‘modern women’ behaving and acting like sluts; only 14% women commit adultery, whereas the same figure for men are 22%. Despite this data women in general would not desist from saying that all men are habitually adulterous. In many developing societies like China, India, etc too many young men are mouthing the same perception about modern women, even when there is almost no authentic data about such an allegation. As there is sufficient ‘critical mass’ of ‘9%-fact’, it is good enough to label it as ‘liquor’ (Reality) or ‘sure-fire’.

How this happens? Actually, we all are wired like that. Humans are geniuses in accepting ‘perceptions’ as truths. This is our primary and most calamitous weakness, wired in our consciousness. In USA as well as India, vast majority of both men and women have been surveyed to be believing that ‘adultery’ should not be legally punishable. Now, this is some ‘smoke’ men would mix up with their zeal for seeing ‘fire’.

The trouble with living on the basis of ‘smoke’ (perception) and not bothering to check on the veracity of actual ‘fire’ (fact/truth) is visceral to humans and not only individuals but families, societies and nations are run and managed on the basis of this same stupidity of ‘smoke’ realism. Especially, politics is the smartest ‘perception-management’ skill, which most smart politicians are brilliant at.

As masses, the so-called common men and women are in huge infatuation with ‘smoke-syndrome’ and ‘soda-mixing’, they love such politicians. Anyway, in contemporary societies in infatuation with ‘WhatsApp-World’ of rumor-perception living, almost every smoke is equal to a volcano-fire…! Everyone loves this ‘taste’ of 90%-soda mixed ‘liquor’…!

Check how India’ current prime minister runs nation on populist ‘perceptions’, happily bypassing facts. Just 24 hours after demonetization, the prime minister, who flew to Japan, said there that after demonetization, women who had earlier thrown their mother-in-laws out of home to old-homes, were depositing 2.5 lakh rupees ‘black money’ in their accounts. Even in USA, where money and technology is sumptuously huge, social data is retrieved only after few years. Even in USA, real-time social/family data is a mirage. How could then the Indian prime minster cull out ‘real-time’ data about a particular ‘social-behavior’ in just 24 hours? Naturally, the prime minster blew up loads of ‘smoke’ to create the simulation of ‘fire’, in his favor…! There are numerous examples of his ‘perception-living’ wellness and smoke-building fire. Politicians sell the perceptions dexterously as masses love the ‘smokey’ populism.

Check this – The USA is spending around $700 billion annually on nation’s security against enemies and terrorist attacks. However, the annual budget for FDA, which supervises overall health of American people is less than $7billion, even as only

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