» Psychology » The planet of biorobots?, Alexander Borodin [top 100 novels .TXT] 📗

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generalized in this and in the past materials ). A brief example of HTML tags :




<! --...-->

Used to add comments.


Declares the type of document and provides basic information for the browser - its language and version. 


Creates hypertext links.

< abbr >

Defines the text as an abbreviation or acronym. Explanatory text is specified using the title attribute .

< address >

Specifies the contact details of the author / owner of the document or article. Displayed in italics in the browser.

< area >

It is a hyperlink with text corresponding to a specific area on the image map, or an active area inside the image map. Always nested inside the < map > tag



So it is with people. As already mentioned, by all indications, people are partially controlled by higher forces or something else, but it is still controlled through instincts and the genetic code, and partially people control each other with the help of words and phrases. 

People have such a thing as etiquette. Etiquette can be seen as a collection of psychological "tags." Etiquette is needed so that through words or actions not to cause a person considered negative emotions. A person who has experience in life knows how a word or phrase can cause some people to call what is called hostility or aggression, or vice versa what is called kindness and pleasure.

Words and phrases can also be called tags, not only in a technical but in a psychological sense. Certain words or phrases affect some people. Some phrases or a word is a code for the appearance in the human body of certain chemical components that cause any emotions, which are subsequently pushed to any actions. One code in the form of a phrase or a word will cause aggression, a second fear, a third love, a fourth sympathy, etc. And it would be possible to create a tag site, meaning psychological, for those who want any action from any people.

The first psychological tag may be the phrase “Thank you very much,” the second “Sorry, please,” the third “You have no conscience,” the fourth “You have lost shame,” fifth, and so on. “It's not like a kid ” , “Friends don’t do it”, “Are you a coward?”, “You are a weakling”, “Weak in spirit”, “You are a lazy person”, “You are a zero”. Or such: “You are afraid of everyone and everything, because you are afraid of someone’s aggression or consequences, but a person is mortal, how not to protect yourself, you will die someday anyway, but because you’re afraid of everything, you don’t realize your needs ”, etc. Almost all psychological tags from this list can be called manipulative , they are from the category of manipulation by creating a guilty complex or an inferiority complex.

But you can voice tags that, on the contrary, demanipulate a person, save him from the results of using manipulative tags, they have already been cited as an example: “Do not be afraid of anything and you’ll die sooner or later, do what you want, do as your soul does “Lies”, but so that it doesn’t make you worse ”and“ Don’t be shy and fear anyone’s criticism, because you’re embarrassed and afraid of criticism of people who will die, those whom you are embarrassed, afraid, will someday die "You are shy or afraid of the dead in the future." It is clear that the phrases indicated in the last sentence ( demanipulating tags) are not for everyone, for example, they can be for those who have manipulative phrases (tags) caused the so-called borderline mental disorder or some kind of psychological discomfort that interferes with life.

Tags can be divided into relevant for each profession and for each case separately: tags for conversation between boss and subordinate and vice versa, subordinate and boss, tags for dating the opposite sex, etc. You can create a collection of psychological tags.

Also, the categories of tags include sayings and “winged” phrases: “Teach your woman soup to cook”, “All this has already passed”, “Promise - do not marry”, “Own, your own, and eat your own bread”, “Each ground squirrel agronomist ”,“ Saying - don’t turn over the bags ”,“ To spite my mom frostbite ”, etc. Tags can be considered phrases prepared in advance for a speech or conversation:“ Don’t be offended ”(with this phrase you kind of ask for forgiveness without apologizing in fact, that does not infringe on your vanity, if there is one, and therefore does not hurt your psyche), “Breaking yourself” (a synonym “Step over” through yourself). When someone who has a so-called social status is insulted by someone who does not have one, those who have status say when they do not consider it necessary to respond to the insult: “Who is he and who am I” (in the sense of “he is nobody, and I have status in society ”). In general, we create a database of words and tag phrases, words and phrases with which you can encourage someone to take any action. The base of words and phrases like the base of HTML tags I have already begun, whoever wants to can continue. Where did these words and phrases that are called tagged in this material come from? Probably, they appeared when it became impossible to control people with the help of brute physical force, times changed, and began to manage in a different way, that is, with the help of phrases and word tags. Who invents words and phrases designed to control the behavior of people, who is the legislator of opinions, the one who controls people from among the people themselves? Whoever writes legal laws writes moral laws?

But we must not forget that there are a certain number of people who do not perceive tag words and phrases, while these people do not need to be persuaded so that they cease to perceive any tag words and phrases, they simply do not perceive them, probably such higher forces or other circumstances created people after which people cannot control them. In general, you can say that any book written in human language is also something similar to HTML code, you write it, add or delete something, as in HTML code , and what you wrote can affect the behavior and the thinking of the person who read it.

Probably, different human languages ​​are conceived by higher powers so that people can be "programmed" by a ruler only on their territory. Then, perhaps, people are really created for the entertainment of higher powers and everyone is in a computer-like game. And one can also assume that there will be or will be created realities even “cooler” than our reality, since there is a theory that people, or rather, their descendants, are those who are now called higher powers. The gods are our descendants, who made such scientific and technological achievements of their time, and they created us.

The services of some rulers calculated that a person begins to pay off after everything invested in him after 30 years of his life, respectively, it is unprofitable for rulers to have people die earlier, and this is mutually beneficial between people and the government, since most people want to live long. Then some states can be considered as firms in which the resource is people. You create a state, recruit people if they were not on the territory, and the company has earned, create among people those who treat other people, those who monitor the safety of people, those who come up with tags, workers and so on, health and safety people need to be watched since you are dependent on people if you are a ruler. All relations between people and the ruler are beneficial, and the word “company” has no negative connotations, just some states can be compared with a company or, if you like, with computer strategy games.

It is with the help of codes that a person communicates with a computer, this is the language of the computer, the programmer is a translator into the language of machines. Words written or spoken by someone are also human-readable code, and it, like programming languages, can be different in every sense, word code can be foreign, manipulative , etc., write and say what you want and how do you want. And, of course, a person has a genetic code, so to speak, factory settings, and there are, so to speak, acquired settings, this is what was formed through communication with people. It seems that higher powers have provided a person with autonomy controlled or semi- controlled by them. You can do something, but you can’t not do it, but if you don’t do what the higher powers prescribed, you will not be psychologically comfortable, and the higher forces have also enabled people to program each other using words to certain limits. Acting as a speaker or, in other words, as a teacher of life (in this case it may not necessarily be a specific person, but the so-called media) programs people for a specific thought or action. And, again, there are people who succumb to his influence, and there are those to whom he will not be interested, and they will go along the same road, never turning anywhere off it.

As already mentioned, in the HTML language there is the concept of a “container” (these are two called “paired” tags), you insert in it (between them) what you need, you refresh the page and that’s it. The same thing in human language, insert into simple speech words that evoke emotions, and those who need it will "hook", but someone will not. Probably, the higher forces want it, here they are already taking effect, they have determined with the help of the so-called genetic predisposition who will “catch” words and phrases (we will call words and phrases, as we called earlier, tags), and who will not.

A partial result from everything previously written in this and in the previous materials: higher forces through the program in the brain, the genetic code and chemical processes in your body, which at the moment means the production of endorphins , have already determined your behavior, so you can relax and just go along the path lined with the hormones of pleasure, because the pleasure received from something is a beacon. Various behavioral programs that come from the outside through hearing and sight can lead you off the endorphin path, and you will take the path of life without pleasure, is it because higher powers expected a completely different behavior from you? You don’t feel the pleasure of life, so you are going the wrong way, with the help of internal opiates, higher forces communicate with us and direct us to the right path? Fear, aggression, sexual desire, love, sadness and other emotional states are just software with the help of which it is prescribed by higher forces to react precisely and not otherwise to certain situations? Someone died from loved ones, and the program instructs the endocrine system to produce what causes sadness? As you know, the programs can be different, as it does not sound paradoxical, a person at the death of a person close to him could have a program instructing the endocrine system to work out not what causes sadness, but what causes pleasure? In all programs, it makes sense that a person in love starts a program that causes love in the absence of the one he is in love with, instructs the body to highlight the same thing that causes sadness, so that it does not disappear, but creates a family so that who is in love? Like or dislike, these two words are designed to determine if there is a production of hormones of pleasure or not. Something like it, that means you are going along the path that the higher forces want, something you don’t like, so you have deviated from the route? Why do some hormones of pleasure begin to stand out from the behavior considered inadequate, who "wrote" such a program for them? Etc.

There is an interesting science fiction film dedicated to human emotions: " Equilibrium " (anti-utopia, post-apocalyptic ), 2002, USA, directed by Kurt Wimmer . In it, the cause of all problems of the authorities is declared by human emotions - to suppress them, the population is obliged to take the Prozium drug daily . Although something like this happens in our time, only drugs that suppress emotions can be prescribed by a psychiatrist, rather than forced to accept power, they can be forced to accept life. It is logical that some too-so-called emotional people have a need to take drugs that suppress emotions, and people who are not emotional do not need to

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