» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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Non vowel resources of some good mood

Every rational act is violence against one's neighbor or oneself - these are words attributed to Charles Darwin.

If Charles Darwin meant rational actions to restrain what is called emotions and weaknesses, then he generalized everyone - there are people who do not interfere with their rational actions, and even vice versa - these are people about whom they say that they have no weaknesses and they are not emotional, therefore violence against oneself through reasonable actions can be considered when someone who is considered to be a person with weaknesses and emotions suppresses his weaknesses and emotions, or it will be more correct to say what is considered weaknesses, and is called emotions and? The most important thing is what is called weaknesses - the less weaknesses, the more you are free, but if they are, then you need to be able to satisfy them in order to feel comfortable? Neuroses, phobias, alcoholism, drug addiction - not only unsatisfied desires, but also the cult of excessive caution, as well as the fear that everything will turn out not perfect, not perfect in the sense in which ideality is understood, is to blame for the whole paradox who is not afraid of anything, has more chances to live to old age than the one who is afraid of everything, suppresses his fears with alcohol or drugs and instills confidence in the same? Why do some people who have linked themselves to faith quit drinking alcohol or drugs that they used because of the unfulfillment of practical or utopian ideas - because religion teaches that a person does not control the situation, at least completely, and everything goes as decided from above? In order not to become a neurasthenic, alcoholic or drug addict, you need not only not to restrain emotions, as some psychologists advise, but also to follow reasonable behavior? Competent economic behavior is when you always have a money “hitch” or, in other words, an “alarming suitcase” in which money or values, or a second job, or all together, then you don’t have much fear for your future and the present? Is psychology perhaps too ideal and not adapted to the living conditions of life? Are all those who are close to the critic, fools or wrong - are there people whose behavior is “tailored” to criticize the actions of other people? There is competition among those who carry information to the masses, as in most areas, and sometimes if someone else’s opinion somewhere clashes with yours, the brain of some carriers of these opinions will usually perceive this situation as aggression, and this it will be expressed in irritation, and subsequently in criticism, so it was worth writing this book not in the affirmative but in the interrogative sentences, or simply do not want to say everything in the affirmative - as they say, should the missionary hear the missionary work of another?

Attention: the author does not say anything in this material that something should be one way or another, therefore all affirmative sentences in this material should be perceived as interrogative, not interrogative, only because it is impossible to create any work only from interrogative sentences, reading any affirmative sentence written by the author, you should mentally put a question mark when it ends. Where the author categorically affirms something without the possibility of any other interpretation of what is written, there is a note: attention, this is an affirmative sentence.

Two years ago, a scientist named Rich Terril suddenly appeared on the science-fiction television show Through the Wormhole to tell us all about the mysteries of the universe. He was invited to the program to discuss the theory that our whole life is something like a metaphysical, advanced and very complex version of The Sims.

(Continued at the end of this work).

God is a programmer, as modern popular science films and articles say: science has connected with religion, with the advent of computers among some people, the theory that we are NPCs, programs that live in a virtual world located in a super-powerful computer, and we controlled by higher powers - are we a super-advanced likeness of the game The Sims or GTA Grand Theft Auto IV, and we were created just for the entertainment of the one who created us? Nothing exists, is everything just an intellectual design and attachment to beliefs that can be absolutely anything? What kind of posthuman civilization is it, what will the people in it look like, and will they even look somehow? Competition and a system of encouragement and punishment, when there are endorphins in the blood or when they are not there - does our life look like a computer game or just a computer game like our life? Does quantum mechanics hint that we live in virtual reality? Is there some evidence that we live in a virtual world, and there is no evidence that we do not live in it? When experimenting with two slots in which ultrafine particles are passed through them, in the case of non-observation of particles they behave like waves when you observe, they behave like particles - something similar happens when you play a computer game, especially in the one that requires more capabilities than your computer has, the image is loaded when you look at it after you give the command to the computer to show something that is in another location of the game ?! The speed of light cannot be overcome at the moment, and this is because such is the power of something similar to the processor in the computer in which we exist ?! We are composed of atoms, the constituent of atoms is electrons. We are made up of electricity, like computer game characters ?! Our hosts controlled us with substances that cause pleasant and unpleasant sensations, and substances that cause pleasant sensations are called internal and n n of opioids - endorphins ?! You can believe in anything, but the main thing? Does man have no free will, man is biochemical processes? I will not follow instincts: is it easy for someone who has decided to argue with higher powers if they have established these instincts? They say that in the world from which we came, there is no aggression, anger, envy, pain, suffering, pleasures, joy - all this is only in our world, and these are tools to control our behavior: did what is not prescribed is unpleasant, what you need - have fun? Higher forces guide us through chemistry in our body - discomfort until you do something,then, when you’ve done everything, it’s “letting go”, and still have fun? What is aggression - is it a program, what is sexual desire - is it a program? There is no free will - is man the result of biochemical processes? With the help of knowledge about the presence of internal drugs that push living beings to certain actions, you can predict with 100% accuracy one action that almost everyone will do in life - almost everyone will have sex because higher forces want all living things to multiply, and made sex enjoyable? Why do some enjoy the fact that they are changing the world in the direction that they call the best, while others vice versa? Everything that is mentioned above is true, either simply hype and another opium for the people, or just some scientists want to receive grants from politicians for their research - everything in our world is confused, as in quantum physics or even worse, in terms of the ability to find the truth? For some, the main entertainment is to do what you can’t do? Did everyone have a feeling that he was in someone else's hands, and that nothing depended on him? Trying to get to the truth, you come to nothing - everyone has their own truth and program, you need to learn how to implement it, otherwise you won’t get dopamine? There are those on planet Earth who like to kill and torment - we connect what is called imagination in our world and answer the question why, then, in the game we are supposed to be in, so much of what is called unpleasant is due to that the game is not finalized, or is it illegal, and not from the fact that the players from those who we call sadists or ... does the game just have what are called computer viruses or their more perfect resemblance? Are computer virus NPCs who enjoy behaviors deemed inappropriate? Higher forces guide us in the way we understand? Are we controlled through what are called endorphins — do internal opiates that give pleasure and other chemicals produced in the body cause what is called fear, aggression, etc., determine our lifelong behavior? The impossibility of fulfilling one’s desires or ignorance of how to do this makes a person who is called unhappy: there are no such desires - there are no problems, there are such desires, and there is the possibility of their realization, then there are also no problems - is everything simple? Some people doubt the reality of our world and prove the possibility of unreality by the fact that dreams for us during sleep are also real, if dreams for us during sleep are real, why then reality should be reality, and dreams are unreal, because when we sleep, they are for us are real? Is the world as we see it, and not as it really is? Higher forces control us and talk to us through chemistry, that is, what is called internal opiates, the hormones of pleasure - what do you enjoy, do you and higher authorities need from you? The general program prescribed for all people is a reproduction program (it is expressed only in someone strongly, in someone weakly), do the other programs for each have their own, which can sometimes be similar, and sometimes individual? The secret of psychological comfort and health is to do what you want, as much as possible, since there can be any business that is more expensive than doing what you want? Do what your heart desires, or it’s more expensive - what is called cognitive dissonance born here? Cognitive dissonance - grab it or throw out a suitcase without a handle? Do what you must do, and be what will happen? Are all of us led by higher powers? Through chemistry in our body that causes pleasure or discomfort, a higher mind communicates with us, directing us to the right people and the right places, from the presence of which hormones of pleasure are released into the blood, or pushing us away from unnecessary people or places from which hormones are released, causing discomfort? You are next to a person of the opposite sex, from whose presence you feel great pleasure, so you are on the right track - does the higher mind let you know that you need this person? What kind of relationship will you have with the opposite sex - how between a man and a woman in the classical sense, or does gender difference not affect observance of prejudice and the creation of boundaries in communication? Opposites are attracted - does the emotional create a relationship or a family with a non-emotional person, “unearthly” with “down to earth”? Does a person consist of many competing desires? There is a struggle of needs, and a struggle with needs, and a struggle of one needs with the needs of others? Normal is happy, and yet when something from which he experiences happiness does not cause unhappiness to others? Some have problems because they don’t know what is really happening and don’t know how to achieve their goals? Does the concept of “bad” exist, and what sense organs or biochemical processes in the body indicate that everything is bad in a psychological sense? There is no thing that is called bad, and there is no that that is called good - are higher forces through the chemistry in the body that is responsible for the mood of the person that control everything? You don’t bother with a person with high sexual temperament

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