» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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as if they do not exist, and it is impossible to do otherwise. And most importantly: some say that they applied for help to law enforcement agencies, but no one helped them. This happens, and this is due to the fact that there is no evidence base, which is especially difficult to collect in such a crime as fraud. Therefore, in addition to the statement, it is necessary, if possible, to bring proof of someone’s guilt so that the word does not turn out against the word, this means the word of the person who made the statement, against the word of the one on which it is written, and he, naturally, if not a fool, he will deny everything. Evidence can be: audio recording, video recording, witnesses, etc. Lent money to someone, he doesn’t give it back, ask him when he will give it back, and make an audio recording of what he will answer if he answers what he wants to give, but not yet maybe then there will be no fraud composition, you can even not make an audio recording.

All of the above happened due to the lack of information on how to react correctly in a given situation, due to the fact that none of the family members or anyone else taught the shooter how to, without breaking the law, restore the psychological imbalance caused by hurt pride - the question is, where are the coaches who conduct trainings on this topic, where are the psychologists who teach this?

And there are a lot of such cases in the media: killed a neighbor during a quarrel or a pensioner set fire to the city administration building, and there are situations when what is called “splashing out” of internal aggression on oneself — suicide after not finding a common language with someone.

Nobody thinks that it is possible to write a complaint, or does not understand how painful it can be for the same official, if we are talking about problems that have arisen in relations with public servants (the main thing that will be written in it), which can be deprived of a bonus, work or even sent to prison if he violated the law by his actions or inaction. Sample words of the correspondent Paul Dick (Aleksey Petrenko) from the movie “TASS is authorized to declare” (USSR, 1984, director Vladimir Fokin): “... the one who is doused with shit is to blame, and then let him launder himself ...”.

Some of those who tried to solve problems by the so-called civicized way, through a written complaint against someone who occupies any position, argues as follows: he wrote, but he worked and works, but he works works, and his career growth can stop, and he will sit in his post until retirement, something like a well-known saying will happen - an eternal lieutenant, so that, as they say, we dig deeper in our reasoning.

We can say that what then are the psychological interests of civil servants, because they get hurt after writing a complaint by a citizen about his actions or inaction - this is the cost of production for a civil servant, and he must eliminate the shortcomings, as well, as a rule, civil servants go through a psychological testing for aptitude, that is, a civil servant a priori should be a person with what are called strong nerves, that is, he came home from work and forgot about everything - not a stuck person.

The core on which the unspoken psychology is based is education, as in classical psychology, although some of those who got acquainted with this material said that the main thing in this material is to give “change” - as in a physical fight, only in psychological I mean, without going beyond the legal framework, to respond to the verbal “slap in the face” with the verbal “slap in the face”, within the legal framework or in other legal ways, if someone did not answer the offender in a way that does not go beyond the law (he left the battlefield), then he, average person but sometimes a neurasthenic, his self-esteem has already decreased, and, accordingly, for the one who insulted, it has increased (this is an example of when one enjoys in a way that is considered inadequate, i.e., pleasure is obtained from behavior that is considered inadequate - in this case insults).

The second option is how to “give back”, without responding to the verbal “slap in the face” with the verbal “slap in the face” - the person was insulted, calling him insulting, with a word and he must legally explain that the one who insulted is himself what he called the other, for example, they insulted someone, he gathered evidence that he was insulted, filed an application with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they gave the offender a fine and explained in such a way that he was not special and no better and no worse than those around him, that he, as they say , the same member of society, like everyone else, and no more and no less, with the same pr Avami and, most importantly, responsibilities, because if everyone has only rights, then the development of civilization will stop and even go backward, and almost all people are already spoiled by civilization.

“... when the intellectuals fight, the secret police get stronger ...”, - quote from one of the heroes of the film “Major Whirlwind”, director Evgeny Tashkov, USSR, 1967. How correctly this phrase was understood, but it probably means what they call scamming.

Some at their work sell for money their “swallowing” foreign aggression against themselves? On October 12, 2018, the Psychology 21 TV channel, at about 6 p.m., according to the program for this day, immediately after the end of the 9th series of the film “At the Origins” showed a screensaver with an aphorism: “The one who wins the war will never stop fighting”, i.e., he enters into a rage. Further, in a several-minute insert, the psychologist advises the following: aggression needs to respond to aggression, supposedly not an aggression response to aggression, "swallowing" of someone else's aggression, subsequently leads to the formation of the psychology of the loser. In this case, aggression is understood, for example, vulgar behavior, expressed in the demonstration of disrespect for the interlocutor in keeping his hands in his pocket, etc. Question: how, without breaking the law, no one speaks with aggression to aggression? By the way, in the 9th episode of the film “At the Origins” psychologist Charles Cake gave an interview and talked about his book “The End of Materialism”. As far as we know, this book criticizes the theory that everything came simply from something and it is not clear for what. One can only add, or rather, another theory that the meaning in life is not in a particular, but in a deep, general understanding, some do not see because we are in the likeness of a computer game, where we are controlled with the help of pleasant and unpleasant sensations, but in private, as already mentioned, everyone has their own meaning of life — someone in inventing computer programs, someone in need of attention to it by all or people of a certain gender?

Any irritation , and rage, and anger, and screaming, and slander

with all malice may they be removed from you.

(Eph. 4:31)

Will be deleted, but how?

"To suffer without meanness is not possible" , - the words , attributed to Tiutchev FI

“ You will never go all the way to the end if you stop to throw a stone at every yapping“ dog, ”the words attributed to Winston Churchill are again cognitive dissonance, and again only those who are predisposed to this must answer , and if you answer everyone, you will not complete your mission in full or in full?

Affirmative sentence: people are spoiled by civilization, and therefore, in order to stay in it, they are forced to sacrifice something unambiguously, for example, to restrain what is called the animal principle, this is a need for pleasure from what is called emotional behavior (aggression and sexual attraction) , people are also forced to restrain themselves from taking drugs that give pleasure (alcohol, drugs): everyone understands that people who are drunk from alcohol and drugs are the end of civilization, in the end even that t razrueniyu civilization - alcohol and drugs - poyavolis thanks to progress.

Some governments compete with each other, in their country they disseminate information that contributes to the creation of civilization and stability, in countries with which they compete for power, they disseminate information that contributes to the inhibition of civilization? The governments of some countries are sensitive to the fact that people watch and hear (this will be discussed below), protect them from harmful, in their opinion, information, in this case related to the suffering of other people, as a result, many who experience , what is called suffering, believes that his pain is unique, not knowing that there are people who are in a more difficult situation? Again, the governments of some states (as well as the parents of some children), being interested in the maximum life expectancy of citizens, urge them to be careful, but caution may be unnecessary, which leads to what is called phobias and neurasthenia? Is a psychiatrist the one who needs to delete unnecessary information and insert new information? Can restraining emotions, including sexual ones, lead to behavior considered inadequate? Some governments protect against information related to what is called pornography so that those who can watch and read it do not become those who think only about sex, as this, in one of many other options, could lead to the collapse of civilization, after all, some will not be able to build it in full, since their thoughts will be occupied by others? Some who have looked at what is called pornography may have a misconception about gender relations, some think why it’s not so easy to get into a sexual relationship in life, as shown in explicit films, many don’t know that this is because high sexual temperament, shown in materials called pornographic, is achieved through the adoption of porn stars inside sexual pathogens - drugs that increase sexual desire? What to do for those who have undergone sexual propaganda, who have not been able to isolate from this, and what to do for those who have a physiologically high sexual temperament according to gender or for other reasons (it is generally accepted that men have a sexual desire higher than women), how do they feel in a comfort zone in order to work qualitatively for the good of the state and civilization? Is the reason that some married men after 30 years old called alcoholism because girls are not so fond of speaking in simple terms, and this is the main reason for what is called a midlife crisis? Some, in relation to whom there was no what is called quality education, are forced to educate themselves in order to live a quality life, while those who, so to speak, have been raised qualitatively, comfortably earn money and do other actions they need? Values ​​are changing adaptively: the situation is changing - are values ​​changing? The condition when you are making trouble for everyone is called “compensation”, which supposedly humiliated such people in childhood, but there is another “compensation”, not only from children’s, but from adulthood - for example, when one uncle or aunt writes on their own offenders secret and overt statements and complaints? Psychologists are looking for some workarounds to achieve psychological comfort, but the path to psychological comfort has long been known - act as the soul lies and find out how to come to what the soul wants? You don’t have to think of anything how to “give back” to the offender without violating the law, does this indicate the line of behavior of the characters of various feature films? Some people from single-parent families or from those families that are called dysfunctional do not know how to avenge the law, and therefore they end up in jail? To avenge the law by writing a statement to the offender, is this a psychiatric rehabilitation session? With the right line of behavior and in

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