» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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talk about, or those that not everyone knows about? Are there some who know more than others, and they control those who know less than they? Without certain knowledge, the human brain is not ready for logical and rational operations? There are many works focused on the regeneration of what is called a damaged psyche, but people still die from what they call post-traumatic syndrome, and not only from this?

Some are trying to hide the truth, we are trying to pull it out.

Words by Michael Moore, director of documentaries, including Fahrenheit 9/11.

Either Michael Moore is truly an idealist, or by earnestness he earns his living. I wonder for whom he pulled out the truth, or was it a simple enthusiasm?

Nobody says that classical psychology and modern psychology are not necessary or not right - it’s not so, just classical and modern psychology probably doesn’t explain everything, because this psychology was not created by someone who works at a factory, at a construction site, in the field and was in other places close to reality, and there is evidence for this - the existence of people who have psychologically uncomfortable states after working with psychologists and psychiatrists, and there are people who, having talked to people who do not have any diplomas of psychology and have forgotten what a psychological discomfort.

One of the foundations and central issues of this material is a search in all objective reality, its separation from fictional, possibly with errors, an attempt to identify and distinguish between the objective and the subjective that a person faces in life, predicting situations after any actions, and also, if you can call it that, unspoken psychology, the term is not very scientific, but no one talks about science: examples of psychological and legal actions that can be learned from official sources are collected, probably , it will not be possible, affecting standard issues related to human-human interaction.

Preventive psychology - actions aimed at protecting from what is called stress, and regenerative psychology - actions aimed at eliminating negative results from what is called stress, this is what the unspoken psychology partially consists of, or the unspoken resources of good mood, because there must be an alternative to conventional classical psychology, higher forces or nature in general love the presence of competition in everything.

Why are they unofficial and by whom are they unofficial and for what purpose? We can say that they are not advertised because of something unknown, and why dig deeper? It is of interest that they don’t talk about them, and for what reason - they simply don’t know about them or whether they are beneficial to someone — it is secondary, and it’s difficult for everyone to please: ants are good when they pull a grasshopper into an anthill for that to eat later, but the grasshopper feels bad, is this the case when someone’s interests do not completely or completely radically coincide with the interests of others, so there are situations when classical psychology can not advise people? Mosquitoes, cockroaches, locusts, worms - bad people who interfere with life are called bad?

There is no freedom of some without the lack of freedom of others - in the classical understanding of freedom? Was what is called a revolution for the sake of freedom useless or useful, since any freedom of some is possible only at the expense of the non-freedom of others, until civilization sets in, and robots will do everything for everyone? It’s a paradox, but suffer from freedom - drug addiction, alcoholism and death - from them are the products of freedom in its generally accepted sense? Who will work for the one who becomes free? Ants and grasshopper: this is how it works in nature - someone, helping someone survive, or threatens the existence of another by his own existence or interferes with another's quality life, is like killing a coronavirus or rhinotracheitis that has settled in a kitten so that it survives, but the virus it’s not a pity, although he is alive, like a kitten, but a pity for a kitten, is it somehow strange, is the virus also alive, or are people programmed with higher powers? The effect of a grasshopper and ants in nature - is it when one can be good, only when the other is bad, and vice versa? It is impossible to please everyone, both ants and a grasshopper, someone who, from the point of view of modern society, has inadequate needs or needs are adequate, but they are satisfied in an inadequate way, they are isolated from society? Science and perfected virtual reality, which will become reality, will enable everyone to satisfy their needs? Is there a rigid scientific foundation in every behavior? Life is a book written in the style of the book of becoming, that is, becoming what you are and who you will become?

“Imagine that you are a whole army, though consisting of one soldier,” are the words attributed to billionaire and US President Donald Trump.

Soldiers in the trenches of life. To supplement Trump’s words: “You must be a soldier of a psychological and legal nature - to know and anticipate the results of your actions”? Billionaires do not have the life experience of an average citizen, but they have a lot of time to think, since they, as a rule, and as it should be for millionaires and billionaires, do not work anywhere, which means they do not sell their free time to employers, as an ordinary person does, and when you do not sell your time to the one you work for, you, as already mentioned, have time to think, although there are professions where you can think as much as you like, for example, sweeping the streets.

As already mentioned, the work contains the unspoken methods collected by the author as opposed to the unspoken methods of forming psychological comfort (in no case is it something radical, but simply the unspoken, so to speak, “underground” currents of human relationships that only good relatives can tell about if there are any, but what to do when they are not?). These methods and information are not entirely new, many know about them, and these are, as a rule, those who have everything in life well, and those who, as a rule, are not very good about them. The material also has a lot of other, “utility” information related to the subject under discussion and not only it.

Can a psychologist prepare someone whom they call fighters, or is a fighter a psychologist himself? What is and who are psychological special forces? Can one learn to survive in the psychological sense, as well as mental health, at least partially from the units of psychological operations of the armies of countries in which such units exist, since only there all actions are based on a more or less objective psychology? As some women say, the best weapon between your legs?

The inscription on the emblem , found in the Internet : Psychological operations because physcal wounds heal. (Sample translation: “Psychological operations because physical wounds heal.”) Perhaps it means that physical wounds heal, but psychological ones do not.

I did not read the book of the former head of the CIA Alan Dales, but they say that he allegedly wrote in it how people who were considered not quite normal (feeling uncomfortable in society) and living in the territory of a geopolitical opponent used for their own purposes.

Some of those who are called businessmen can play a scene during a telephone conversation to impress someone they call up with (for example, who they see as a potential lover, mistress, it doesn't matter what kind of sexual orientation they call), saying, for example, to someone in his office about loading or unloading wagons, but at the same time so that the person the businessman calls up to hear this conversation happening in the office about supposedly loading and unloading, the question of which was actually not at the time of the conversation resha tsya. The one with whom the businessman is talking will think that yes, this person is rich, if in his conversation with someone in the office we are talking about deliveries on the scale of wagons - that’s how the two people involved in the business really behaved, the meeting with whom as a result brought to meet with them only lunch or dinner in a regular cafe for the usual amount.

Is manipulation an attempt to force someone to act in anyone's interests? Does manipulation instill a sense of inferiority? Involuntarily politeness? Is it easier to manipulate with emotional people, are they more suggestible? Learn to identify threats to your interests? How to find out the mechanism of the relationship between people? Confidence and good mood are transferred from one person to another, some confidence and good mood are taken away from others, insulting and humiliating them? Is the interaction between people in some cases a battlefield in the psychological sense? Unhappy is he who cannot get what he wants, because he does not know how?

A person must bring up another person who has caused him psychological wounds, after which he will recover from psychological trauma, and this can be called compensation for psychological trauma or regenerative psychology, and these methods have long been known - write a statement to the offender to the police, and the system will take revenge? Some who do not have tools for implementing regenerative psychology treat psychological injuries with alcohol and drugs? A tool for regenerative psychology has long been created - is this the law and its principle of inevitability of punishment? What happens to the one who caused you trouble - they deprive him of freedom, and he feels uncomfortable, as he can’t satisfy his needs?

Old psychology is an old lamp-powered radio, a new one is a semiconductor radio, the digital era and the era of “digital” psychology are the end of the “analogue” psychology: the mysterious name for something is a decoy, a beautiful wrapper in the psychological sense - what’s more effective the name of something, the more appealing the bait and the more you want to swallow it? A lot of those who imagined that they are writing a new bible, can everything be checked only in the “does it work or not in practice” mode? Is innovation always a different perspective on things and the world? When moving through life, you need to follow some rules? About whom they say that he is not adapted for life, and who therefore needs either an independent husband or an independent wife: what is independence - when there are no weaknesses, and when help is not needed? The time has not yet come when robots will do everything for everyone, so it’s too early to relax, do you have to take part in creating such a time yourself? There is a physiological and psychological threshold of sensitivity and tolerance, the psychological threshold, like the physical one, is different for everyone - it’s like the body’s reaction to the amount of alcohol consumed, everyone has a different threshold: someone needs to drink 200 grams of vodka to be drunk, someone enough to achieve the same state of 50 grams of the same drink?

Everyone should have a “package” of duty motivational phrases to defend their interests?

There are phrases designed to encourage someone to reconsider their position (motivational phrases or, in the negative sense, “wiring” - if we are talking about fraud), such will still be in all chapters of this work. To someone who does not want to accept someone’s conditions, a friend said the following phrase: “He imposes his previously losing position.” Either this acquaintance said, when there are no on-duty arguments: "You are carrying some nonsense" or "He is sick." The task of psychological warfare in everyday life is to bring someone out of the category of normality? Fear and suggestibility limit the scope of actions?

As they taught at school, there is already a bit of politeness inevitably, in the political sense: this has happened since the advent of atomic weapons - countries that possess these weapons have not physically fought against each other for a long time since atomic weapons made this pointless. Could politeness come involuntarily in a socio-psychological sense - in everyday life, between ordinary people, maybe people will become polite to each other when

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