» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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again will not last long there, unless, of course, his relatives have a business, part of the income from which they give to their bosses? For power structures, the ideal person - quickly forgetting everything that is considered stress? ... It’s accidentally noticed that it’s possible to “work together” only with simple, not proud people, and also that he created a family with a simple, not proud person ... If he’s “hard” in character, then in any case your boss should be simple, and husband or wife are the same? If you are proud and run into as proud as yourself, then there may be trouble - be vigilant with the same as yourself? Can the power of propaganda come from oneself?

One ounce of practice costs one ton of theory.

Words attributed to Mahatma Gandhi

Eugene Ionesco is said to have said: "I saved myself - self-analysis, self-discipline, self-education, self-improvement."

A manual on non-theoretical (non-laboratory) psychology - is it when everyone who is not a psychologist by education, voluntarily or involuntarily conducts research in the field of psychology independently, based on their life path and experience and documents their research in order to share it with others? High technology does not stand still - augmented reality with virtual glasses will tell you how to disassemble, repair and which nut to unscrew in front of someone who has never done this before - what about augmented reality in terms of psychology, you can here to combine the knowledge of software engineers and those who know how to correctly adjust in any situation?

Valueology is the science of a healthy lifestyle. In 2000, a fashion for a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) appeared in the civilized countries of all continents: everyone strives to create a beautiful and healthy body - exercise, eat right, but you can’t hear someone talking about healthy lifestyle, because physical health depends from what is going on in the head? Everyone knows that it is contrary to the rules of healthy lifestyle, and few know what is contrary to the rules of healthy lifestyle? What is it, hygiene - who will make a list of what is considered harmful to mental health, like a list with information about what is harmful to physical health? A sea of ​​propaganda of an unhealthy lifestyle is pouring down on you, conduct self-promotion of healthy lifestyle - watch, for example, movies about sports training? How are HLS, Dam Square and Red Square related? Self-propaganda is not only movies about sports, but also viewing on your computer through street online webcams connected to the Internet, what happens in the cities of your dreams, which you would like to visit or would like your family to visit, it gives an incentive to earn money and some not to spend money on chemical stimulants of chemical content (alcohol, drugs), but to save for a trip. You enter in a search engine, for example: “Amsterdam Dam Square webcam” or “Russia Red Square webcam”. Initially, the oral list of what is harmful to the psyche is made up by the parents of their children, and if there are no such parents, then there is no list of how immunity is strong for a cub of an animal that was taken away from its mother early because it did not drink its milk? Let's just say there are people who are programmed for a moderate emotional reaction to stimuli, and how to respond to stimuli to those who are called emotional people, if modern psychologists say that holding back emotions is harmful and that this subsequently leads to inappropriate behavior? To become a psychologist, you do not need a psychologist’s diploma and an office - you need to know life, for this you need to direct yourself to the most standard and most extraordinary places and situations, try to find ways to realize your needs, can anyone become an independent researcher in psychology? Sometimes in some places does politics interfere with the quality of psychological assistance? Can someone who did not burn in the tank in a moral sense give advice on behavior? With age, "direction finding" your and others in the sense of interests? What is the best way to find out - looking at the battle from the sidelines or participating in it yourself? Who is “trampling” the paths of the rules of relationships between people - psychologists, ordinary people, or both? The life experience of someone who gives advice cannot be limited to studying at the institute and working in the office? Does anyone who writes scientific dissertations to improve people's lives, having seen a drunk man lying in the snow in the window of his apartment or office, come out and help him get home? Unmet needs shorten life? The book called on the road - should everything be recognized in practice? Everyone can change and create their own social norms - not only artists and politicians? Discipline is a decision to do what you really don’t want to do, to achieve what you really want, do you pass by desires alone (sex, alcohol), if any, to achieve another most important desire? War and struggle even in individual minds - the most common psychological conditions in the civilized world are cognitive dissonance (in simple terms - this is the clash of several conflicting beliefs that prevent one decision from being made, sort of like a psychological, ethical or other dilemma) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (actions associated with rituals such as spitting three times over the left shoulder, bypassing the place where the black cat ran, bypassing triangle-shaped lamp or telephone lines foreheads, etc.)? They say that Carl Gustav Jung considered the belief of everyone in something supernatural and the worship of something unknown by a world neurosis? Nobody is your enemy and friend - they just have a “program” of behavior towards you that can be changed? Karl Leonhard coined the term “stuck personality” - forget about everything negative, forget about everything quickly - the psyche is considered ideal, which allows you to instantly forget about everything that is considered bad, and what to do if everything is vice versa, and modern science cannot help this? Why are there extremal scientists among those working in extreme conditions, for example, geologists at the North Pole or extremists who have tested their latest medical products on themselves, and why can’t I hear about extremists among psychologists working in extreme psychological conditions or , so to speak, in the "field"? Come to life as a researcher? What to do when some people have emotional chaos in their head, if they were deceived or offended, and it passes only when the product of this chaos splashes out in the form of negative emotions? The key to psychological comfort and mental health is the fulfillment of desires, regardless of whether they are dictated by higher powers (for example, sexual instincts) or were some people inspired by other people or inspired by themselves (ambition)? The main thing is to find ways to satisfy your desires, and no longer need to look for any other means of existence? Higher forces or nature are your desires, with the help of them they communicate with you and with the help of them they realize their desires? Higher forces or nature realize their plans through your desires? Why should I look for the meaning of life, if everyone has his own, and for everyone everything was decided by higher forces by means of a genetic code and so on: live your desires, any your desire is a desire for higher forces? Fear, an overdeveloped sense of self-preservation, in a word, a lack of frivolity prevents one from realizing one’s desires? Not to pay attention to fear is not a call to what is called recklessness, but a call to not pay attention to fear when reaching any goal? Where does what is called neurosis and phobia come from from the cult of the instinct of self-preservation - don’t often think that something unpleasant can happen to you like a soldier does not think about it in a war? Is frivolity good for the psyche? Some want to emigrate to countries that are considered rich, with a developed economy, so to speak, there is no economy — are there countries that in the past used to “snatch” a large piece of material wealth pie and now use it? If you live in a country considered rich, can you stay what you call an infantile (child) for life? How did material prosperity “sail” to some due to the exploitation of slaves and wars of conquest with the extortion of minerals from the conquered? How objective is the analysis in someone’s works? All psychological problems due to the lack of the necessary information and certain skills - forewarned, then armed - some not warned, who in most cases are some? If you are from that family, which is considered complete and prosperous, then you do not need to look for information on the healthy lifestyles (psychologically healthy lifestyle) on the side - will you be taught a psychologically healthy lifestyle in the family? Do and do the same events affect everyone in different ways? Unlucky for someone who, so to speak, is not prepared for life, or depending on what kind of life and where to live, there are “sweet” places where you don’t need to prepare for anything? If you haven’t been prepared for what is called life, parents, do you need to prepare yourself in order to compete with those who were prepared for life? What kind of “facade” is the cause of most psychological problems for some due to the fact that they only see the “facade” of life, and they don’t have objective information, since they don’t know how everything really works? Does a person study the environment and learn from what he has learned? Does information material turn into thoughts? Is cognitive dissonance simply replacing one person with another, one man or woman with whom you live, on others, a glass or bottle for a family? Let all the flowers bloom or there are harmful sources of information and the information itself - in terms of what is considered psychological health? Harmful information for psychological health and comfort needs to be suppressed, and who benefits from what is considered harmful information? In a global sense, the so-called bad information is beneficial to the competitors of those people who control you? Is it written somewhere that people in the future will become immortal and will ask for death? Some are very worried when someone dies, they get what they call a nervous breakdown, but imagining yourself immeasurable is no less frightening than dying? Excessive caution leads to what is called mental illness: the key to psychological health is to understand that higher powers have already been decided when you die, and calmly do what you want?

Is there a healthy mind in a healthy body or a healthy body in a healthy mind? There are considered undeniable facts that have been announced by scientists that affect life expectancy: a sedentary lifestyle - minus 6 years of life; chronic lack of sleep - minus 5 years of life; overweight - minus 8 years of life; high blood pressure - minus 10 years; smoking - minus 10 years of life; regular intake of alcohol - minus 23 years; drug use is minus 34 years. You can add one more point: grew up in a family called dysfunctional - minus several years?

They used to say that fitness is useful, in 2018 they say that an hour of fitness reduces life by a certain amount of time, what to do and who to listen to?

Some, faced with a power hostile to them, which they cannot destroy, instead of trying to destroy this power, destroy themselves, others long for their death when, as they think, there is no other way to solve the problem, the first and the other is just a conviction by these some?

The material in the work is almost 100% collective and does not pretend to be the new teaching of life, it simply compiles and offers to analyze the statements and behaviors of people from the category of “random acquaintances” and just acquaintances with whom the author had to communicate regarding everything than almost any average person faces in everyday life. And most importantly, those whose statements and lines of behavior, as already mentioned, are collected in

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