» Psychology » Happiness Is A Scam, Santosh Jha [bill gates books recommendations txt] 📗

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individual actually experience and internalize the feel of this perceptional rainbow, in all its different shades and hues?

We all know, probabilities of reality extends much more on both ends of the spectrum of the seven colors of rainbow, our visual field is restricted to. The Infra Red and Ultra Violet are not amenable to normal sensory registry. Average person does not even think of their existence. Do average men and women realize and actually remember that our sensory perceptions are only a very small width of a window to actualize reality? Scientists are trained to undermine the predominance of senses and go beyond them to look for reality in its holism and entirety. Do average men and women ever get even a semblance of a mind training to see and accept realities, beyond their sensory limitations? Do average men and women accept that believing a reality and actually personally experiencing the reality are two different aspects? Can we accept with sincerity of perceptions that reality may manifest and unravel itself to different ‘media’ of living beings and all these shades of realities are equally probable and no single reality can be definitive? A dog has six times better smelling abilities than humans and through their olfactory sensibility; they can conjure up an imagery of reality of the external milieus. We cannot. Can we say, dog’s reality does not exist for us and that is why not true?

The answer is probably ‘No’. Most of us do not do it! We are not culturally trained to accept with equanimity and respect, different competing shades of realities. Our centuries old and now obsolete education system does not in any ways help us actualize these all. The Universe of Perception is colossal and deep. We do not even admit this reality, as we do not ever perceive and internalize how huge and complex is the universe, of which we live in a place called earth; as tiny as sand particle. The family, society, cultures, nation, polity, economy and faith structures, etc; they all become larger and deeper than universe for us. They fill up 99 percent of the ‘universe’ of an average person and they all dump their own restrictive, partial, fudged, fake and scientifically invalid ideas and boundaries on us. Tragically enough; we are almost forced to live them out, experience them in second-hand ways and ape them. Tragically enough, 99 percent humans do not feel and allow this probability that our consciousness is very localized and our eyes cannot see things beyond 16 kilometers. The worldview of Frog in the Well, is a proverb, not popular and seldom recalled for daily life-living prudence and pragmatism. Scams sustain and get internalized this way.

This ‘reality’, which most people are subconsciously accepting, living out and chasing as dream attainments; is a huge Scam. It is there, lived out and has grains of what may be termed as reality but incorporates loads of cooked up and farcical contents. Why this reality is a huge scam? When I subconsciously or consciously accept ‘part’ of something as everything; when I accept a grain as universe; when I accept a perception as the only reality; when I deny my own mechanism and deceive myself to be right, I live out a scam. Worst however is the fact that I have very little innate inclination to even admit that I am in a scam. It needs evolved consciousness. Scam happens primarily because they emerge from a universe of perception, which itself is scammed; since ages. The simple reason of we living out a scam is the fact that the cosmos of perception, which is the ambient external milieu, under which all humans are surviving, since centuries, are all partial, farcical, half-baked and massively hypocritical. The raw stock – the macrocosmic socio-cultural-political-economic-ideational milieu, which forms the dominant ‘ingredient’ for most of the perceptions about realities, humanity lives out, is itself scammed. Scammed perceptional soil shall almost always harvest scammed ideas and shades of realities.

Modern humans are forced to live out and accept many of such scammed ideas and idealisms. Humans are ‘happy’ to reject the farm products out of the ‘scammed soil’, infested with harmful pesticides, fertilizers and hormones and insist on ‘organic’ produce. However, they do not ever seek to reject and dump the ‘scammed soil’ of perceptional poisons and contaminations. Happiness is only one of the scams! A Huge one! This is a hypothesis! We shall test this hypothesis in all objectivity and scientific factuality of utmost precision. If we prove ourselves wrong; with honesty and objectivity; it shall be a Happy situation!

The question, which must be asked, is – how this huge scam runs its mechanisms in the brain states and how it happened to be? We are attempting the answer, with singular sincerity, based holistically on objective science and contemporary knowledge of collective humanity. As hinted earlier; the answers are there in the mechanisms and processes of brain functioning. The universe of perception is in the landscape of brain plexuses. The answers are being mined by our brilliant scientists, who have made huge breakthroughs in understanding not only contemporary human brain but also the evolution of the brain, in the last hundreds of millions of years. They go beyond; some 3.5 billion years back, when the first single cell living organism came into existence. The colossal cosmos of perception, which harvests different crops of realities, have the seeds embedded in brain and human milieus. The seeds have answers; the true answers.

Happiness is a scam; it is a hypothesis, we shall test in details. However, it is probably only a small manifestation of huge perceptional scam. We are hypothesizing that it runs deep and wide in entire human world. In that sense; there are bigger and wider issues, which need to be detailed and deliberated to understand the true and real dimensions of stupidities and hypocrisies, which larger humanity has been sustaining and accepting as life-living ‘normality’ of realities. If they are scammed realities; they need to be unlearnt, fast and permanently. The humanity has come a long way to a stage of knowledge, where the scam stands exposed. The humanity is in need of completely novel and alternative life-living realities and benchmarks of purposes. The idea is simple – Either humanity changes completely and dumps its scammed perceptions or is ready to perish in painful ways. It is already too late. If average person does not understand and accept that a ‘perception’, he or she holds as true and real, is only a shade of the large spectrum of the holism of knowledge; the trouble begins. A perception is just a shining star called Sun, which may be the basis of your life but the universe has billions of such stars. However, popularly, we don’t call any other star as Sun and therefore, ‘Happily’, we have only ‘ONE’ Sun. If even in 21st century, average person does not accept the reality of the holism of true knowledge; the humanity is definitely doomed. As we said earlier, ignorance does not kill; only fake-fudged-farcical-partial perceptions, which a person holds as his or her knowledge, kills. This ‘killer’ is already out and massacring humanity. Happily, they don’t figure in statistics of Crime Bureau Reports of any country.

There is another hypothesis, which we are accepting and this shall decide the constitution of this eBook. We are hypothesizing that average person does not have the time and inclination to read through lengthy and complicated books. That is why, what we are doing in this eBook is talking only about happiness as scam. This may then apply to many other ideas. Secondly, as we do not wish to make this eBook long and boring, we shall deal only with specific aspects of the idea that happiness is a scam. As I always believe in personalizing an eBook, with special and specific needs of you as reader, I shall detail those aspects, when you write me about them. This eBook is short, straight and simple. The details may follow; if you wish!


The Intent – Aim and Purpose

It is a humble and very affectionately honest affirmation that if we try to understand and realize something, very different and unknown, we shall have to dump the analogies, metaphors and symbolizations, through which most of us are habitually inclined to see and accept an idea or reality. Our cognitive spectrum is so used to seeing through these analogies, metaphors and symbolizations for realization and perception of realities. For example, if we ask, what is life; the popular answers are – Life is a Journey, Life is a Stupid’s Story, well told; Life is a Dream, Life is a Drama of unscripted theatrics; etc. All these are metaphoric expressions of a probable reality, which is too huge and complex to be simplified in such symbolic terms. However, we all usually understand most realities only this way, for ease of perception. We may hypothesize; our brain is designed and evolved this way. That is probably why our languages evolved this way. Therefore, the same prism probably cannot serve the purpose, if we attempt to visualize and internalize some novel and alternative ideas and realities.

This novelty and alternativeness can happen, if we alter the question itself. So, if we instead ask, ‘What constitutes life; or what mechanisms-processes define life’, the metaphors would not help or at best, they shall have to be altered too. As I proceed to talk about novelties and alternativeness; I humbly urge you to accept this hypothesis and be open to visualizing things beyond the restrictiveness of analogies and symbols; especially the populist ones; at least for the sake of progression of the journey of words here.

It is almost impossible to arrive at and describe in specificity, something, which is essentially an intangible registry of the brain states, involving billions of neural cells and trillions of neural connections. Somehow, humans could evolve a mechanism, called language, which marginally facilitated expressions but with loads of limitations and vitiations. Language is essentially a fixed pattern of analogies, metaphors and symbolizations, through which a reality, idea, thought or feel is expressed and realized. Very naturally, an analogy only limits the meaningfulness and spectrum of reality by presenting a limiting ‘context’ of a symbol or metaphor. As language is so heavily binding on average human and most humans are poor at languages; the reality, idea, thought or feel become fixated and confined to some popularly and dominantly held expression.

If you ask, ‘What is Happiness’? The replies may come as – Happiness is Elixir of life; Happiness is true Meaning of life; Happiness is being Healthy; Happiness is being Successful; Happiness is a state of Wellness; etc. As we earlier talked about life; these are all also mere symbolizations of a reality. They only present a partial ‘context’ to the expression and realization of a feel of reality. They are not the true and right answer of the question asked as they do not present the Holism of the Reality of Happiness. Science tells us to approach a reality beyond the ‘normality’ of sensory suitability, to reach out to novel and alternative dimensions, available as probability of reality. The same happens when you ask – What is Love? What is Success? What is Reality? Etc.

What I very humbly seek to say is this simple yet very difficult hypothesis that humanity has since ages suffocated itself and has been sort of slave to the ‘contexuality’ of Reality in very restricted and limiting meaningfulness of realities. The languages have somehow made us slaves to this constrained ‘partialism’ of reality, idea, thought or feel; as most of us simply cannot free ourselves from the subconscious chains of populist and dominant patterns of analogies, metaphors and symbolizations, which lend ‘form’ and ‘shape’ to realities. It is time to change and come out of the slavery! As humanity has now known and accepted, true and objective knowledge cannot be wholly internalized through ‘Intuitive’ perceptional windows. We need to break free, come out in

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