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Full eBook: All Chapters


By Santosh Jha




Copyright 2020 Santosh Jha







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Table of Contents

Lets Us Talk Like Friends: Welcome Note

Core Accord In Peripheral Discord

Body As Theatre, Not As Protagonist

We As ‘Generic’ And ‘Specific’ Subject

New Thinking On 3Cs

Problem Of Judging Those, Who Judge Us

Dualism Of Love And Problems It Engenders

Conflicts Of Different Layers Of Consciousnesses

Dualism Of Love And Higher Consciousness

A Mega Facility and the Chief Trouble Maker

Why Problem-Solver Turns Mega Problem Itself

Mechanism Of The Layers Of Consciousnesses

Modern Milieu and a ‘Self’ In Constant Flux

The Master ‘I’ As Summation Of Different ‘Is’

Archetypal Genius v/s New Genius Problem Solver

Assimilative And Integrative Decision-Making

‘Unlearning’ Is Greater Challenge Than ‘Learning

Bare-Basics Of Cultural Troubles Of Gender-Divide

Challenge To Accept Objective Mind Consciousness

Commonality Of Ideas on Objectivity


Accept My Gratitude

About The Author

Other Titles By The Author





Thrilled to have you with me!

I FEEL TRULY HAPPY to tell you that more than a book, it is like friends chatting up, sharing whatever we can together to enhance the wellness space.

It is my humble belief that any person, in whatever state of consciousness and life positioning, is in some special ways, better than a wisdom-book, for the purpose of life & living learning. I must tell you, I have learnt and more importantly, unlearnt, primarily from people. Books somehow are people-matter in text-format.

I am sure; you too have realized that the world we live is what it is, neither good nor bad. It is somehow neutral and objective. It is people, who are the ‘Theatre’ of all troubles as well as happiness. It is in our subjective consciousness that we accept something as trouble and others as happiness.

It is such an amazing contrast; we all know and accept that human mind is the most capable and instinctively galvanized mechanism in the entire universe to solve problems. Be it from the standpoint of evolution or God’s design, it is very clear to us that humanity has succeeded and excelled on Earth because of its brilliant problem-solving skills. Still, everywhere humanity is in troubles.

We shall talk about the problems and their easy solutions. However, first, we have to come down to one common premise, which shall help us is the fruition of the issue at hand – Artistry Of Problem Solution.

There has to be a humble admittance – Any word, however well meant and well spelt, is a possible suspect of ‘misrepresentation’. There is a simple reason. Do you remember when your flight is about to land, the pilot aborts the landing, jolting your peace, just because something as insignificant as a ‘stray dog’ happens to be on the runway?

You already know, how similar is the fate of human words, which we all accept as the best and worthy carriers of human ‘intentions’. This airplane of human words, carrying good and noble intentions need to make a good, smooth and safe landing on the runway of another human’s mind and consciousness, which again is worthy and hugely able.

Still, the good intentioned words sometimes fail to land on the mind of others, as there is some ‘insignificant’, yet potentially fatal obstacle standing midway the runway!

It is believed, “If the hypothesis is right, the idea is accepted as right”. If two people have an assimilative and integrative attitude, one can easily see that root trouble is in subjectivity of the hypotheses. This helps in resolution of conflict of ideas.

Friendship is one positioning, where assimilation and integration about divergent hypotheses has larger accommodative space. A seed is more objectively accommodative in space than a grown up tree. Friendship is seed positioning. That is why, at the very start, I very affectionately request you to be my friend and accept this all as one long conversation between friends. Kindly, accept this not as a book but a ‘confabulation’ between friends. This, I am confident, shall engender smoothness of navigation and fruition of the entire exercise.

With all humility and sincerity at my behest, I wish to tell you that it needs to be said, there is only one person on the earth, who can say that he has understood. Otherwise, this domain is reserved for a metaphor called God. This is not available for humans.

It is also a heart-felt realization that our very worthy ancestors; who had the intelligence and courage to face the worst, life made them to, so that we inherit a better beautiful world; have already said almost all good things. What I can do is present them in new set of words with novelty of references.

The only justification of me telling them is that all goodness and wellness ideas and words need to be repeated and retold, to add to their all-pervasiveness.

At my age, I can say with innocence that getting old is such a beautiful and satisfying experience. It makes the ‘self’ accept the ‘utility and fruition’ of holistic, assimilative and integrative consciousness. Getting old has probably pushed ‘me’ close to the ‘eligibility’ of perhaps beginning to understand as what essentially is there to be understood!

I chat up with you to share with you whatever is part of my consciousness. All wisdoms say, human is designed to live in state of ‘flux’, a state of instinctive semi consciousness. To jolt oneself out of this, one must challenge itself; something humanity has done since millions of years. What stays with you is what sinks in. Wisdom is what we internalize.

I share with you whatever I have internalized in my life.




At The Very Outset

SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS IS not a big task. If you have a problem, you already know it that solution is somewhere ‘inherent and embedded’ in the problem itself. The milieu around us presents some factors in an ‘arrangement’, which stand in our disadvantage, at a particular stage of our life positioning and we call the outcome of such an arrangement as a ‘problem’.

Often, solution presents itself as some ‘alternative’ arrangement or placement of the same factors in such a way that they turn advantageous for us, hence qualifying as a ‘solution’.

In most cases, especially the modern day problems we face, the artistry of arriving at solutions is not in ‘creating’ or generating something externally but in ‘rearranging’ and ‘repositioning’ the already present factors and elements in some alternative ways. This repositioning is required primarily in cognitive domain – that is, the way we look at a reality of situations or perceive it as.

That is why, as you already know it, we need little ‘action’ but loads of calm and objective ‘reception’ in analyzing the ‘factors’ that essentially constitute a problem. The ‘genesis’ of solutions is in total and perfect reception of the ‘genetics’ of the problems.

The core trouble is, modern day problems are so ‘dressed up’; partly by our complex environment and partly by our own perspectives that we fail to see the ‘naked’ reality of the nature of problems. We can see them clearly, if we ‘undress’ them.





Core Accord In Peripheral Discord


WE HAVE A VERY SIMPLE example of this in our daily lives, which you must already have noticed. Our body needs Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fat and Minerals (CPFM). This is common needs of all creatures.

However, we all know; every single human being has different tastes and choices of this common CPFM plate. This happens because; individual choices/tastes/preferences depend on variegated socio-cultural-economic-psychological factors, which are dissimilar for different people and in diverse socio-cultural milieus. They also keep changing with time.

Even among twins, who live in same socio-cultural and physical environment, there shall be difference of individual tastes and food preference.

There can be two people in close intimacy, one wanting to have pasta and another would insist on noodles, as he or she hates pasta. They can fight over their choices and may not agree to have a common plate. However, at the core, what both want to have is ‘carbohydrates’. The fight is very largely culturally ‘arranged’. Their disagreement, causing problem is peripheral, even when they are in ‘agreement’ at the core.

It is so simple. Love is the core requirement of every human being, like CPFM. Love is life’s CPFM. So, when we fall in Love, we think, we are on a common ground, which we are; still, we are NOT! The need for love is instinctive and common but its expression is culturally influenced, hence the differences.

Different people shall have diverse and often competing choices/tastes/preferences of Love-Needs. It is only natural because, the cultural mind, shall at times, prevail on the decision-making and choice making, over our intuitive mind, which initially led us to fall in Love.

If two persons in love; understand and accept that love is their core-need and they are ‘one’ in it, there shall be larger mutuality. They shall understand and accept that the cultural differences of choices/tastes/preferences are peripheral and can be ‘unified’ in long run, if both sit down in calm receptive mode and talk with innocence and compassion.

The unity and agreement of core love, shall in time grow and if for this somehow ‘period of transition’, the two people in love continue to build on the intimacy, this core of love shall expand to engulf and usurp the entire peripheral territory of cultural differences and disagreements.

Often, in our daily lives, we are in drifting ‘reactive-mode’ of consciousness. This is our mechanism; we have been designed this way for survival. This mode is for quick-fire response of the stimulus in the ambient environment for survival-success. Tougher life shall be, more reactive we become. This is one ‘trap’ situation, which we need to understand.

However, in the short time available for ‘reactive-mode’ mechanism of decision-making, we cannot ideally look at the picture and situation in entirety. This short time frame can facilitate only peripheral view of a situation.

For holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of any problem, we need leisure and calm mind to switch over to the ‘receptive-mode’, where problems can be reviewed in basics and to the core.

Let us just not debate whether we are a product of God’s design or evolution. We just have to focus on what our mechanism is. ‘What’ it is; helps far more than knowing, ‘who’ made it.

We now have the knowledge and facility to understand what is the mechanism, which made us the most successful living being on the Earth, and probably in the entire universe? We just have to understand, why we are the most intelligent mechanism in solving problems.

In fact, the answer is very simple and we all know this. Almost all complex living organisms have mechanism for instinctive ‘reactive-mode’ consciousness. More developed and higher living creatures too have very limited ‘receptive-mode’ consciousness. However, humans have this mind structures for receptive-mode very well developed and structured. This is our definitive edge over all other living being.

We have the mechanism, which makes us aware of our ‘subjectivity’, the ‘Me’ factor. We are endowed with the power of imagination. This is very subjective. We can hold back a reaction; we can ride over our instinctive response, wait and assign it to our brilliant facility of leisurely reflections.

It is this ‘receptive-mode’ consciousness, which makes us the champions of the universe, the master crafts-persons, designed and evolved to solve even the most complex problems.

Just look around and see the world, where humanity has created mega facilities and structures of all possible suitability for our wellness. They are the symbols of individual’s potential as the most brilliant problem solver.




Body As Theatre, Not As Protagonist

LONG AGO, SPIRITUALITY said, ‘everything is within you and what act as

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