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the similar trends.

As we zero in to the understanding of the problem in its entirety, it seems clear to us that in modern society, where male and female are considered equal and interchangeable, the female is encouraged to perform all of the male tasks along with her own. She not only bears and raises the children but provides the livelihood as well.

The male, deprived of his traditional contribution to the family as ‘bread-earner’ and ‘security-provider’, no longer holds the archetypal exclusive and prime positioning in society and family. It needs to be understood here that any change in one space in society, shall always bring in adjustments in other space.

This environmental change seems to have resulted in instinctive change in male sexual behavior as it extends a license to his instinctive urge for promiscuity (male promiscuity instinct also has early evolutional reason).

As his exclusive and primary positioning in parental role no more not requires him to be in bonded relationship till the kids grow up, it was convenient for him to waive off his self-control and morality and become promiscuous. The women only followed suit and now seem to be on equal footing.

Scientific evidences have it that since early into evolution, a male happened to be in a bounded relationship with a woman primarily because of his compassionate affection for his kids. The very fact that the survival of kids depended on males being in bonded relationships with females, made males stick happily to a family mode.

Even in modern complex societies, this instinct of males is the guiding element in bonded relationships. Many males would happily break off the marriage but they do not because of the kids. Moreover, even when they divorce or separate, males still care about their kids and primarily because of their kids, are often in a desire to reunite with their estranged wives.

The new thinking says that we all need to understand and accept in entirety all those tangible and intangible elements of our mechanism, which makes us behave and act in a certain way. This helps in understanding the problems as we can see them without the burden of the frills of fanciful cultural fabrics and subjective mind.

The new thinking has been insisting on not accepting an individual as the ‘viable-unit’ of human society. This is the modern contemporary cultural belief, which is proving calamitous. The viable unit of successful human society is always ‘male-female bonded pair and their offspring’. This we can accept only when we have the holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective on objective facts of life and living realisms.

Some of us may not accept this all. It is only natural. The factors in our decision-making are both tangible and intangible. We easily accept tangible factors but shall have trouble understanding the hidden intricacies of intangible mechanisms.

We have already discussed as how a multitude of elements and factors within us and outside in wider environment affect our conscious and subconscious mind decision. Accepting this all in holism and assimilative perspective is what we need to do.

We all need to understand and accept; there are natural questions on validity, utility, righteousness, purpose and many other trust-parameters when we sit down to accept or reject an idea or a situation. Skepticism is only natural.

Skepticism however is a good energy, a sure door for wellness. Skepticism energy should however be used not for denial of intangible questions, rather it should ideally be used for ‘investigation’. Energies are not to be shunned, rather they should ideally be invited with open arms for investigation. In ancient Oriental spiritual and philosophical traditions, there is a huge emphasis on the importance of the term called ‘aatma-anveshan’. It literally means, Self-Investigation.

All elements and factors of life and living, irrespective of its prima facie utility or futility, needs to be investigated. Kindly do not shun them. They need to be accepted and internalized with humility, innocence, affection and compassion, without a shade of ego, self-importance or any type of negativity. Then only we can arrive at this new thinking of holism, assimilation and integration.




Challenge To Accept, Process And Mechanism Of Objective Mind Consciousness

AS WE TALK OF THE NEED for ‘unlearning’, as a potent mechanism to “undress” our problems, we have the challenge to face. The process of “undressing” involves the need to be ‘objective’ to get rid of the burden of ‘subjective’ fabrics of our mind-consciousness. The challenge is to understand and accept the process and mechanism of being ‘objective’.

Since ages, we have followed the old wisdom of philosophy and spiritualism in fixing our benchmarks. Many of us would not like to reject the old wisdom in favor of the new wisdom of science. In fact, there is no need for this. The modern holistic, assimilative and integrative wisdom calls no rejection but only assimilation.

The beautiful reality is that both science and philosophy-spiritualism speak the same about the process and mechanism of ‘objectivity’. There is no conflict of ideas. As we talk about it here, we shall see how uniform all ideas are about objectivity.

Ancient Oriental wisdom, enunciated in the most respected work named Geeta, says, the ultimate karma for a human is to become ‘nisprih’. The meaning of this Sanskrit language word ‘nisprih’ in contemporary world is almost impossible.

In Geeta, there is a powerful metaphor of akaam karma, a Sanskrit word. This word is a suggestion about a consciousness, which is unattached with instinctive self. This suggests at a mind-consciousness, under which, even when someone does an act or behavior, the energy of it should never come from its ‘purpose’ and ‘end result’. Instinctive reaction is considered to be energized by the purpose and fruition of end results. Nisprih consciousness keeps it unattached to the ‘fruition energy’.

This is hugely confusing, tough to understand. The suggestion is; everything needs to be done but nothing needs to be done for doing it! Everything needs to be done, which is positioned there to be done yet, in doing it, there must never be the notion of ‘me’ or ‘self’ involved with it. Even when, we look like involved in doing everything, there must never be the feeling and attachment of ‘me’ or ‘self’ in it.

This is mega confusing. The prescription is, ‘the beingness, the instinctive-me, the intuitive-self, everything shall be there when something is being done yet, there must never be an ‘attachment’ with it.

This is a big challenge to keep one’s being unattached with the instinct. The trouble is, to do so; one has to be completely sure what this ‘instinct’ is? What part of it is the share of ‘nurture’ and what part is purely nature. This gut feeling or soul voice must first be purged of adulteration of ‘socialization’ and cultural benchmarks, then only one can be sure of the authenticity of it.

The big question is; is it possible to purge the soul voice of such adulterations? Is it possible to segregate the nature-nurture divide? Is the amount of objectivity, which is required for such action possible? Is it possible…!

This leads us to the real and transcendental question of ‘what is the wonder of life?’

The ancient Oriental spiritualism suggests, “The biggest wonder of this mortal world seems to be that the truth is neither finite nor established and static, still, every human believes, what he or she understands is the truth and what he or she chooses is the finite-static-established positioning of truth. In addition, there is this infinite and acute desire, urge and endeavor to make this truth prevail and perpetuate on everyone and everywhere is his or her primary duty”. Why and how?

The larger point, which needs to be understood is; if ‘nisprih’ means being unattached, then this ‘un-attachment’ should be not only from the instinctive ‘me’ and its actions, but from the truths of the subjective soul voices too. How can one be ‘nisprih’ if this un-attachment is partial and incomplete?

To be ‘nisprih’ is a big attainment. Being ‘nisprih’ means rising above the ‘subjective-structures of life and living. This means rising above the “subjective human inventiveness” and “cultural necessities”. Broadly, it speaks of the express need for objectivity.

It is a huge challenge to rise up to this level of objectivity. Science says, objectivity is not possible for humans. In fact, it is not possible even for machines. No machine can work on hundred-percent efficiency. In fact, religion too says it is impossible for humans to attain hundred-percent objectivity. Only the explanations vary.

Most human minds have been trained to accept that only one thing has been stationed in the cosmos as completely ‘objective’. That is God. That is why; every human has this ultimate benchmark of attaining godliness. Like, it is every machine’s pursuit to attain cent-percent efficiency. However, this does not seem possible ever.

If divinity is attainable, then it cannot be the final destination. If godliness is attainable then where is the utility of the benchmark of divinity? Godliness is something, which is beyond the limits of attainment of humanity and that is why an energy of infinite journey.

In religion, objectivity has such a difficult positioning that it is even beyond perception of average humans, let alone it being achievable!

Geeta elaborates the desirability of karma – the ‘objective action’ in the following way: “Life is ephemeral but not unreal; one needs to be unattached but not detached; being ‘nisprih’ looks like being recluse but it is not the same; doing without the sense of doing is true action; the action and behavior, which is purged of instinctiveness are true action and behavior; all actions should be like offerings in a yagna (prayer ritual); only that action and behavior, which stands at the assimilative point of tangible and intangible is pure, etc.”




Commonality Of Ideas By Spiritualism, Philosophy and Science on Objectivity

ALL THIS LOOKS LIKE a complex portrayal of confusion and conflict. It has been hinted in Geeta: “To be human is to stand at either end of the two extremes of this conflict (dualism). It is only God who stands in the middle of the two extremes and still, ubiquitous in both the extreme ends (non-dualism). This is some exclusive positioning, which is reserved only for God, unavailable and untenable for humans.”

Science attempts to present an easy and understandable definition of this cosmic conundrum and conflict. It says, “Objectivity is not possible for humanity as the very presence of body melts the objectivity. The objective realism and truth changes the very moment it is observed. It is only natural that there shall be difference in ‘observer-dependent’ and ‘observer-independent’ realisms. This is the stated position of quantum physics.”

Forget and forego the debate and conundrum. Just accept that this cosmic energy of conflict and confusion is not a burden, rather a huge source of perpetuity of joy for all of us.

As ancient wisdom says, “Human inventiveness and symmetrical artistry of playful-metaphorization of this confusion and chaos of life and living realisms into something meaningfully and intuitively enjoyable, in time-space situationalities is sheer joy”.

Let us simplify the whole exercise. We all are average common people and for us there is little utility of things if they are this much intricate and tough to do. In fact, we do not have to be into all these troubles of objectivity-business. We just have to be innocently affectionate and compassionate.

An average human does not need to delve deep into these issues. Just be innocently humble to accept that in any circumstances, we would not compromise with these four principles, then, his or her life would be full of joy and satisfaction forever. They are:


Intolerance & Aggression

Greed and self-gratification


Being ‘nisprih’ as enunciated by religion is a long tough process. To ensure that the life becomes a long unending process of joy-journey towards attaining ‘Ultimate Objectivity’, one just needs to ensure –

He or she would never discriminate against anyone. Shall make tolerance towards all his or her primary virtue. Never allow aggression towards anyone. Shall keep away from greed and self-gratification instincts and life-long make such endeavors that would keep him or her on the unending journey to mitigate ignorance.

That is why;

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