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especially humans instinctively do.

Our minds store all previous ‘experiences’ as icons of reference and based on this subjective experiences, one judges the ‘utility or futility’ of any image, which comes into the mind, when we see things or others. Therefore, you already know, when someone is judging you ‘bad or good’, it is most unlikely to be ‘objective’ as his or her ‘experiences’ shall mostly be subjective. It is all personalized worldview.

For example, if a tall man had once robbed a woman, she is very likely to judge all tall men as ‘bad’ or at least see them with suspicion. Very few have the objectivity about their personalized and subjective life experiences. This is instinctive.

That is why, forgiving those, who judge you, is what you ideally do, as it has nothing to do with morality. It has simply to do with realistic understanding of the human instinct and the practical ease, at which you can buy your precious peace. Forgiving someone who judges you is less of an effort than making yourself irritated, annoyed and retributive with the judging person. It is also because, we all do it.

In this world, if you choose to pay people in the ‘same coin’, you shall lose all your precious ‘peace-moneys’. So, forgiving is most easily affordable profitable choice. Avail it.

Judging is an ever-present, ongoing and perpetually omnipresent process of life. Now, the key and core aspect of it is to have right and aware judgments. For example, the person you loved so much for long, someday abandons you and says it to the world that you were ‘unfit’ for him/her.

As it is now your turn to judge, you need to be warned – you are in a soup of emotion, impulse/desire, imagination, negative thought and intuition. This is not the right time and frame of mind-consciousness for you to do the judging thing.

Ideally, you let it hang for a while; allow time and space to redeem yourself to the point where you have – objectivity, calm consciousness, no biases and anger. Then, wait a bit more. It is important that you come out of the situation first. For that to happen to you, you shall need to change your contemporary ‘reactive-mode consciousness to the ‘receptive-mode’.

As you sit for judgment, remember, the golden rule of judgeship is – even if hundred culprits go scot free, an innocent should never be convicted. Judgeship is a non-emotional and compassionate, yet objectively righteous idea. Always remember, trial starts with a notion that ‘wrong’ has happened but not with ‘who’ has wronged. At the start, there are no ‘culprits’, only ‘suspects’.

This new thinking has given us the new facility for problem solution. This is by understanding the mechanism of the ‘problem’ with a ‘receptive-mode’ consciousness and not with the ‘reactive-mode’ consciousness as the later has larger elements of popular cultural benchmarks of good or bad, right or wrong.

The new thinking asks us to have a holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective while analyzing the root of the trouble. This helps us in getting rid of the unnecessary burden of the ‘cultural-fabrics’ and ‘subjective-mind with which we usually ‘dress-up’ a simple problem, in our reactive-mode consciousness.




Dualism Of Love And Problems It Engenders

SOLUTIONS ARE OFTEN, AN alternative positioning of the same situation, which presents as a problem. Moreover, it is our own subjective positioning vis-à-vis a particular situation, which works out as a problem.

For example, a river is such a blessing for humanity. A river benefits millions, irrigating their agricultural lands, providing drinking water et al. Most early civilizations therefore started along big rivers. However, the same river kills some people, who get drowned in it. The same thing is a source of both joys and sorrow. It is how we position ourselves vis-à-vis the river, or how the river itself is positions vis-à-vis we, which decides whether this river is a beauty or a burden.

Similarly, love is such an intensely amazing facility for humanity. However, love is also a duality. Many think it is the key possession of their lives, whereas, many feel it is the devastator of their lives. One person, who has enjoyed the benefits of love at one point of time, also has to bear the pains of love, in another situation. Like the river, the way love and we position vis-à-vis each other lands us either in joy or trouble. Love remains neutral, as it always is.

A young girl, who was in deep love with a guy said, “I am beautiful as you say it so… my eyes are amazing as they could see you… my lips are lovely as they can taste you… my curls are gorgeous as you play with them…etc.” This girl remained in joyful state of love’s beautifully satisfying endowments for a year and celebrated the dissolution of her being with her lover.

Later, she separated from her lover and complained to her best friend, “Now, when I am out of this stupidity, I realize; how I had lost my individuality and the very sense as who I am. How could I lose my identity for a man who could not understand me…!”

We may find this dualism or confusion as weird. However, it is surely not. Both the contrasting and conflicting states are very normal and instinctive to our mechanism. The same person would find joy and satisfaction in losing his or her subjective self and identity, when in love.

However, when out of it, this very loss shall no more be enjoyable rather a big regret and pain. Both situations are part of our mechanism.

Love needs this ‘assimilation’ for its fruition. However, we live in a world, where most benchmarks of success and attainments are very much ‘identity-oriented’. The person’s urge for ‘personal identity’ is very pronounced in modern milieu. Naturally, love’s fruition shall land us in some inconvenience, in our other domains of life and living.

So, which is a problem? The element of love, which makes us face it all? Or the person of our love, who left us? We can argue that love remained the same and it was the person who changed and this caused the trouble. Others can say, persons remained what they were but what changed is love and this caused the trouble.

The solution is in understanding the problem first. Love is a neutral element of the mechanism. We all have it and need it. Love is like water, it takes the shape of the vessel you keep it in. It takes the color of the jar you pour it in. The dynamics of love plays the role, the ‘theatre’ of our body-mind consciousness assigns it. The ‘script’ of the role, love shall play, in the theatre of individual consciousness is almost entirely in the hands of the subject – the individual.

However, this ‘subject’ is not one single and fixed entity. We have talked about it earlier that an individual as a subject can be different subjects in different time and space positioning and situations. A ‘generic’ subject shall play the role of love differently than a ‘specific’ subject. The consciousness of the subject is in constant interaction and interplay with its ambient environment, which itself is ever changing.

This is why, we talked earlier about how this world and its endowments are largely neutral, neither good nor bad. In other words, things are equally good or bad. What accepts something as joy and other as trouble is the subjective self – the individual. It is largely, the mind consciousnesses of people, which are the actual ‘Theatre’ of all troubles as well as happiness. It is mostly our subjective ‘positioning’, vis-à-vis a particular situation, which makes us accept something as trouble and others as happiness.





Conflicts Of Different Layers Of Body-Mind Consciousnesses

IT IS PERTINENT TO REITERATE here that understanding the mechanism always helps in understanding the problems and this in turn reaches us to bare solutions. The new wisdom has facilitated the objective and singular understanding of the mechanism. Let us spare our precious attention to the details of the ‘mechanism’ so that we have better understanding of the root of the problems.

We have layers of conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious elements of personality and all elements are within an individual and operate simultaneously. There is layer of instincts, tendencies and complexes, which one part of our brain handles. Then is a layer of our learnt and acquired knowledge and facts, which is largely the ‘cultural mind’. And, most importantly, there is a layer of our individual talent and potential, which is largely a result of our unlearning in adulthood, forming our ‘de-cultured’ and ‘de-mystified’ mind consciousness. This is termed as ‘higher consciousness’.

An individual is often split and conflicted between different layers of consciousnesses. Different layers present different demands simultaneously – sensual demands, emotional needs, impulse, imaginations, etc.

The ideal person is one who develops a ‘poise’ between all the requirements of different dimensions of consciousnesses and this is possible only when this person has a holistic, integrative and assimilative perspective of all these demands of the ‘Self’. The higher consciousness needs to strike harmony and balance. This ‘poise’ is the worthy precursor to the naked solution.

An individual has sub-personalities within his broad personality and often there is either a conflict or imbalance of sorts. This is psychosis. The idea of sub-personalities is a way of conceptualizing how we shift from one identity or shade of consciousness to another as we move through life. In a single day, we may move through having different, often conflicting and competing identities.

In the morning, we have a good talk with our partner and we feel ‘loved’ and ‘happy’. In daytime, our partner does not reply to our SMS and we feel ‘ignored’. In the evening we see him with another beautiful person and we feel ‘hurt’ and ‘zealous’. At night, our partner comes home with a nice gift and we feel ‘wanted’ and ‘relieved’. Within 12 hours, we can be ‘victors’ as well as ‘victims’. We are unconsciously buoying up in a pool of emotions almost all the time.

A sub-personality functions mechanically and instinctively. It is like acting out a routine. It is our ‘reactive-mode’ consciousness. While a sub-personality is just a portion of the personality, we can and often become totally identified with it, placing its needs and perspectives above all else. This is ‘psychosis’, as against the ‘poise’ between all sub-personalities. The sub-personalities often act out unconscious motivations to the detriment of the personality as a whole. An individual needs a harmony of the different, often conflicting and competing roles (sub-personalities).

This poise and balance between sub-personalities is far more challenging in modern world as we are living in a very complex socio-economic environment and our life has been unduly pressured by cultural benchmarks of success. Also, we live in a social space full of extremities and conflicting notions. In contemporary world, psychosis is fast becoming ‘normal’ and in the popular culture, poise is being labeled a benchmark of failure. Be warned.

The sub-personality concept is particularly useful for taking charge of an automatic reaction pattern or for resolving inner conflicts. We all must identify our sub-personalities, register their conflicts and then, consciously de-identifying from them engaging in a dialogue with your higher conscious self.

The higher consciousness is not something aloof from an individual. The higher self is not a rejection of individual’s baser selves. This is a mind positioning within, which accepts conflicts of the different personality aspects and functions. It is a super state of mind awareness, which recognizes all aspects; be it in any state of unconscious and attempts to bring them to the layer of consciousness for harmonizing them into a fruitful whole.

This mechanism of the higher consciousness is very crucial for effective understanding of root problems and their naked solutions. Let us understand it with the help of an example from our daily life, which is very common and part of almost everyone’s life.




Dualism Of Love And Mechanism Of Higher Consciousness

A LOVER SAYS TO HIS beloved, “I would say only what pleases you, to

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