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of this decision-making process is made of environment, every individual subjective consciousness shall have different benchmarks and iconism for decision-making and this decision-making is tough as even the individual is never sure which element of his conscious and sub-conscious mind prevailed over his or her decision.

This fresh new look at the challenges of subjective decision-making, through the lens of the latest brain research and cognitive neuroscience is very helpful in understanding how and why we have a mechanism, which creates so much conflict and confusion, both within and outside.

For example, you are in a joint and you order tea for yourself and ask your friend, what he would like. He is a confirmed coffee drinker but that day, he goes with you and have tea instead. As the waiter comes with two teas, your friend suddenly refuses to accept it and asks for coffee. You would wonder what happened? Your friend too would wonder equally! What prevailed over his earlier decision to have tea with you may also be a mystery to your friend. You may feel bad and hurt, thinking, your friend does not care for you. Please do not feel so!

The mechanism tells us, the friend earlier was probably in the emotion of affection for you and was willing to forego his choice for coffee to make you happy. Suddenly, a flash memory visited his sub-conscious mind as how last time he had come here with his boss and he had a tiff with him. The emotion of anger against his boss probably prevailed over his affection for you for just a fleeting second and in a subconscious state, he reversed his order.

It however, does not anyway mean that your friend did not love or care for you. Even your friend is not sure why he did what he did. He could however tell you later.

Who we are is unraveled in layers. The layers are both vertical as well as lateral. Unfortunately, higher layers are often transitional and transient. Layers of consciousnesses, often competing and conflicting are part of human mechanism and the environment in which it survives and thrives.

Glimpses of these layers also do come natural to many, not all; as an involuntary mechanism; still, the energy to glide through all these layers is not automatic and habitual. Humans have been designed to live in a state of flux.




Modern Complex Milieu Engendering A ‘Self’ In Constant State Of Flux

THIS AT LEAST PARTLY explains why we are in constant conflict with ‘self’ and ambient environment. This engenders layers of consciousnesses and a fleeting sense of ‘differential me’. We shift through different identifications as we move through life. In a single day, we may move through different consciousnesses like, being victim, martyr, crusader, critic, busy-bee, lazy-bones, striver, loser, unsung hero, and so on.

During a day, as and when you change your action pattern, lateral shift of consciousness takes place, which most do not notice. You are a different person while in bed at night than what you were when in office, haggling with your boss. Often, one stint of consciousness brings about contradictory consciousness, which usually goes unnoticed. Be a spendthrift for a while and suddenly, you tend to feel the virtue of being a miser. This is dialectic mechanism of consciousness. Both spendthrift and miser are part of you but it may seem two conflicting thing to others.

Such transient consciousnesses however, do not last long. Most people do not even feel it as shift of consciousnesses is often, auto and in subconscious. The state of flux is somehow more permanent. We however shall complain that the person has changed. Modern world, with its multidimensional complexities and differentiated cultures and environments has facilitated; appropriate it would be to say ‘manufactured’ a ‘self’ that shall feel a ‘self’, traversing the multiverse of consciousnesses.

This rather enhances and emboldens the ‘state of flux’ in a cyclic mechanism, which most educated and aware people face. The interesting reality is, the more intellectual you are, more flummoxed you shall be, managing your own ‘multidimensional selves’.

It feels sad that many good, learned, affable and compassionate people get trapped in the ‘conundrum’ of ‘layers of consciousness’ and their ephemeral situation. Many of these people are too happy to live floating in the soup of multidimensional consciousnesses as they think; having this facility and attainment is ‘big deal’ and an end in itself.

We need to keep telling them that it is just a launch pad for a stage of ‘higher consciousness’, which is singular and on top of the pyramid and to attain that, one would need this energy of conflict between the layers of consciousnesses. This is very tough to believe as many of them would turn narcissistic and would not listen.

Very few people have the time, patience, inclination and the essential ‘innocence of modesty’ to understand the mechanism of the life energies, which unravel to you the multidimensionality of realisms.

Of course, the instinctive mechanism of humans is suited for living in flux and refusing to see itself in a perspective that challenges their core cultural beliefs. Very few rise up to the top layer of the pyramid of layers of consciousnesses.

That is why, it has been said: A guru (master) is must for attaining wisdom. It is not because a master is a learned person. It is because; you go to a master with an attitude to learn. A guru is often an icon of your willingness to have faith and learn.

I am sure, you too would have people in your life to whom layers of consciousnesses were unraveled and they talked about the conflicts and chaos of life situations, which this multidimensionality of consciousnesses threw them in.

The idea is to very affectionately and compassionately try to take them to understand the mechanism of all these and put them in a position from where they could be ‘masters of mechanism’, rather than being ‘puppets of mechanism’.




The Master ‘I’ As A Summation Of Different And Often Competing ‘I’s

IT IS NEVER EASY. The process of understanding one’s ‘self’, often in a state of flux, is pitted against one’s own beliefs about one’s ‘self’. No one is more than what one gets to believe he or she is. Life is often, a series of ‘different MEs’ at different stages of this constant flux. Only a handful rises above the flux to reach the top of the pyramid of consciousness.

The idea is simple, yet complicated. The ‘I’, who exists and performs in each layer of consciousness, is not ‘singular’. Rather it is the summation of different ‘MEs’ of different layers of consciousnesses. There are different ‘Is’ when you are rising in the morning, playing with your kids, praying in the church, dealing finance with your colleagues, watching an opera in the evening, dizzy after boozing and finally in bed with your spouse.

Different life situations, requiring diverse sets of ‘action-thought-behavior’ patterns, as commensurate with ambient milieus, engender different ‘layers of consciousnesses’. In all these layers, the ‘I’ may be different but there is one ‘I’ in ‘higher consciousness’, which is always sort of commanding all the former ‘Is’.

This ‘Master I’ is not singular and independent, rather a summation of the all other ‘Is’. The ‘I’ in the higher consciousness is not something aloof from an individual. The higher self is not a rejection of individual’s baser selves or instincts.

This ‘Master I’ is a mind positioning within, which accepts conflicts of the different personality aspects and functions – the different ‘Is’. It is a ‘super state’ of mind awareness, which recognizes all aspects and brings them to the layer of higher consciousness for harmonizing them into a fruitful whole.

Spiritualism gives us a metaphor of ‘Master I’ being the driver of a chariot with six horses, reigning in all of them to a singular path of ‘appropriate’.

The core issue is to understand the higher consciousness in detail, as, it is this ‘I’, which has the definitive role of being the master of an individual. This ‘Master I’ is the media for exploration of an expanded experience of human identity, capacity and potential. This ‘I’ leads ‘self’ to a journey into transpersonal dimensions.

These dimensions encompass the higher levels of the energy spectrum: realms of higher consciousness that transcend the everyday awareness of the personality. People experience their higher consciousness when they are their highest and best, when their talents, abilities or higher qualities are manifesting.

The ‘Master I’ must always be evolving and as it evolves, the dimensions of consciousnesses get enlarged and the ‘Master I’ is empowered more. Changing cognition of causality evolves consciousness.

Suddenly, some day, throw yourself in some totally alien environment, sit easy and reflect over the years you have lived. In most likeliness, you shall find, “you” were different selves, in different stages of life so far. Trace the one single commonality in all “YOUs” and this is what defines you. Now, check, is it what you wish to be?

You cannot change your body much. You cannot even change your environment much. However, you can control the influences of your environment on your consciousness by intentionally keeping a distance from it, or completely shifting a totally new environment occasionally.




The Archetypal Genius Versus The New Genius Problem Solver

NOW THAT WE HAVE talked about the mechanisms and factors that lead to we ourselves usually dressing-up our own problems, we are now in better position to talk about how we can ‘undress’ our problems for easy solutions.

We now know the importance of “unlearning”. This is our mind mechanism for undressing the consciousness of the burden of those cultural learning and archetypal notions, which unconsciously become part of our already complex decision-making process.

Someone said a big fact in most amusingly simple way. It was said, “A normal healthy child born is the most genius being of the universe. We take almost 25 years to make a stupid out of him”. This speaks of how, a talent, which is designed for solving all major problems, is culturally trained to be a huge problem itself.

We need to understand what is the real talent of we all. What is this intelligence, which makes us the genius of all solutions of all troubles. We should talk about in details about this particular mind-consciousness artistry, which is most suitable for trouble-shooting of all problems, be it tangible or intangible.

The question, as who is real genius or the true intelligent person, has this potential of eliciting irritated reaction from most of us. This is not anyway wrong, as it is only natural. Since long, we all have learnt from family members, peer groups and general society about the popular and prevailing culturally appropriate benchmarks of intelligence and genius. The definition, the new wisdom offers us is different.

The established benchmarks of an intelligent and genius are : A person who has brilliant memory, can do many things at times and that too very fast and better than most, has huge knowledge bank in his mind and can reproduce it in quick time, etc.

The modern assimilative and integrative wisdom however is different from these popular benchmarks of intelligence and genius. Moreover, this opinion is what a few humans talked about and recorded a few thousand years back! We shall talk about this.

Modern wisdom says, all the above-mentioned benchmarks of intelligence are only the actionable part of the human mind, which is almost entirely intuitive and instinctive. However, intelligence of mind is far more than that. All of these are neural processes and are interwoven in the human mind in various portions. In our day-to-day mode, we operate entirely intuitively (instinctively).

Experts say, “If we want to lean back and look at things, we are in our 'awareness' (subjective) mode. It is only when we set our conscious minds to it, and rigidly adhere to the process, that we are 'intelligent'. Being 'intelligent' is not an 'easy' process, nor is it fun. It requires effort to learn and rigid self-control to use. It is then hugely productive”.

The decision-making by human mind in almost all aspects of day-to-day mode

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