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creation. Once we understand and accept the mechanism of this puzzle, we shall have the ease in ‘undressing’ the problems. The solution shall be clearly visible.

We wonder, how even ancient humans successfully build mega structures like Egyptian Pyramids and Taj Mahal In India, at a time when today’s modern technology and tools were not available. We call them ‘Wonders’.

It was all possible because thousands of men and women, who worked to build these wonders, adhered to singular and objective principle of architectural design and structure making. It was possible because, there was this only possible way available for making these wonders. This principle remains the same.

Humanity developed the structures and functions of global aviation, space satellites, computers, internet, automation and proven solutions for almost all health problems. These modern wonders became possible also because of the singularity of methodology and scientific principles, which engendered them.

However, the same brilliant human, the magician of all solutions for all possible troubles is a huge flop like a stupid when it comes to solving his or others personal problems. Humanity could not even fix a singular benchmark for societal or personal good and bad.

Individuals and society at large are facing acute and widespread problems of drugs, suicides, corruption, mafia, crime, racialism, terrorism etc. We are culturally, ethnically, economically as well as politically a hugely divided and conflicted bunch of 7 billion people on Earth. We are conflicted and confused within and having its larger than life reflection in our societies and cultures. Why?

The answer seems very clear and simple. We have attained huge mechanical success but fail in our cultural excellence. Our technologies are common globally and accepted with ease. However, culturally, we have huge difference of personal as well as collective behavior.

The simple fact is – the mechanical success comes because of the adherence to ‘singularity’ of objective, proven and measurable procedures, which we call technology; whereas the cultural failure owes it to plurality and multiplicity of conflicting subjective procedures based on culturally-differentiated opinion, conjecture, imagination, hearsay, dogma, ideology, fantasy and fiction having almost little measurable and proven basis.

If we have to make huge and state of the art space satellite, we can have a team of a hundred scientists and technicians from same number of countries. They shall work together peacefully and successfully build the satellite, even when they have different languages and cultural preferences.

However, even if a team of a hundred intellectuals from one single country, with same ethnicity and cultural background is gathered to chalk out a simple thing like a primary school educational syllabus, there shall be loads of conflicts and debates. Almost every single person shall have his or her own idea and this he or she would insist to be the right one, and probably the only right one.

It is just because, their ideas shall be very subjective, based on subjective imagination about what they deem as good and right. Unlike technology, their ideas shall not be based on singular, objective, measurable and proven basis of knowledge and wisdom. The conflict and confusion is bound to prevail.

It is just a simple notion to understand. A husband and wife shall have conflict over later wishing to go on a vacation and former wanting to buy the latest Television set in the market. Once they decide on a Television, it shall be easy as there shall not be a battle over which one. The one with latest technology, with most features and applications as well as the best brand value shall be a unanimous choice. However, once the Television is at home, the fight shall commence over who shall watch what on it!

We are stretching this idea in long discussion just to bring to the attention the realism that those issues, which are purely emotional, intangible, inter-personal, behavioral and ideational, shall be always open to larger conflicts and competitiveness compared to those, which are tangible. The reason is, former is in the domain of subjectivity and later in objectivity.

This understanding shall help us, when later we talk about how to ‘undress’ our problems to arrive at easy solutions. The very understanding that subjectivity and cultural elements are great facilities for us but they are also the elements, which prompt us to unnecessarily ‘dress-up’ a simple trouble. Knowledge and acceptance of this mechanism shall help us in ‘undressing’ our problems for easy solutions.






Mechanism Of The Layers Of Consciousnesses

AS WE COME TO THIS crucial stage of how to undress our problems, we have a realization that this whole exercise is very much an individualistic task. The ‘self’, our subjective consciousness, is the theatre of everything, where things are staged. It is also supposed to be the ‘chief protagonist’, who needs to make necessary changes in the ‘script’ and ‘direction’ to effect a welcome ‘change’ in the ‘drama of life’.

This necessitates having a relook on what this ‘self’, the ‘I’ or the subjective consciousness is. This is very crucial as the new wisdom has been successful in deciphering many hidden secrets about the ‘self’ and ‘consciousness’ in the past decade and this knowledge has not yet reached to common people. Why blame common people when even state institutions, as important as legislative and judicial wings of nation’s governance have not been able to incorporate this new wisdom in their age-old practices.

This new wisdom helps us in understanding the mechanism of ‘self’ and subjective consciousness in an objectively singular and holistically assimilative way. Only when we understand and accept ourselves in this new light of wisdom, we shall be empowered to understand our problems in objective way. This is the solution route.

Since long, the key question, “who are we”, was in the domain of philosophy and religion. Modern science has revealed much of the mystery of the mechanism of this ‘self’ and consciousness, though still not offering all possible answers. Still, we now have good knowledge of the functioning of the brain, the theatre of our consciousness.

As we have already talked, we do not have to be in the debate and conflicts between science, philosophy and religion. We have already discussed that the modern new thinking is not biased and one-sided. It is holistic, assimilative and integrative. We are neither blindly rejecting anything, nor blindly accepting anything. We are open to all interpretations and knowledge. We take all ideas, take an assimilative view and attempt to see a particular issue, situation and idea from all possible angles.

It is very crucial to understand and accept that all wisdoms, be it traditional or modern, have great symbiosis and are never in competition. We have already talked about it how, in the core, there is beautiful similarity and it is only in the periphery, different wisdoms of humanity look like competing. The difference is purely subjective, cultural and behavioral. This we are not discussing here in detail. The simple idea is to take all wisdoms in an assimilative and integrative way.

What science has successfully done is furnish the missing link of ‘why’ we are ‘what’ and ‘how’ we are. Moreover, this actually complements what core philosophy and spirituality have been telling us since ages. In the last half a century, we have achieved huge success in the field of key areas like health care and disease control. It is because, molecular biology, electronics, neuroscience and genetic engineering have made great headways in unraveling the mechanisms of how our mind and other organs work up to as detail as molecular levels.

Unraveling the mysteries of mind functioning has become possible because we have developed great technologies, which enable us to successfully understand our own mechanisms in minutest possible way. This new wisdom has been a great endowment for humanity. Tragically, it has not percolated to mass levels. It shall in time.

The new science tells us, we, our subjective consciousness, is not a cohesive singular being. We need to understand the mechanism of brain to comprehend it all. Our brain is not a single organ, with single function, like other organs of our body.

Our brain has layers and they have formed in millions of years of evolution. What we, as a subjective consciousness decide, is a mega function of different layers, sides and portions of our brain. We shall talk about these issues in general terms. For pure scientific knowledge, you can read the concerned books.

Part of the brain handles our instincts, lying there since ages. Parts of brain deals with our imaginations and emotions. The left part of brain and right brain handles different functions. However, all parts work simultaneously and in great coordination. That is why, within a second, different parts of brain does different functions, but we never feel it and always believe that we are one singular identity. When this coordination and symmetry is disturbed, we have troubles handling even normal routines of life and our sanity is disturbed.

Science has a long way to go as scientists admit, “Our conscious thoughts, sensations and perceptions – what define us as humans – cannot yet be explained in terms of brain activity”. However, work is in progress and in right direction.

Contemporary science maintains, “Conscious thought, an awareness of identity, a feeling of personal management, is a relative newcomer, and probably more developed in man than in the other higher animals. It grew from the ability to imagine, to create experiences in the sensor memories”.

Scientists say, “All of these neural processes are interwoven in the human mind in various portions. They are used simultaneously, and the divisions between them are invisible to us. We never really know which element prevailed in our decision”.

“If we are in our day-to-day mode, we operate entirely intuitively (instinctively). If we want to lean back and look at things, we are in our 'awareness' (subjective) mode. It is only when we set our conscious minds to it, and rigidly adhere to the process, that we are 'intelligent'. Being 'intelligent' is not an 'easy' process, nor is it fun. It requires effort to learn and rigid self-control to use. But, it is productive”.

There is an interesting fact about our brain – the core of our consciousness. A grown up healthy brain has only 15 percent as genetic makeup; rest 85 percent is environmental. This means, what one is born with, is just a small percentage of our conscious self; the majority of our brain has inputs from the environment – tangible and intangible – which is the socio-cultural-geographical milieu, a child is raised in.

What does it suggest? It signals the larger role of our ambient environment, the ethnicity of localized culture, in the larger subjective consciousness of a person.

We also know from modern science that the conscious mind – the subjective consciousness, which is also termed as our intelligence – is very small, compared to the huge field of sub-conscious mind. This sub-conscious mind is largely our intuitive referral benchmarks and icons.

Scientists say, “If we were to compare the conscious mind with the subconscious, the conscious would measure about one foot long and the subconscious would be the length of a football field. The potential is enormous. That is why, everything we experience can be stored. However, the conscious mind would get overloaded trying to process all the incoming bits of data on a daily basis. Instead, all the information goes into the subconscious for storage”.

Why we are dealing with all these brain intricacies? For the simple reason to understand and accept, that the mechanism we have, is at the core of troubles and problems we have, despite the fact that the same mechanism is our strength and decisive superiority over all other species on Earth.

Our subjective consciousness, which is our intelligence, is not a singular decision-making mechanism. As scientists say, “The human brain is a cooperative composed of perhaps thousands of individual reactive decision mechanisms, each with its own memory, interconnection with all others, and judgment. The voting of these mechanisms is so fast and so in harmony that we perceive the entire system as being the thought of one mechanism, which, in effect, the overall system becomes”.

As large part

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