» Psychology » Naked Solutions Of Dressed up Life Woes, Santosh Jha [adventure books to read .TXT] 📗

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to make lives easy. Since ages, the wise people have been telling us that most of our troubles are mostly ‘manufactured’; either by ourselves or by the ambient culture, we live in.

In academia, there is an acceptance of a worldview, which Colin Mcguin summarizes as: “Human reason is inherently local, culture relative, rooted in the variable facts of human nature and history.”

It is simple to understand: Why different people; even within one culture has different reasons to believe and accept that he/she is right. It is basically, “a matter of divergent practices, forms of life, frames of reference and conceptual schemes.”

The golden rule of reason and rationality, as accepted now is:

“To be valid, is to be taken as valid and different people can have legitimately different patterns of taking. In the end, the only justifications for belief have the form justified for me”. In our daily lives, we always feel, there are people around us, who are difficult to be loved or be just friend with. They seem never to accept and adhere to what others may also feel differently. Commonality and mutuality is anyway tough in modern complex world.

We all just need to be compassionate and affectionate with them. We all know, we live in difficult times. All around us, almost all age-old edifices of values and trusts are crumbling. We also see almost everywhere, established rules and norms of society and state are not always the criteria for success and righteousness. There is rather mass frustration with almost all systems – be it society or state.

In such a living milieu and worldview, where success is precarious and ‘short-cuts’ of life and living choices become a dire need not only for excellence, but for bare survival; it is only understandable, why many people have developed this calamitously ingenious art of narcissistically justifying their individualistic choices and values.

It is only very natural that a society, where there is little commonality and mutuality of ideals and values, individuals shall be in more conflict and competitiveness. This shall in turn engender loads of problems and troubles, which shall be not real but ‘manufactured’.

On a highway, with no established ‘traffic-rules’ to follow, every driver shall accept his own rules as the ‘only rule’ and fatal crashes shall be the order of the day. Neither the road nor the car need to be blamed. We have ‘manufactured’ it.



Body, A Mystical Master Of Ethereal Artistry

It surely is beyond the horizon of the facility and utility of humanly-invented words. The grammar of body and the artistry of body languages are meant for expressions only through the sublime media of music, dance and painting; words fail the enterprise.

Somehow, when in the pinnacle of the objective and non-associative consciousness, one painfully yet joyously realizes, this mortal body and ephemeral expressions of innate desires have a strange and mystical mechanism.

The body is both a canvas and paintbrush; the body is a mystical mechanism of creating ‘paintings’ within. The template it paints is truly magical and intangibly mystical. Mystical because, this painting does not only have colors but also has strong and devastatingly multidimensional aromas, energies and rhythms of cravings and ethereal feelings. The body is a mystical master of ethereal paintings of feeling-emotions.

But then, a body also doubles up as the beautifully stupendous canvas; an earthy, musky and tangibly consumptive medium for making the intangible ‘paintings’ come true. The mysticism around the body as ‘painting’ as well as ‘canvas’ emanates out of the accidental evolution of body’s intricately real yet randomly unpredictable surrealism.

The mysticism is real as body as tangible medium, hosts the intangible energy of consciousness – the virtual self resides in a real body. This engenders the mysticism and when bodies meet in mystical confusion, it creates the ultimate paintings, the compassionate music and divine dance.

When man and woman meet, when bodies complement as painting and canvas, when bodies meet to create an ethereal mysticism of cathartic confusion, when man-woman bodies enjoin and embark on a mystical journey, nothing but pure, sublime and nobility should remain as witness.




We Have Become Castles, Blocking Nurturing Emotions

It is the most difficult question, with probably the simplest answer. Why life began and sustained on earth? The likely answer seems to be, because it found one core element here – nurturance. All species on earth still have this element in abundance, but humans!

The best platform of nurturance – the male-female bonding is fast collapsing, blame it on the disastrous culture, which has always corroded the platform.

The battle and wound between men and women runs deep in our collective consciousness and often seems rooted in the very cells of our bodies.

Men and women often find themselves polarized into opposing positions especially when it comes to erotic bonding, emotional expression, communication, and matters of the union of hearts.

The core of these differences is sometimes expressed as "men want hot sex and women want romantic love," when the truth seems to be that both men and women long for synchronized emotional-bonding, satisfying sex and sustainable love. The difference seems cultural than biological or genetic.

Ancient traditions which honor the sacred union of male and female and recognize the importance of balancing the masculine and feminine elements within each of us, as well as in the external world, offer us a model for nurturance.

When men and women shall be freed from culturally imposed stereotypes and shall reconnect their hearts and the body, harmony and sanity is likely to be restored. Growingly, people from almost all parts of globe, with different lifestyles and culture are admitting with aplomb that sadness and loneliness is fast creeping into their lives.

There has also been this unfortunate realization that almost all softer and very nurturing emotions of life are becoming casualty in the wake of fast lives, workloads and too little leisure.

Somehow, it does not seem natural. We can say that because, we all know that for over millions of years, humanity has successfully evolved and excelled because, it has had the repository of a huge range of very nurturing and protective range of softer emotions in the forms of family and society.

The general complain too is that tolerance, affability, humility, innocence of attitude, compassion, mutuality, love and caring, forgiveness et al have been fast becoming scarce in societies and culture. It does not take a genius to understand that these nurturing soft emotions are essential ingredients of our wellness .

A Sufi message says, “Ecstasy is a feeling that comes only when the heart is tuned to that pitch of love which melts it, which makes it tender, which gives it gentleness, which makes it humble." It is very clear that the message speaks volumes on the importance of soft nurturing emotions in the wellness of humanity.

Medical experts say, “The muscular tissue of the body responds to emotional as well as physical trauma by tensing up in a protective reflex. Over time, these tissues become chronically stiff and hard, blocking sensation and energy flow in the affected area, causing diseases.”

This seems to points out to the sad fact that we live such a life where we are exposed to tough life, which throws to us stresses and traumas, which in turn makes our muscles contact, blocking the soft and nurturing life energy.

What we need is soft-nurturing emotions of tolerance, affability, humility, innocence of attitude, compassion, mutuality, love and caring, forgiveness et al to ease up and rejuvenate the tense and contracted muscles as well as the very consciousness.

As these nurturing emotions have gone down in content; qualitatively as well as quantitatively, we are unable to feel the natural joys and good emotions of life. This makes us sad, lonely, insensitive, precariously aggressive and even enemy of almost everything soft and nurturing. We get caught in the vicious cycle of sadness and loneliness. We need to get back those soft-nurturing emotions in our lives.



Not Always Needing, What We Want

Someone said it, “What man seeks is what he wants, and is not at all what he needs”. Humans are competitive animal; evolution designed humans this way. He or she needs to win, always, as it is his or her survival instinct.

This desire to win is expressed in intrinsically ingenious ways by his or her ego. Often, the survival needs and ‘desires’ lead him or her to seek and compete to win. However, what he or she wants/seeks is not always, what he or she needs.

Not many people shall have trouble in accepting the above but, most would admit, the fine line, that separates what one ‘wants’ from what one ‘needs’ is almost impossible to ascertain. This is always a trouble for all of us. There is a tendency with all ‘intangible’ emotions to drift to extremes. The wisdom is in poise, which is always very ephemeral and elusive.

This situation is crucial to be understood and the art of symmetry and poise needs to be mastered. There is a fine line which separates ‘poise’ from ‘psychosis’. On the extremes stand the psychosis, which we all are very prone to but the ‘poise’ is what we all need to be in.

In our body mechanism too, this dualism is manifested. There is a word called homeostasis, which literally means ‘poise’. Homeostasis is the situation of a healthy body and a healthy body has instinctive urge and mechanism to remain around this biological ‘poise’. Diseases happen, when this poise goes missing and we hit psychosis.

We also know the fact that it is scientifically acknowledged that humans must be in total unity and poise with his or her environment for his or her own survival and excellence. However, we all know that we are not in poise, be it biologically or emotionally. We have the tendency to drift between extremes, one way or other. This dualism and conflict of life and living needs to be understood for us to strike a lasting poise.

Essentially, what an individual seeks is ‘empowerment’. It is his or her natural instinct to aim all its endeavors for personal empowerment. However, what society needs from him or her is collective ‘utility’. Often, personal empowerment and collective utility stand in conflict and therefore, the much required ‘poise’ within and outside us remains elusive.

In these situations, it may be said that what a man or woman wants, if it is in conformity and synchrony with what society needs, then what he or she wants is what he needs.

This in other term means, Individual empowerment must always create collective utility. This ensures a symbiotic poise and symmetry between the individual and society, which in turn ensures and engenders general wellness.

It seems, one single line assertion is, an individual must be constantly advised to recheck his or her ‘wants’, vis-à-vis the collective utility of the society and environment he or she lives in.

On the other hand, it is also equally important that the societies must also always be liberal and resilient enough to allow a self-recheck of what it ‘needs’ or what it benchmarks as ‘utility’.

This means: both individual empowerment and societal utility need to be evolving in tune with time and circumstances. This ensures poise for all. Tragically, both individuals as well as societies in modern complex world have gathered so much conflicts and distrusts against each other that both have stopped evolving in a symbiotic manner since long, with an eye on cooperation and compatibility with each other. Wellness is a sure and certain casualty in modern environment everywhere.

It seem, this situation has led us all to a situation, where psychosis rules both individuals as well as societies. We already have this situation at hand.



A New War In A Novel Territory!

From the experiences of daily life, we all know it very well that nothing exists in individualistic isolation. All living beings are in relationship and association with the milieu.

Somehow, what we usually do not accept is the realism that associations are often more important than individual positioning. From examples in past as well as present, we all know that cultures, which encourage individual empowerment in synchronized utility and associative collectivity, survive

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