» Psychology » Paralytic Studies., Anna [carter reed .txt] 📗

Book online «Paralytic Studies., Anna [carter reed .txt] 📗». Author Anna

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or their lifeless bodies laying around. Even more so, it killed me when I had seen them aching; curled up in a ball in the corner of their cages from tests gone wrong. I felt smaller pity for the ones that died; only because they were now free from the pain that we constantly had to endure.

I closed my eyes and let my body relax, there was no reason being so tense as he worked, the more tense we were the more risk that he could mess up on us. I hated this man. Why did he do this? Did he think he could be the one to save us? Where did he get this 'medical training'? Did he go for a year, they kick him out, and now he thinks he can get revenge for trying to find a cure?

How did he get away with kidnapping kids over these years? So many of us... twins, single kids, siblings, little ones, older ones, middle aged. All at least eighteen years or younger. I knew I was doomed but I didn't care after the time I was here. As I said, I was taken when I was just a child.

Now I lay here, seventeen years old, at least that's what the doctor liked to say as he talked to himself. I had survived, how? I couldn't tell you... hell, I wouldn't even know where to start. All I did know, was that I had done it and that was all there was to it. He didn't want to kill us... that wasn't the object of his tests. Honestly, I don't quite understand the point of them all, but what I do know... is that he wanted us to survive and was pissed when we did die.

He blamed us, tried to at least, because we couldn't retort and put the blame on him.

After what seemed like forever on that cold table, he finally announced that he was done. I was scared of what he always done to me but there wasn't anything I could do, now was there? Not yet, I would need a plan. A clever plan. I would need to speak with another few of the kids around and formulate a plan... with some of the normal kids, not the ones who were deranged in the head; even from birth.

I cleared my throat as I sat up slowly, I learned the hard way of what happened when I sat up way to fast. It didn't tickle, that's for sure. He led me back to my cage and as we walked, I seemed to notice more things. Some kids were sitting in their cages, staring out at me. With wordless begging, they silently screamed out to me. If not me, it would've been another hopeless person who couldn't help them either.

My heart sank in my chest as I passed Kara's cage, tears were streaking down her face. Words were written on a white piece of strip that was attached to her cage. I could just about read it, make out that the letters spelled 'DNT' those letters left her to be able to relax. They stood for 'Do Not Test'.

I listened to the 'doctor' as he spoke, when he did things. Such when he put the tape on her cage when she had been above me. He kept saying 'Put tape on her cage, write the letters, yes, you can do it. Just like that, now write 'Do Not Test'. Yes, she's hopeless' I listen carefully, learn a thing or two. 'Cause I knew he wouldn't teach us anything, nothing at all.

He opened the cage door and motioned me inside, I glanced up at him and for the first time, really took his face in. He looked like his face was bashed in with a shovel and afterwords thousands of porcupines just used him as a back scratcher. After a moment, I ducked into the cage and laid down. He locked it before leaving our room, not taking another kid with him this time.

After each test, he liked to take another one to try and see if he can continue his work but other times, he liked to just sit and 'think' or talk to himself, doing what I assumed was his version of paper work and writing down his findings.

Kids screamed from the farthest point of the room, behind me, the 'doctor' didn't care that they did. They could make all the sound in the world, as he had once said to us. 'Go ahead, little ones, scream until you have no voice left to scream. Nobody will hear you, you see... we are underground' He had to say these stories to the ones he hurt, to the ones he dragged in here at teenage years. The ones who knew a thing or two.

Me, I knew more than they did for I was his first victim. Not the very first but one of the first five. I guess I would get something like that as a mark on me, if I survive. 'First Five Survived' I wish I could say that... the first two he dragged in here with me were laying in their cages. Barely hanging on.

One girl and us four guys, the girl was on the brink of death, I knew she wouldn't hang in there. She had no reason to do so and I wouldn't have hung in this far if I were her. She had one of them tape words on her cage too but hers did not say the same thing as Kara's did. Hers was worse, much worse. Whenever I read the words my heart would jump.

Any day he could come in and take her but every time he came through and poked at her, she wouldn't stir. She didn't have the energy nor will to move. I glanced at her as I sat in my cage, he kept us first five in a circular type figure. The corners of our cages touching.

We could reach out and hold each others hands if we really wanted to. He had us thrown all over the room like that. A path so he could get in to us but other than that, all the corners of the cages were touching. If someone had let gas go, the ones in the middle were the ones to yell the most. They hated when someone did that but honestly, you couldn't blame them.

I watched Jules, she laid curled up on her cot, her arm hanging over the side of it, her eyes half opened as she stared at her wrist. She had marks up and down her arms from needle injections. Some were simple water for her to stay alive but others were 'pain medicine' and the rest from the operations done on her. She simply just felt ugly.

I guess we all were ugly, from our scars to our needle holes. As I sat there staring at her, I heard the shuffling of feet, the grunting of Eisen carrying something, I glanced up at the rooms entrance, watching for him to come on. No less than two minutes passed and in he walked, carrying a middle aged boy. He looked around my age with short black hair, his eyes were closed. Eisen laid him into a cage just to my left, having walked over my cage I grumbled slightly.

The boy was laid on his cot, the door shut and locked, and tape was placed on the top of his cage. His name written on it just like the rest of us. He didn't awaken until long after Eisen left, I watched him as he groaned and rolled onto his chest, rubbing his head.

He glanced about the cage, looking up at me with widened eyes.

"The hell?" He asked, I tilted my head, looking up at the tape on his cage.

"You're screwed... John" I said slowly, I was sitting Indian style on my cot, watching him, glancing back at Jules every few moments. He didn't seem to understand and threw a few curse words around, not at me... just in general.

"Where are we?" John asked, I cleared my throat and shifted.

"I don't know... I couldn't tell you even if I tried. I've been here since I was three. The only thing I do know is that we are underground so screaming is useless. Please, don't do it" I exclaimed, there was no harm from him screaming, there just finally was silence in the room. Everyone too tired to make noise.

"Does he whip you or something if you scream?" John asked, I shook my head, no.

"He doesn't do anything, he actually enjoys hearing us try and call out for someone, hopelessly. He's a sick person but you can scream all you want to, until you lose your voice, as he says. It will get you no where, I just like the silence. In the day time, if they're not all too sick, they start crying and screaming. Shaking their cages trying to get free. No, I don't blame them... how could I? They've spent almost as much time as I have in these blasted things... it's just hopeless to make noise" I explained, he stared at me.

"This is just sick... why was I brought here!?" John said, attempting to shake the cage.

"You must have been born with some defect, he tries to 'cure' us" I said, emphasizing the 'cure'... there was no way he could ever, everyone knew that. He seemed to let the words sink in.

"But I have no defects... I was born a perfectly healthy baby" John stated, I watched him curiously.

"Well he must have gotten you by accident though. I must warn you that the tests do hurt" I leaned back, there was nothing I could do to help him, he was now one of us. Even if he didn't have a single thing wrong with even his skin.

Eisen walked in, something seeming to have alert him, he walked straight up to John's cage.

"Nothing... you say?" He said this slowly, John looked at him as he knelt down in front of the cage, John nodded.

"I have not a thing wrong with me, not even bipolar. Nothing, honest" John said in an attempt to save himself, I watched them carefully, unsure of what Eisen would do. Eisen nodded at his words then stood up, kicking the cage and swearing.

"How did I mistake that? How did I do wrong?" Eisen stroked his chin, there was no hair there to stroke so he just did it in a thinking manner.

"I must have meant to snag your brother" Eisen glanced down at him from the corner of his eye.

"My brother is Autistic, you bastard!" John screamed at him, Eisen smiled.

"Ahh, yes, then I definitely had snagged the wrong sibling" Eisen gave a sickening grin, John basically snarled before leaning back, as long as his brother was safe.

"Good luck getting to him, they'd rather have you dead then let you harm him" John stated, Eisen knelt down.

"Is that so?" He asked, he liked I challenge I guess, I stayed silent.

"Well yeah, stupid" John glared, Eisen stroked his chin again.

"Then I shall return" Eisen swiftly got up and left, after straining to hear his shuffling across the shining floors, the slamming of the door just down the hall, I stared at John. Unsure of what just happened.

"Why'd you say that?" I asked, John sighed silently.

"They'll catch him if he even goes anywhere near my brother, he has his
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