» Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity, Santosh Jha [manga ereader TXT] 📗

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The broad idea is about a situation of destabilization of any sort and then the way out of it. The experiments may seem like an intangible process facilitating a solution of tangible trouble but it can also be intangible situations too. These four experiences or experiments have been mentioned for ease of accepting a hypothesis about media and communication of consciousness.

The experiments narrated above broadly falls in the domain of three probabilities. Though I have experimented and experienced things and successfully worked out a process of solution and relief, I shall not say what exactly it is. I shall rather analyze all possible aspects and dimensions of these processes and shall always call them as probabilities. I shall also appeal you not to fall for any interpretation or conclusion and always remain skeptic. We are not dealing here with science, which itself is not always above the scope of skepticism. We are essentially attempting scientific philosophizing, building up probabilities to unravel and decipher the entire spectrum of realism that ‘I’ or self can associate itself with. That is why I said we shall discuss these experiments and experiences under three probabilities.

1. The first probability is that we can say, there is no definitive link between process of conscious input of emotional appeal and cure or subsidence of trouble. Why? Because, we all know, even while the emotional processes may be accepted as effecting some relief to the pain and disability, there are still many other elements both tangible and intangible working towards the same goal. Like, we can say, most fevers have a cycle and it anyways comes to an end. Also, body’s own immune system is working, which takes it time and may culminate on a particular time-space coinciding with the emotional process. Also, some sort of medication is there and it also works gradually. The simple point is as emotional appeal is only one among many processes going on simultaneously, we cannot definitively say, emotional process alone did the solution or it alone was the dominant element. True it is as such a finality of assertion can be accepted only when such experiments have a sample size as big and diverse as possible. Four experiments is a very miniscule sample size. We shall analyze this probability later…

2. True that there always are multiple elements in milieus inside the body and outside working simultaneously on a situation and they keep working silently to a point when a finality of its shape is unraveled and installed. However, it is very much possible that emotional processes catalyze all other elements, speeding up and optimizing the cure mechanism.

3. The third probability is that conscious emotional elements are the singular media that matters as it alone has the communication potential and pathways that body-brain media accepts, which then in turn activates all other elements of immunity within to begin the work. In other words, body-brain mechanism essentially has the cure and magic that finally works but, it is this language of emotion or thoughtfulness, or this communication causality of emotions that brain and body either listens to or lends critical importance to for any action. This probability rests on the premise that subconscious processes probably require clear and categorical ‘critical’ communication from conscious layer of self or ‘I’ to work out actionable processes for solutions. In other words, subconscious is a neutral media but requires specific ‘communication’ from conscious part to actualize or at least catalyze certain causality.

Ideally, how our brain functions and how different layers of consciousnesses connect and communicate with each other is not something that should be talked in terms of probabilities and philosophizing. However, as contemporary science has not yet fully and irrevocably concluded this knowledge, we have this freedom and also the necessity to explore all probabilities. These probabilities themselves have been made possible because of great deal of objective and definitive knowledge that science has provided us. Also, there is surely no better empowerment for an individual to have inquisitiveness and knowledge about how our body-mind works and how we, as conscious selves can effectively use this ‘media’ of body-mind mechanism to attain optimal wellness and success in life and living. Therefore, we are always better off analyzing all possible ‘causalities’ of this media and communication that our conscious selves can have.

We pick up as many probabilities of realism that can emerge from the experiments and experiences we have narrated above. They are surely based on what science has also realized and experimented with, even while they still have to come up with definitive rules of engagement or law of causality. Moreover, science also progresses on hypotheses that emerge from experiences of human consciousness. Humans first decipher a pattern or a causality and then as we mature and evolve in knowledge, we objectively test the validity and logicality of those hypotheses. This itself is the progression of science. Therefore, scientific philosophization itself is the primary enterprise of being scientific. This is what we are doing.

The first aspect about the experiences we mentioned above is that scientific experiments tells us that even when we fake a smile, our body mind responds to it as if we are actually happy. This means, if we are depressed and do not feel like being happy at all, scientific experiments have confirmed that if we fake a smile, if just move our facial muscles that simulates a smile or laughter, it also has similar impact that an actual smile backed by actual happiness has on our body and mind. This idea is the core principle of a huge study domain of cognitive science that modern science has been able to venture into with success. As neuro-science has made great breakthroughs into brain function and its neural mechanism and processes, first time in history of humanity, we have a novel and very powerful prism of looking at ‘I’ or self in a new light.

We all know how in contemporary world, we have moved from behavioral economics that was based on archaic principles of psychology to neuro-economics based on understanding of brain science. Cognitive science weighs in how people see and accept a reality based not on objective facts and elements of physical reality but on emotional elements. For example, great numbers of middle-class people are buying big SUVs or luxury cars and large houses even when they do not need them. They do it because of their cognitive acceptance that as everyone is doing the same, it is the ‘right’ thing to do. This is neuro-economics at work, which markets and businesses pick up for brand messaging. On the contrary, if some communities in some European nations are consciously opting for small houses, cycles or shared vehicles, they too are guided by collective cognitive acceptance of this being good and right for them.

The idea is, human body-mind mechanism and its outcome that we study as different layers of consciousness seems to journey successfully with the media of emotionalism as cognitive domain seems to have a mix of physical as well as emotional elements. However, even as science has not fully established which factor weighs in how much and which way for brain states to take a final decision but it is now increasingly being accepted that cognitive factors of emotional realism stands as most dominating factor in finality of decisions.

For example, a man is out doing a risky job. His unconscious layers are perfectly wired to avoid any risky action. His subconscious layer is fully aware about the risks involved in doing the job. Still, his conscious self knows it very well that he needs good money not for his own benefit and pleasures but for education of his kids and treatment of his wife’s illness. He knows that risky jobs pay better and therefore, his decision-making is dominated by emotional elements, even while his cognitive spectrum is weighing in physical as well as instinctive elements of the realism. This cognitive economics is the most-traded coin in contemporary markets as brand communications are being done keeping emotional elements in mind.

Here, it is also relevant to talk about placebo effect that has been debated globally. We shall not discuss much about it but just mentioning it to keep in mind that placebo effect itself has been accepted by science. This suggests, there is a causality between ‘conscious’ acceptance of an element, which in turn somehow affects the subconscious and triggers some kind of positive change in body and mind mechanism. The role of conscious ‘thoughts’ and emotions in shaping some processes in subconscious layers is something we shall discuss in later chapters.

Also, there is a rather debatable role of Homeopathic treatment of diseases or symptoms. Many scientists believe that homeopathy is nothing but some sort of sorcery. However, fact remains that millions of people benefit from homeopathy drugs and line of treatment of many chronic and other diseases. Many governments spend big amount promoting homeopathy treatment as alternative medicine. We can probably see and accept that the way homeopathy treatment is done, there is an emphasis on patient-doctor emotional-connect and psychologies are played out in minute details while arriving at a diagnosis. Moreover, the idea of the mechanism of placebo effect also cannot be ruled out. Then, it may also be possible that whatever is administered as drug, it is in fact a chemical element that may well be akin to some ‘communication’, using the media of body-mind plexus. How it works may be unknown but it works, is a fact.

Then, we have a rather fascinating and modern scientific element of ‘Orientation-Healing’. This says, you are as sick or as healthy as you ‘accept’ yourself as. This is especially true about many body-mind conditions or symptoms like depression and many other mind disorders. This healing process lays emphasis on ‘Conscious’ orientation of ‘self’ towards a positive emotion and feeling, through aware thoughtfulness that ‘I Am Fine And Shall Overcome’. Even modern medical science suggests such ‘Orientation-Healing’ complementing the popular medical process through drugs and surgical interventions.

The core causality that is common in all the above healing or corrective processes are some sort of Conscious ‘Communication’ using the same subconscious media that every one of us have. The simple Rule Of Causality is that our consciousness has a mechanism and process where there is a structure of media in our body and mind, which is subconscious. However, this media does respond well to a communication that our ‘Conscious’ self inputs.

The process is, first to be aware as what probably is going on in subconscious state to understand where and what the troubles are. Then, consciously bring up the subconscious mind to an audience with conscious self and introduce the desired communication we wish for a specific goal. Then sustain this communication of ‘Conscious’ to ‘Subconscious’ in an intense mix of behavioral, emotional and physical signals so that the subconscious ‘Media’ owns this process and begins its wired ‘Communication’ plexus towards attainment of our desired goals. This broadly was what happened in all my four experiments that we have discussed at the start of this book. The conscious signaling had all the right mix of elements of language (Wordings of song), thoughts (connect to my departed father as savior), emotions (the wails and tears) and psychology (intangible mental state of painfulness and incapacitation). That probably together worked as right ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ to the ‘Media’ of my body-mind to unleash the communication for emergency situation, requiring immediate intervention of all possible Allostatic process to restore the missing Homeostasis of my body.

To conclude, it is important to fully understand the concept of Homeostasis.

It is important is to know that disease and cellular malfunction can be caused in two basic ways: either, deficiency (cells not getting all they need) or toxicity (cells being poisoned by things they do not need). Contemporary environment and lifestyle choices are doing both at the same time and that too very badly. In our fast-paced lives and peer-pressured race for unending marathon of instant-self-gratifications, we are not only depriving our bodies of the basic needs

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