» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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computer probably can diagnose the current and existing limitations and debilitations of a person’s consciousness and then prescribe behavioral and attitudinal corrections. It may be able to resolve the current genotype-phenotype conundrum. It may very well be like the diagnostic and curative roles a doctor currently performs for a diseased person.

Moreover, the most significant can be the design of a programming platform for standardization and objectivization of Information. The programming can standardize definitive ‘protocols’ for all Information that reaches a person through different devices like computers, smart phones, internet, mass media etc, so that all Information at source and also at end-user pass through the protocols for veracity checks. The protocols may define the required elements any Information must have to qualify as true one. If not, the interface shall flag it as fake and fudged, so that the end user can know what he or she has to do with it. It is like a filter, which is currently being used. Many information providers are already using protocols to filter ‘Unwanted’ and ‘Unsafe’ contents on the internet. It is also like the set of rules, which have to be there for any piece of ‘Evidence’ to be accepted in a court of law. The express purpose is to weed out fake and fudged Information into societies and cultures. The average human mind is not aware enough to filter Information. The artificial intelligence has the potential to install standardized filtering processes under high benchmarks of objectivity and precision, so that an average person gets only verified and genuine Information. Information benchmarking is what artificial intelligence can do very successfully and it shall ensure; what we have previously talked about; universality of Liberty to all. In one line, technology can present an external mechanism of Higher Consciousness, which could work like the sentinel of protection and guidance. This is the situation of Hybrid Consciousness, but for facilitative purposes.

Scientists are also already talking of some diagnostic as well as interventionist super technology, which can access brain’s information plexus. This can make a man-made machine get real time data about possible causalities of entropic thoughtfulness and detrimental ‘mental representations’. The corrections could be interventionist or behaviorally curative. The primary facility is to have access to Information within brain states. It is all about how humanity installs mechanisms and processes, which have the potentials to safeguard the precious sanctity and sanity of Information, within a person’s mind consciousness as well as in external milieus of societies and cultures. As we have been talking about the crucial and critical role the Information has in the spectrum of Realities human consciousness and human systems; we can understand how big facility it can be if human knowledge could ensure the highest standards of sanctity and sanity of Information.

I cannot resist keeping my objectivity aside for a while and allowing my subjective consciousness to speak about my own favorite piece of probable future technology. I hope for an artificial intelligence facility; combining elements from the domains of neuroscience and quantum biology, in very near future, which could present a holographic simulation of ‘Probabilities of Causalities’ for every mind consciousness. It could be like; I am presented with this Interface of Information Processing Technology, where I shall personally feed all personal Information data regarding my own being, consciousness, behavioral-attitudinal attributes, preferences, belief patterns, etc; either through option-building questionnaire or otherwise. The interface may also supply protocols and extensions to derive information from my brain states. Then; the processing mechanism matches them, weeds out discrepancies, constructs computational pathways to assemble an ‘Informational Model’ of my Consciousness. This Informational consciousness can then be transformed into a holographic imagery of my own being on a screen. Here the magic shall begin…

This alternative holographic me or ‘I’ shall then be fed, one by one, different probabilistic ‘Causalities’ that any human being may confront in his or her life-living. The interface would then process all relevant Information data available and simulate the most likely behavior-attitude-action a particular ‘Causality’ shall elicit from my holographic consciousness or ‘Simulated I’. For example, the interface would be fed with a probability of causality of me ‘reacting’, if my girlfriend ditched me. Oh! As this is an impossible probability ay my age; so may be, the interface would be assigned the ‘Causality’ of me reacting to the event of me being diagnosed with a serious disease. Etc. As I shall be seeing a simulation of me in its behavioral/actional avatar, it shall facilitate a whole range of probable Information about future and very naturally; it shall help me in making a valid, right and optimal choice. This facility creates a good and sound probability of an alternative linearity of past-present-future for me and this shall optimize my decision-making. This is somehow what my Higher Consciousness should ideally do for me but then; we all know, how stupid and hypocritical ‘I’ could be, if not provided with right and true Information! This interests me because, my own personal experiences with people and life-living make me understand that most often, people do something and opt out something, which is a decision in the reactionary or intuitive ‘presentness’ of their current mind consciousness, they regret in future. In majority of cases, people have the potential of their innate consciousness to do better and make better choices but their reactionary propensities and priorities in presentness and contemporaneousness of Time, lead them to wrong or inappropriate ones they later regret. Often, it happens as the consciousness either does not have right-true Information or it somehow fails to line them up at the point of a reactionary decision. If only they could be made to stop for a while, see how future would play out the fallouts of their hasty and reactionary decisions and choices, through a simulated holographic ‘I’; they in most likelihood be saved of their inevitable regrets. No doubt, the world could be a better place. Like, if the ‘Simulated I’ of a person could tell in advance how his ‘current’ reaction to the probable causality of his girlfriend leaving him would play out in future; he probably would lend more time and poise to his decision and this may save his relationship or at least the ‘negativity’ that would accrue out of his decision or choices! Anyway, many scientists would love to make you believe that I, you and our life-living is just a simulation of the mega information processing mechanism of the cosmos! A simulation within a simulation may at least expose the bad and unworthy design of the cosmic simulation!

What I am attempting to point out with great respect towards the potential of non-intuitive thinking of collective human mind consciousness, is this huge probability of facilitating true, right, objective, accurate, innate, unadulterated Information Plexus to average human being. The potential adds more facility and empowerment to an average person by this currently missing linkages of his or her ‘Present’ with past and future. The option-building of Information about varied probabilistic choices that a person can and should make, when confronted with a certain life-living ‘Causality’, can be a huge platform for wellness and excellence. Ideally, the higher consciousness is powerful and potent enough to perform this stupendous task but as we know, it is available to only a handful. The Holographic Me may also do the task better. This idealism of Hybrid Consciousness is probably something humanity can live out for optimizing its true potential. This is what we seek for humanity. This is what the Higher Consciousness of a person does and facilitates. However, as it is very tough for an average person, struggling with his or her survival woes in daily life-living, to work out this Higher Consciousness, the technological wherewithal doing it for him or her shall be great. This sure is not the space to talk about the flip side of this all, so we are leaving it on your imagination. You already know, how human potentials works best when offered a probability of calamitous choices!

What truly is a near future potential of huge benefit to humanity is the probability of artificial intelligence being able to equal the processing capabilities of human brain. This may facilitate a knowledge domain, which may successfully weed out massive amount of faith-based stupidities and hypocrisies the contemporary world of spiritualism and religion very sneakily proliferate for detriment of mass majority of innocent, unaware and uninformed-misinformed people. As we have discussed above, the science of Emergence and the science of Causality of Reality is currently crippled by the fact that the current potential of scale, interconnection and diversity of Information for computation, which are required for simulation of specificity of emergence and causality is not available. As in very near future, humanity attains this singularity of artificial brain equaling and even surpassing human brain’s innate potential of Information processing, scientists may very well be able to unravel and decipher the ‘Code of Causality’ of myriad shades of Emergent Realities. This shall definitively weed out the faith-based stupidities and hypocrisies. This shall facilitate the model-building for alternative and novel Realities and life-living purpose for larger humanity. The unraveling of magic of Information processing at molecular and cellular levels may truly be portals for a new humanity.

As we said earlier, we shall not go into the details of all shades of potential and probabilities that futuristic science may open up for humanity but we shall definitively list out what we are expecting in very near future and they are truly mesmerizing. We are expecting criticality and singularity in the domain of Information and its massive and very complex holism. This shall happen as contemporary science is making exponential progress in the domain of artificial intelligence and molecular biology. These twin domains have the massive potential of unraveling the holism of Information at Media as well as Milieu levels. They may reach out to decipher the innate and entrenched Information and Language of the very building blocks of reality, which are there for Coding the Causality of Reality. I invest best of my hopes for that.

As I very humbly insisted at the very start of the eBook, Optimism Alone Is Immortal and it has to be. The grief and gloom presiding over every neuron of my brain states is powerful; yet, it cannot smother the optimism my higher consciousness invests in human potential. I remain invested in the potential of human consciousness but I also understand the pragmatism of the realities at the grassroots levels. That is why I insist on optimality of human potentials through the singular element of sanctity-sanity of Information, which I consider as inevitable for Liberty. Human potential without Liberty is impossible. The Liberty is possible only when there is facilitative Milieu. That is why I have very humbly attempted to talk with you around these core ideas of Information, Media and Milieu. I have unadulterated faith in the potential of you and all my readers, who have been magnanimous enough to receive and understand million times more than what I am able to express. I have come this far; writing my 45th eBook in your hands, only because of this unflinching optimism. Optimism alone is immortal. It must…!









Time to exit…! But it is never easy. Entry somehow seems easy; even though it is something one can’t do anything about. I was born, I made the Entry but it was beyond me. However, when I die, I make the Exit, it is definitively something I can probably do something. But, Exit is tough; primarily because, you have the latitude to do something about it. As I entered the eBook, you know it was beyond me. It just happened, as most births do. However, as I am about to Exit the eBook, this facility of having so many different options to devise the Exit is source of joy; but also poses a trouble – How best I can do it!

Do kindly believe me; as I am writing this to say au revoir, dasvidaniya or ‘until we meet again’, if

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