» Psychology » Sweet Whispers, S.K. Nuanes [best thriller books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Sweet Whispers, S.K. Nuanes [best thriller books to read txt] 📗». Author S.K. Nuanes

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"What! How?" I said, in shock.
"Don't worry, Allie what matter is you are safe." Dylan said, softly as he kept me close to him.

There was a knock at the door my mother walked in, surprised to see me and Dylan like this.
"Alice I have a surprise for you." My mother said.
"Come downstairs." My mother said, leaving us.
I got up and out of Dylan arms, he looked at me then said, "I will stay here. Not apart of your family."
I walked down the stairs there was a man about thirty-seven, blonde hair slick back, ivory skin and green eyes, He had on a grey suit and a blue shirt under it.
"Who the hell is this?" I asked looking at the man.
"Alice, me and Hank been dating for two years, we are getting married!" My mother said, excited.
God no this can't be happening...

I looked at Hank I was happy for her but my father did he mean anything to her?
"Oh...great when is the wedding?" I asked, trying to sound excited.
"In two month's so much to do!" My mother said, already in panic mod.
"He has a daughter I am sure you two will be great friends."

I went back up to my room and closed the door behind me Dylan looked at me and I fell into his arms and he said softly, "Why are you crying?"
I looked up at him then said, "My mother is remarrying."
"So you dont want anyone but your biological father, right?" Dylan asked, softly.
"Yeah." I said, sighing.
"I am sorry about what happened to your dad." Dylan whispered in my ear.
I looked at him then Dylan phone rang I sat up Dylan reached over to the nightstand and answered it.
"Hey Andrew." Dylan said, he got up and left the room leaving me wondering who he was talking to.
He came back a few minutes later he seemed really angry, he hugged me and said, "I need to go, will you be ok."
I nodded but I wasn't ok not sure how I could be ok.
I couldn't get the dream out of my head, the eyes of a demon, fangs of a vampire and voice of a devil.
Although what was going on seemed even more real, I exhaled I remember the cut on my temple.
Crap, crap crap!
Dylan had to seen it, meaning Dylan would will beat Adam up for sure. I fixed my hair to cover it for sure, and I placed a bandage on it.


Dylan walked into Andrew's house it was dim lighting average looking house he didn't live in a house like Dylan's.
"Andrew!" Dylan shouted.
"God no need to shout." Andrew said, sitting on the stair railing at the top he got up and slid down the railing on his feet.
"What is it?" Andrew exhaled.
"Stay away from Alice, I know what your motives are." Dylan growled low.
"Me dangerous?" Oh don't know dangerous remember you killed Zac." Andrew chuckled.
"He was a douche he deserved to die."
"Dylan don't you remember."
Dylan raised an eyebrow, "Remember what?"
Andrew grinned then said, "Well, you'll remember soon enough."
Andrew started to leave then Dylan grabbed Andrew and threw him into a wall.
Andrew got up and dusted off his shoulders and popped his neck back into place.
"Dylan you should known better." Andrew grinned baring sharp vampire fangs.

It was time to go meet my future sibling I had on a short blue dress on it was a royal blue, it had one strap, it went down to my knees. My mother drove us to a restaurant it was called, "Le France." It's a 5 star place. My mother had on a black ruffy dress with diamond earrings, her hair in a bun.
We went inside, and waited upfront for someone to seat us, finally we got to a table in the back it was a booth, it was very fancy it felt like you were walking into a french cafe. In Paris itself.
Hank came over with a teenage girl, it was Brittany. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a white strapless short dress, black high heels she was about my age or a year older.
Hank sat next to my mother and Brittany sat next to me. Here comes the small talk.
We all know what it is, what are your hobbies? Where are you from? Any colleges you have in mind. My mother started it.
"So Brittany what school do you attend or will be attending?" My mother asked.
"L.A Private High." Brittany said smiling.
"Alice attends there." My mother said, smiling back.
"Alice are you on the cheerleading team, you got such a tiny figure." Brittany said turning towards me.
"No, they dont like me." I said, thinking of how much they hated me.
"To bad you would be amazing." Brittany said, giggling then eating some salad.
The dinner seemed to never end.
I didn't like Hank or the very idea of my mother remarrying. I know it sounds selfish, but it feels like she forgotten about my dad. She doesn't talk about him. No pictures of him. I took off the dress ,"I always knew you had a stunning figure." Adam said, smirking.
I turned around he was leaning against a wall I was fully nude expect for some underwear.
"Get out of my room!" I snapped, I wasn't in a good mood.
Adam covered my mouth with his hand and snarled, "Dare call for help, and you'll end up like poor Rose."
What the hell did he do to her! He waited then removed his hand form my mouth he smirked at my reaction to his simple words.
He walked to the window, I got on a jacket and zipped it up. "What did you do to her." I said low.
"Nothing my dear, only called a few friends to...take care of her. When she backed talked me." Adam said, turning towards me.
"She back talks everyone!" I snapped.
Adam help up a finger to his lips ordering me to be silent. He removed it then said, "She insulted me."
"She insults everyone." I said rolling my eyes.
"I dont think you want her fate, if you dont then get on that bed."
Adam grabbed a knife from his jacket, it was razor sharp how it gleamed in the dim light.
"Now if you like life. I would suggest doing as I say."
I exhaled and he pushed me onto the bed. He climbed on-top of me and unzipped my jacket.
"To easy." Adam said low, with a chuckle.

The next day at school Rose was gone and so was Dylan. Andrew came over to me during student prep also known as free period.
"You ok?" Andrew asked.
He had gotten a lip piercing he had on a black jacket, a Disturbed

shirt on under and ripped jeans.
"Is Dylan ok?" I said, sighing.
Dylan never missed a day of school if he did he would of let me know.
"Oh yeah he told me he moved away. Greg his adopted father had reasons, personal reasons. He isn't sure if Dylan is coming back or when." Andrew said, trying to remember details of what Greg had said.
I had to call or text him, why would he move and not tell me!?
During lunch I left the patio where Andrew was, I puled out my i-phone and dialed Dylan.
It was ringing for awhile...
"Hey this is Dylan, I dont feel like answering or Alice took my phone. So leave a message and I will get back to you."
"Dylan where are you? And no I dont always take your phone." I said, sighing then hanging up.
Andrew came over I was facing the lockers he came over and wrapped his arms around me.
"What's wrong? Adam is out of town. You should be happy." Andrew said, into my ear.
"I know but I need to talk to Dylan." I said, looking down at my feet.

One week has passed since Dylan had gone missing. If i try to call him now it goes straight to voice mail.
I was at the hospital with Rose there was a animal attack.

Chapter 7 "A crow and a bullet"

She laid on the bed motionless. Adam was trying to cut my friends off from me. Did he something ot say something to Dylan, to make him leave? Rose was on the edge of dying.
Did that mean Andrew was next?
I got up from the chair and looked at Rose's side was bleeding. I carefully moved the gown up, a huge bite, and she was beaten up badly. Looked like she got abused before the attack,
I called the nurse in that bite mark wasnt there before.
I went out in the hall way and watched from the window, "You know Rose wont live through the night." Adam said chuckling coming over to me.
:"What did you do to her!"
"Me? ph I dont leave that kind of damage." Adam said, smiling at me.
"Where is Dylan?" I said low, glaring at Adam.
Adam pushed a strand of hair out of my face.
"My dear, if I knew where he was I would be taking him to hell. The Devil would find him a great addition to his collection." Adam said, smiling at me.
"Then where is he?" I said, confused.
"Who knows...and who cares." Adam said, smiling and kissing me.

Rose was my best friend now she may be dead.
I knew her story so did Dylan.

I was out playing waiting for my mother to finish paying at the grocery store, a girl sat alone on a swing-set. Long black hair a pink dress on. I looked at her, I went over to her.
"Hi, I am Alice."
"Oh, hi I am Rose."

I never knew what happened to her at her house. Her brother who is still in prison who would rape her, She never showed weakness around others, so it seemed like everything was fine. We fake emotions around loved ones so they wont worry about us. Dylan has the most tragic past out of us three.
Yet he tells me never to speak of it, in his eyes it like a movie playing over, he can't look away can't close his eyes or look away.
How I wish I could help him but how can you help someone when they don't want to be helped?

Brittany was talking to my mother, trying to get along with her future step-mother. Brittany had on a Hollister shirt with flowers on it, was white.
"Hey Alice, me and mom were talking about the wedding."
Mom...your serious?

I rolled my eyes and exhaled.
"Oh, how is it going?" I said, trying to sound excited.
"Great." Brittany said smiling.
My mother smiled at Hank who came in behind me, I got out of his way and went up to my room.

We all sat in a living room, mom and Hank cuddled together Brittany sat next to me but she was doing her nails.
We were watching "The Middle." Hank never seen it, me and my mom always watch it when it's on.
Then the news came on great...
"We interrupt your program for a special report. Over twenty-nine girls been going missing each week. The first murder was at L.A Private High. Expect for the first murder all the victims been taken to their favorite place. Then the killer writes in the victim blood and leaves a message. Police have allowed us to use some examples. "Michelle has tango

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