» Psychology » Sweet Whispers, S.K. Nuanes [best thriller books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Sweet Whispers, S.K. Nuanes [best thriller books to read txt] 📗». Author S.K. Nuanes

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Preface-- Summer's End

It was the last day of summer vacation, I didn't want to go back to high school. Freshmen year was one Emotional Coaster of Hell.
People loved to play with my emotions and throw me onto the street left for dead.
Everyone I thought who would never hurt me they slowly cut me down piece by piece.
I didn't want to live after that although I got help, but the memories are like flames inside my mind burning me from the inside. I still had a few friends who were going to be with me until the end.
Which made me feel somewhat better inside. The sky was a soft baby blue no clouds were in sight, it was clearly not the end of summer yet. The heat was still making young children hide in the shade and the adults hide inside the safety of their homes.
I sat on the step leading to my house, the neighborhood was quiet it was after noon everyone was inside I needed the fresh air. I didn't know what was in store for me tomorrow, god I was hoping I wasn't due for another endless ride of hell.
I had on a short sleeve white shirt and light blue jeans and blue sneakers. I had soft brown hair, blue/green eyes and ivory skin.
No one really cared about me that much at school if I was crying no one would bother to ask if I was alright. I was nothing but a shadow on the wall to others.
I closed my eyes and sighed and I stood up and walked down the sidewalk.
I wonder if Rose was home or not, she was one of the only friends who hadn't gotten lost in the ways of high school. Drugs. Being popular. Pregnancy. Fights.
High school is hell, only a few can make it through with only a few scars. Many get trapped inside one of the punishment chambers.
I walked to Rose's house which wasn't to far from my house. I knocked on the door. There was a few seconds of waiting the door opened.

It opened there was a girl about 15 she had short black hair, blue eyes ivory skin she was really skinny could swear she must be a size 00.
She had on a short sleeve dark red shirt with skulls on it and jeans on.
Her father was rich until he died and they lost all of their money, her step mother didn't want the money they 'threw' all of it away.
"Oh hey Alice what do you need?" Rose asked.
"I don't know someone to hang out with." I said, shrugging.
"Alright can Dylan come?" Rose asked.
"I'm not sure, he hasn't been himself all summer." I said, sighing.
Dylan was the other friend who was still in one piece.
You could say...
"Come on last day of summer, before going back to high school. We got into Rose's car even though she didn't know how to drive she didn't care if she was underage.
It was a soft blue mustang year 2010 I would think.
We drove to Dylan's house which was on the other side of town, he lived in the upper class. Although he wasn't like the average rich kid.
He was different, a friend someone special to me.
We got to a white mansion and we went to the door and rung the doorbell a butler answered the door he was about seventy-five, he had wrinkly skin, which was darker then mine. He had brown eyes and a black tux on with black dress shoes.
"Good afternoon ladies how may I help you?" The butler asked with a British accent.
"We are here to see Dylan." I said.
"Oh, yes do come in." The butler said, opening the door more welcoming.
The house was amazing beautiful and stunning we went up to Dylan's room. Which was on the third floor and went to his room down on the right end of the house.
We went inside I missed Dylan so much.

There he was he turned around when he heard the door open, he was stunning. Soft blue eyes, short dark brown hair, he was taller then me he had some muscles on him not to much but just perfect to feel protected by him.
He had on a grey shirt with dark blue jeans, he got up and looked at us, surprised we were here.
"Hey Dylan." I said, smiling.
"Oh hey...Alice." Dylan said, smiling come over to us.
He hugged me in his warm loving arms. Oh how much I felt alive in his hugs.
He looked at me and had a slight laugh, "Someone doesn't want to go."
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back into reality and released him from my hug.
"Hey Rose." Dylan said, looking over at Rose.
She smiled, "Hey Dylan, Alice was worried about you."
He looked at me I sighed as he smiled sweetly, "Thank you Alice."
Rose ruined the moment, "Well how about we all go see that new movie, what is it called I forgot the name. Want to come Dylan?"
"Sure." Dylan said, smiling at us.
We all went downstairs and got into Rose's car.
"Umm should I drive?" Dylan asked, afraid to be in the car with Rose driving.
"I can drive." Rose said, defending herself.
"Yes but not legally." Dylan said, grinning at Rose.
Dylan was only one year older then me so he was old enough to drive.
Rose let out a heavy exhale and got out and got in the back I was in the passenger seat Dylan came around to the driver's seat.
He looked at her waiting until she put her seatbelt on.
Once we were ready we drove off, Dylan was someone who seemed like a dream he was perfect.
Although he was so far out reach it was like chasing your shadow no matter how much you desired to touch it. You could never touch it.

We arrived at the movies we looked at what was showing not many good movies were playing but we picked to see Fright Night.
Rose was afraid of the idea of vampires running around, but me and Dylan we didn't mind how I remember me and Dylan playing video games together when we were kids.
We got some nice seats I sat by Dylan and Rose sat by me.
Dylan looked wrapped an arm around me, how this felt right but I knew he wouldn't see how I saw him. A sweet dream which I was going to wake up from. It was only a matter of time.

After the movies Rose was freaking out I had to hold my smirking back. Dylan looked at the time on his Iphone4 and said, "It's about four. I should get home. So I will see you guys at school tomorrow right?"
"Yeah see you." Rose said, smiling.
I smiled at Dylan softly, "Do you need a ride home. It's not safe really."
"I will be fine, I will take the trolly." Dylan said, looking over to the nearest trolly station.
"But Dyl---." I started.
"Alice...I will be fine." Dylan said, in a strong voice. I sighed and nodded.
He smiled and gave me a hug his hand gently ran through my hair.
"I will be fine." Dylan whispered into my ear.
I nodded as I didn't want to let him go but I had to.
Dylan walked off I didn't want to stare after him I looked at Rose then said, "Let's go home."
We drove to her house I didn't mind walking home if I walked fast enough no one would bother me and this was a safe neighborhood. I got out of the car and waved to Rose as I stated walking fast to get home.
It didn't take long for me to get home I went inside the house.
It wasn't as fancy as Dylan's but it was a simple town house a welcoming hallway I took the modern looking stairs up to the second floor and went to my room which had white walls a few posters the carpet was soft and an eggshell. A full size bed with soft blue cover and white sheets the head broad looked like someone weaved it from dark straw there was no foot broad.
A dresser with a mirror and a closet and a window looking out to the street. I laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. High school was something no one could escape, you could drop out but you would be trapped in a new hell.
There was no heaven in hell.

Chapter One: 'Letters in Blood.'

Hell welcomed everyone with open arms, I brushed my hair my hair and pushed it behind my shoulders but it fell in front of my shoulders.
I had on a short sleeve black shirt and jeans on I got my shoes on and my bag and went down to the bus stop.
Rose came over to me she had on a yellow tank top and short shorts, and white flats.
"Hey, Alice so ready to go to hell?" Rose asked, laughing.
"Yeah sure." I said, shrugging, the yellow bus came around the corner a ugly woman was the driver she opened the door we didnt say anything to the woman we took our seats and she drove off.

We arrived at school and we were the last ones off the bus I went to Ceramics. I got on a big T-shirt to protect my clothes and I grabbed the wet clay and tried to make it into a ball but it would keep sticking to my hands.
I didn't know anyone really in that class I kept to myself. After that I went to my other classes then in Drama II I looked around to see if any of my friends were there. Two arms wrapped around me it was Dylan.
"Why hello there." Dylan whispered into my ear.
"Hey, I didn't know you were taking Drama II." I said, looking up at him.
He had on a dark red shirt on and ripped jeans.
"Well surprise." Dylan said, smiling.
We found a corner and we sat down I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Did you sleep good?" Dylan had a slight laugh.
"Oh yeah just resting my head on you because you are comfy." I said, looking up at him.
His blue eyes were so beautiful he was stunning then the teacher walked in, "Hello class we will be doing a framing exercise. Get into groups and pick a story. You know how framing works."
Everyone rushed to their friends me and Dylan got up and went to join a smaller group.

At lunch Rose was sitting alone I sat with her and Dylan came up from behind me and tickled my sides I almost started laughing but I jumped first.
"Come on laugh." Dylan said, smiling at me.
I giggled slightly, he sat next to me, "So how has been your first day."
"Good, Rose?" I asked looking at Rose.
"Yeah been fine seen a lot of cute guys." Rose giggled.
"Going to be a cheerleader Alice." Dylan grinned at me, but he was asking both of us, we could both see Rose being one more then me. Dylan knew I never really got a long with them.
"Well going to be on the foot ball team Dylan?" I asked, teasing him.
"Maybe not sure." Dylan said,

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