» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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shrinkage is ascribed to the lesser requirements of muscles and body strength in the same period as human brain could ensure a better settled life and countered the vagaries of wild milieus better. They required less muscle strength but more cognitive skills. The same with most domesticated animals. How many dogs today are required to have great hunting skills and attitude for their owners? The shrinkage may also be ascribed to better and smarter wiring of brain states. We know how computer over the ages have become smarter as they can stuff more memories in smaller chips.

Modern humanity has clearly paved the way for a new evolution, where the new human species of brainy and otherwise endowed humans shall survive and excel and the mediocre and less endowed shall perish in coming centuries, if not decades. This new evolution is very much evident and perceptible. We shall talk about it in detail later.





My worthy elders taught me, made my consciousness ‘Unlearn’, with priceless humility but definitive certainty – There is nothing right, nothing wrong. There is also no good or bad. They do not actually matter and we humans must never waste our precious time and energy on them. What is singularly important and worth human understanding and enterprise is the reality that there are a few things, elements and entities, which are melodic and most things are cacophonous. Men and women should strive all their lives to adhere to the former and distance away from the later.

This eBook is in a language I have probably just begun to unravel, after 50 years of unlearning. It is not a language to transfer ‘Content’ of mind but Intent of innocence and honesty of de-cultured consciousness. May the mellifluous melody of my humble ‘Intent’ reach you and feel the same, even while I am apologetically in acceptance that at times, there is a lurking probability of some of my expressions sounding inharmonious. Do kindly forgive me. Some Realities may be too ‘harsh’ to be amenable to melodic sound and feel. And; my stupidity may also spoil possibilities…



Humble Request & Acknowledgement


As has always been with my writings, I insist that I never say – ‘I know and that is why I am telling you’. I very humbly and sincerely request that you should never accept anything I say, without assigning it to the primary and transcendental energy of skepticism. I wish you to test the validity of any probability or hypothesis I am building up in this eBook. Why I say this? Because I believe, reading is a collaborative process. I have internalized and experienced things, which I am sharing with you. I have also gone through long process of learning; especially unlearning and observed skepticism. All this needs to sink in and get internalized in your consciousness. It shall sink in and get internalized through the same process of learning/unlearning and observed skepticism by you. Do step in, involve, evolve and optimize your best potentials by partnering into this eBook enterprise. Welcome…


Writing for me is an enterprise in self-negation. I am in peaceful acceptance of the futility of words as carriers of intent and content. Still, I write, continuing with this 45th eBook and if life allows, shall keep writing, negating my own deep sense of futility of the exercise. I write just for the sake of my humble self-belief that whatever I have internalized in life through a long and painful process of learning and especially unlearning; must be documented, so that if probability has it, someone may save some precious time and energy in his or her own internalization process. This probably is what one may accept as an inheritance worth half a dime. Compassion is what I inherited and compassion is what I can leave as legacy. I dedicate my writings to that someone, who shares my humility for acceptance of compassion. Thanks…!










Naqs Faryadi Hai Kiski Shokhi-e-Tehreer Ka,

Kagzi Hai Pairahan Har Paikar-e-Tasweer Ka...


This is the immortally celebrated lines of the legendary poet and cult celebrity of Indian subcontinent Mirza Ghalib, who is known to have said it impromptu, in front of the king and patron Bahadur Shah Zafar, reflecting brilliantly on the ‘Reality’ of reality and that of his own life situation. The lines have many shades of meanings embedded in the metaphoric selection of words and syntactic formulation. It sure expresses the twin core realities of human life-living – Depravity of culture and Illusion of reality.

The couplet speaks about how a piece of reality (a sketch on the paper), is standing as an accused, pleading innocence, in front of the court of justice, because someone, just for the sake of sadistic fun or egoism, has filed a complaint against it. The second line insists that the piece of reality, standing as ‘accused’, itself is being presented as ‘true copy’, even when it is wrapped in the muffling dress of ‘paper’. In other words, the ‘Reality’, which is being ‘judged’ for its culpability is being presented not in actuality but as an imagery or metaphor of the reality.

This speaks of the two classical dilemmas and confusion, every human life-living is destined for. First is the ‘Illusion’ of reality, as most of the times, the reality is only a supposed imagery of a reality, missing the details of the entirety and holism of actual reality. It speaks volumes on how hypocritical humanity seldom rises above the instinctive stupidity of ‘accepting’ a metaphor or ‘representation’ as Reality. Second is the ‘externalities’ of the ambient and localized milieus, primarily the elements of populist and predominant cultures, which dictate, who stands as accused-culprit and who runs scot-free as success. The Illusion of Reality and Slavery of Milieu/Culture are the two ever-pervasive elements in the life-living of every person, which is a Scammed Destiny. Sadly enough, even when the person himself or herself thinks he or she is at its Free Will, to make decisions of life, it is actually the embedded and undersurface twin-energy of illusion and cultures that shape and fix destinies. Average person is actually a slave, not a free person. One can imagine, what societies and human systems, comprising these slaved consciousnesses, are and what they in turn facilitate for larger humanity! Garbage in garbage out! And still, not even being aware; rather blissfully upbeat! This presents the probable advocacy for an ‘alternative’ reality for larger humanity…

This is the contemporary position of modern science, which has made great breakthroughs in neuro-science, brain research and Reality in general. Before that, aware and intelligent humans have expressed this bitter and scammed reality through different media of art and literature. This also is not a new knowledge as ancient Oriental philosophy has loads of writings on the same situation, since 3000 years back. This is what Buddha referred to, when he spoke of breaking the walls of his house. This is Unshackling the mind consciousness of the Incarcerating ‘walls’ of Illusion and Culture. We need to first unravel and decipher the twin ideas of illusion and cultures. As is the old and tested methodology for understanding a complicated and tough idea with simplicity and ease, we use a simple metaphor for it. This is something we all are familiar with and practice. However, we need to be warned that a metaphor is never the holism of Reality. It is only for understanding a reality in its entirety.

So, what we do, when we think of making the best use of our vacations and decide to travel to a popular tourist destination? We do good bit of thinking and loads of planning before embarking on the journey. We want to Optimize the joy and satisfaction of the precious vacations and therefore, wish to take into account all possible aspects of the journey and visit to the destination. But then, the core trouble is that we usually do not have any or much Information and facts about the place and the facilities available at the destination. That is why we Pre-Plan and make efforts to have as much information as possible and make preparations suitably.

Someone, who may not like to leave anything on trial and error, may opt for tour package of a renowned tour operator and buy a guided stay and sightseeing, etc. Very naturally, there is good likelihood that everything would go great for this individual and his or her family as everything is handled by corporate finesse and benchmarked standards.

However, another person may like to take everything in his or her hands and not opt for former option. This person shall search online, access reviews of the sights, hotels, restaurants, transport facilities and a whole range of information. This person may prioritize his or her options by risking it on a budget hotel and then splurge the saved money on extending his travel to deeper countryside. In other words, this person may opt for something, which has his or her total and perfect Free Will, in all the choices available and would not like to conform to the ‘pre-decided’ packaged or benchmarked, populist options of his or her travel, stay and sightseeing, et al.

We sure cannot judge and decide on the merit, worth and utility of the two choices made by two different persons. It may be possible that both optimized their joys and satisfaction as per their desire and wish. It may also be possible that one got it right and other not. May be, both end up dissatisfied. In any case, we cannot judge which option is better. Both options had different shades of joys, satisfaction, thrills and even Free Will. Also, both options have probabilities of going right as well as flop. Moreover, right-wrong, satisfaction-dissatisfaction etc, are subjective entities and therefore, objective judgment is does not seem a probability here.

However, if we compare the above situation with our life-living, we can probably be in better position to ‘judge’ the utility-worth of the two options. We are born to specific parents, family, society, culture, geography and history. It is like making a trip to a place for tourism. Given the scale of life on earth, many since ages have considered the time period between our birth and death as ‘vacation’ and people as ‘tourists’.

In our lives too, there are broadly two options – first is like opting for a life-living, value system, faith, beliefs, habits, customs et al, which the parents, family, society and culture ‘packages’ for us. This package is standard, popularly benchmarked one and a settled option; therefore very naturally, this ‘package’ may well be considered ‘safe’ and as most things come as ‘guided’ and ‘pre-planned’, there is no or little personal investment and enterprise of time and energy on thinking and planning. Here, the corporate tour operator is existing popular ‘Culture’ and tour ‘package’ is the prevalent-dominant customs, practices, faith, beliefs, etc. There no doubt is a space for Free Will, even in guided ‘tour packages’, as the person may never ever think he is anyway being ‘guided’ and ‘pre-ordained’. There sure are enough small choices one can make, within this ‘packaged’ inevitability.

The trouble however is, the life-living is a much complex and layered reality than tourism and most importantly, these elements of ‘packaged’ and ‘guided’ embedment is not offered as ‘choice’ to a new born till the age of his adulthood. The tourist however is already an adult and when these packages and guided elements are offered to him or her for his or her free-willed discretion, it is accepted that he or she would make ‘informed choices’. The new born child, as the tourist, has in fact no choice but to take the only and inevitable ‘package’ of ‘guided’ tour, destination stay and sightseeing, compulsorily installed on the mind consciousness of the new born, as he or she journeys into his or her adulthood. A vast majority of people live out their complete life and die, ‘willfully’ adhering to and following

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